1000字范文 > 单品 unit英语短句 例句大全

单品 unit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-19 22:56:02


单品 unit英语短句 例句大全



1.Research on the method of cost management forunit and single management face to project manufacturing;面向项目制造的单品成本管理方法研究

2)Single product plant单产品厂

3)Unit consumption of product产品单耗

1.This paper introduced various factors which influence on unit consumption of hot rolled plat, measares for lowering unit consumption of products and energy saving benefits have been obtained in this plant.文章介绍了影响热轧板材产品单耗的各种因素、降低产品单耗的措施及取得的节能效果。


1.Enterprises will be encouraged to adopt new technologies to upgrade their existing equipment and technologies, in order to reduce the unit cost of their products and the emission of pollutants.鼓励企业利用新技术对现有设备和工艺进行改造,降低产品单耗和污染物排放。

2.unit manpower needs单位产品必要的劳动消耗量

3.labor coefficient劳动量(单位产品的劳动消耗量)

4.International Comparison of China s Energy Consumption per Unit Products and its Implications;我国能源密集产品单位能耗的国际比较及启示

5.preferential price of high power-consumption industrial products高耗电工产品优待价

6.exchange of products in accordance with labour values按劳动耗费量交换产品

7.Repair Voucher for Stores on Inventory Charge [GF 274]非耗用物品修理单〔通用表格第274号〕

8.Exchange Voucher for Stores on Inventory Charge [GF 275]非耗用物品更换单〔通用表格第275号〕

9.efficiency (such as resources per unit in terms of time and money),external effects (such as statutory and regulatory change),效率(如以时间和费用来衡量的单位产品所耗用的资源);外部影响(如法律法规发生变化);

10.The account is used to record toolings which cannot record in plant assets of the unit.本科目核算项目单位库存的达不到固定资产标准的工具、器具、低值易耗品等材料、物资。

11.Per Unit GDP Energy Consumption,Total Factor Productivity and Industrialization;单位GDP能耗、全要素生产率与工业化

12.Study on the Method of Lower Consumption of Formaldehyde in Industry Production Process浅述降低工业生产中甲醛单耗的方法

13.The reasons for the high unit consumption of electrode and countermeasures about yellow phosphorus productions黄磷生产中电极单耗高的原因及对策

14.Loss of bulk petroleum liquid productsGB11085-1989散装液态石油产品损耗


16.Ways to Improve Quality of Silicoferrite Products and Reduce Power Consumption提高硅铁产品质量和降低电耗的途径

17.But since its trial production in , it had not come to its designed capacity and had a very high u-nit electricity consumption.自试生产以来,一直未达产,用电单耗极高。

18.The Analysis of Industrial Power Elasticity Coefficient and The Production Value Per Unit Consumption in Shandong Province;山东省产业电力弹性系数与产值单耗比分析


Single product plant单产品厂

3)Unit consumption of product产品单耗

1.This paper introduced various factors which influence on unit consumption of hot rolled plat, measares for lowering unit consumption of products and energy saving benefits have been obtained in this plant.文章介绍了影响热轧板材产品单耗的各种因素、降低产品单耗的措施及取得的节能效果。


1.Key objectives of order picking and eight kinds of lower costpiece-picking modes were introduced,and their efficiency were calculated and analyzed from productivity and labor.紧扣拣货作业的关键目标,介绍了8种低成本的单品拣货模式,并从生产力指标和人员配置两个方面对各种模式的效能进行了计算分析,能为配送中心拣货系统的设计和选择合适的单品拣货模式提供依据。

2.Taking a given order picking system as an example,the paper introduces the basic methods ofpiece-picking and eight kinds of lower costpiece-picking modes in order to provide a base for designing order picking system and choosing appropriatepiece-picking modes in a distribution center.简述了单品拣货作业的基本方法,以设定的拣货系统为例,介绍了8种低成本的单品拣货模式,为配送中心拣货系统的设计和选择合适的单品拣货模式提供依据。

5)cargo price商品单价

1.Through the comparative analyses of thecargo prices of the same kind of cargo under the same mode of transportation while with different trade modes and thecargo prices of the same kind of cargo under the same trade mode while with different transportation modes,the inter-relationship between thecargo price and the mode of transportation is investigated.通过同类商品相同运输模式下不同贸易方式商品单价的比较,以及同类商品相同的贸易方式下不同运输模式商品单价的比较,揭示了商品单价与运输模式选择之间的内在联系。


1.The analysis on the basis of the complexity concept reveals typical problems in manufacturing aunicum, from which solutions are then derived to coordinate tasks for project management and quality management.根据时变复杂性概念的分析,指出单件产品制造中的典型问题,并由此为协调项目管理及质量管理的各项任务推导出解决办法。


装箱单、重量单、尺码单装箱单、重量单、尺码单[装箱单、皿t单、尺码单1装箱单(Pack-ing Ust)是说明货物包装情况的单据,包括包装材料、包装方式,以及详细的包装内容,如花色、规格搭配等。进口地海关主要依据装箱单对某一特定内容的包装内容进行检查,也是进口商核对货物的依据。装箱单的内容有:单据名称、卖方名称、唆头、件数、规格、数量、毛净重、签字等。重量单(Weight ust)是由卖方或第三者提供的,表明货物重量的单据。一般包括皮、毛、净重。它必须和其他单据上所表示的货物重量一致。尺码单就不详细介绍了。
