1000字范文 > 六年级英语单词专项练习题_小学六年级英语教案


时间:2021-02-10 17:38:56




1. what____________your mother do?

she is____________teacher.

2.____________does she work?

she____________in a school.

3. what’s____________hobby?

she likes____________shopping. last weekend

she____________shopping with me.

4. today is monday.


5. what____________you do yesterday?

i helped my mother____________housework.

6.____________you have a cold last week?

yes, i did.

7. ____________ you feel better now?

yes, thank you.

8. mike: how____________you, amy? you look so happy.

amy: yes. i____________excited. i am going on a big trip.

how____________you? you look happy too.

mike: yes. my father____________going____________buy me a new bike.

9. what____________you do yesterday?

it ____________windy. i____________kites in the park.

10. what____________you do in summer?

i often____________swimming.

11. what does your father____________?

he____________a nurse.

____________he work in a hospital?

yes, he____________in a big hospital in our city.

12. amy didn’t____________ to school yesterday.

she had a headache.

13.____________does john go to school?

he usually____________to school by bike.

14.____________he go to school by bike this morning?

no, he didn’t. he____________to school on foot.

15. what did you____________for breakfast this morning?

i had bread and milk.

16. ____________did you go on your holiday?

i went to hong kong.

17.____________ did you do there?i went shopping.
