1000字范文 > 聚异丁烯无灰分散剂 polyisobutylene ashless dispersant英语短句 例句大全

聚异丁烯无灰分散剂 polyisobutylene ashless dispersant英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-12 17:01:19


聚异丁烯无灰分散剂 polyisobutylene ashless dispersant英语短句 例句大全

聚异丁烯无灰分散剂,polyisobutylene ashless dispersant

1)polyisobutylene ashless dispersant聚异丁烯无灰分散剂

1.The application of high activity polyisobutylene in fields of polyisobutylene succinic anhydride,polyisobutylene ashless dispersant and polyisobutyleneamine were summarized.概述了高活性聚异丁烯在聚异丁烯丁二酸酐、聚异丁烯无灰分散剂、聚异丁烯胺等领域的应用。

2)ashless dispersant无灰分散剂

1.Synthesis and performance evaluation ofashless dispersant with multiamides;多酰胺无灰分散剂的合成及性能评价

2.The development trend,preparation methods and performances ofashless dispersants are introduced,including succinimide,succinate,the boride of succimide,succinimide-acid compounds and derivatives,etc.介绍了无灰分散剂的发展趋势,包括丁二酰亚胺、丁二酸酯、丁二酰亚胺的硼化物、丁二酰亚胺酸及其衍生物等各种类型无灰分散剂的制备方法及使用性能;PIBSA与胺基水杨酸反应合成的一种新型分散剂,应用到中低速柴油机中,对解决"黑漆"现象效果明显;用于涡轮发动机油的一种特殊结构的分散剂,能明显提高涡轮油的高温清净性。

3.Mannich baseashless dispersants were synthesized by the following two steps: the reaction of high active polyisobutylene(PIB) with phenol in the presence of a Lewis acid catalyst to form alkylphenols,then the reaction of alkylphenols with formaldehyde and polyalkenepolyamines to obtain Mannich bases.通过两步合成法制备了曼尼西碱无灰分散剂。


1.Study on the Green Synthesis Technology of Succinimide Ashless Dispersant;丁二酰亚胺无灰分散剂的绿色合成工艺研究

2.Synthesis and properties of phosphate-free and alkali-resistant chelating dispersant无磷耐碱螯合分散剂的制备及其性能

3.Study on the Decolourization of Printing and Dyeing Waste Water in Textile Using Stove-ash;用炉灰脱色剂对还原蓝分散红印染废水的脱色处理研究

4.The Biological Effects of Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles Prepared by Different Dispersants不同分散剂对纳米羟基磷灰石生物学效应的影响


6.dispersing agent (surface-acive preparations)分散剂(表面活性剂)

7.Uses the Organic Depressant to Carry on the Non-lime Copper Sulfur Separation and the Mechanism Research;采用有机抑制剂进行无石灰铜硫分离及机理研究

8.Preparation and Application of Inorganic Polymer Flocculant from Alkali-Activated Fly Ash;碱法处理粉煤灰制备无机高分子混凝剂及其应用研究

9.The CWS rheology of high rank coal depends mainly on the structure and property of the dispersants.变质程度高且灰分较低煤浆的流变性,主要依赖于分散剂的结构与性质;

10.Preparation、Stabilization and the Mechanism of Monodisperse Emulsifer-free MMA/St Copolymer Nanoparticle Latex with Solvothermal Method;均分散无皂PMMA-St纳米胶乳粒子的溶剂热法制备、稳定性及机理研究

11.Study on the Dispersion of Nano Silica and Application to the Non-phosphate Detergent Builder;纳米二氧化硅分散性研究及在无磷洗涤助剂中应用

12.Study on the Preparation and Application of Fly Ash Inorganic Coagulant;粉煤灰无机絮凝剂的制备与应用研究

13.Application Study on a Novel Ashless Antirust Additive RHY702 in PMO新型无灰防锈剂RHY702在PMO中的应用研究

14.water dispersing power in dry cleaning solvents干洗清洗剂中水分散度

15.Influenced of Disperasnt on Dispersion of Nano-ZnO in Glaze分散剂对釉料中Nano-ZnO分散性研究

16.(5) rust inhibitors ;(6) foam inhibitors ;(7) detergent-dispersants ;(8) extreme-pressure agents.(5)防锈剂;(6)抗泡剂;(7)净化分散剂;(8)极压剂。

17.bonded solid lubricant分散于粘合剂中的固体润滑剂

18.Screening of Dispersing Agents of Flufenoxuron 5% SC5%氟虫脲悬浮剂润湿分散剂的筛选


ashless dispersant无灰分散剂

1.Synthesis and performance evaluation ofashless dispersant with multiamides;多酰胺无灰分散剂的合成及性能评价

2.The development trend,preparation methods and performances ofashless dispersants are introduced,including succinimide,succinate,the boride of succimide,succinimide-acid compounds and derivatives,etc.介绍了无灰分散剂的发展趋势,包括丁二酰亚胺、丁二酸酯、丁二酰亚胺的硼化物、丁二酰亚胺酸及其衍生物等各种类型无灰分散剂的制备方法及使用性能;PIBSA与胺基水杨酸反应合成的一种新型分散剂,应用到中低速柴油机中,对解决"黑漆"现象效果明显;用于涡轮发动机油的一种特殊结构的分散剂,能明显提高涡轮油的高温清净性。

3.Mannich baseashless dispersants were synthesized by the following two steps: the reaction of high active polyisobutylene(PIB) with phenol in the presence of a Lewis acid catalyst to form alkylphenols,then the reaction of alkylphenols with formaldehyde and polyalkenepolyamines to obtain Mannich bases.通过两步合成法制备了曼尼西碱无灰分散剂。

3)butyl acrylate-acrylic copolymerized dispersion agent丙烯酸丁酯-丙烯酸共聚物类分散剂

1.When 20% CaCO_3 treated withbutyl acrylate-acrylic copolymerized dispersion agent was added to polypropylane plastic,it was observed by SEM that CaCO_3 was homogeneously distributed in nthe resin.将丙烯酸丁酯-丙烯酸共聚物类分散剂处理过的碳酸钙添加到聚丙烯塑料中,通过电镜扫描观察到,碳酸钙均勻分布在树脂中。

4)ashless dispersant无灰分散添加剂

5)ashless detergentdispersant无灰清净分散剂


1.Disscusion Upon the Relation Between Low Molecular WeightPolyisobutylene and Its Kinematic Viscosity;低分子聚异丁烯与其运动粘度关系探讨

2.Detection of polyisobutylene in polyisobutylene succinic anhydride by HPLC;聚异丁烯丁二酸酐中聚异丁烯的液相色谱分析

3.Study on the Catalysts forPolyisobutylene with a Terminal Double Bond;高端基烯烃聚异丁烯催化剂研究


