1000字范文 > 女性尿路感染 womens urinary tract infection英语短句 例句大全

女性尿路感染 womens urinary tract infection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-05 07:27:17


女性尿路感染 womens urinary tract infection英语短句 例句大全

女性尿路感染,women"s urinary tract infection

1)women"s urinary tract infection女性尿路感染


1.The Clinical Analysis of 136 Old Female Patients with Urinary Tract Infection;136例老年女性尿路感染的临床分析

2.Clinical Observation on 68 Cases of Zi Shen Tong Guan Pill in Treating Urinary Tract Infection on Elderly Women运用滋肾通关丸加减治疗中老年女性尿路感染临床观察68例

3.Clinical Study of Moxifloxacin and Gatifloxacin for Treating Women"s Urinary Tract Infection莫西沙星与加替沙星治疗女性尿路感染的疗效比较

4.Clinical Relevance of Urinary Epithelial Cells Adhesive with Bacteria for Diagnosis of UTI in Old Women相差显微镜检查尿沉渣上皮细胞黏附细菌对老年女性尿路感染的诊断意义

5.Clinical analysis of 362 senile female cases of lower urinary tract infection老年女性下尿路感染362例临床分析

6.Analysis and Application of the Urinary Tract Infection of Female Patients with Diabetes Mellitus女性糖尿病患者尿路感染病原学分析与应用

7.Observation on Urinary Sediment Smear Staining of Acute Female Urinary System Infection女性急性泌尿系感染尿沉渣涂片染色观察

8.Clinical Study on Treating Postmenopausal Women with Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection from the Point of Liver and Kidney从肝肾辨治绝经后女性反复发作性尿路感染的临床研究

9.Professor Zhou Jia-jun"s Experience in Treating Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection in Postmenopausal Women周家俊主任医师治疗老年女性再发性尿路感染经验

10.Improvement of immune state in female patients with recurrently urinary tract infection with Sanjin tablet三金片对女性复发性尿路感染患者免疫状态的影响

11.The Study on Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Two Pharmaceutical Schemes for Treating Old Female Patients with Lower Urinary Tract Infection;两种药物治疗方案治疗老年女性下尿路感染的成本效果研究

12.Prevention of the catheter associated urinairy tract infection and nursing;尿路导管伴随性尿路感染的预防及护理

13.Overview of Female Urogenital Chlamydia Trachomatic Infection女性泌尿生殖道沙眼衣原体感染概述

14.Nosocomially Acquired Fungal Infections of Urinary Tract:Clinical Features医院获得性真菌尿路感染的临床特点

15.Clinical Analysis on 112 Episodes of Urinary Tract Infection in Patients with Lupus Nephritis.112例次狼疮性肾炎尿路感染临床分析

16.Urethral Catheterization Complicated with Urinary Tract Infection of Bacteria Producing Biofilm and Drug Sensitivity Analysis导尿管伴随性尿路感染患者感染生物被膜菌及药敏分析

17.Resistance Monitoring of Mycoplasma Isolated form Female Genitourinary Tract女性泌尿生殖道感染支原体的耐药性监测分析

18.The Effect of Intraurethral Irrigation with Honeysuckle Water-Decoction on Preventing the Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections金银花水煎液尿道冲洗防治导尿管相关性尿路感染的临床研究


Chronic urinary tract infection慢性尿路感染

1.Objective:Through the observation of the clinical efficacy and related laboratory parameters of Yiqitonglin decoction for the treatment of chronic urinary tract infection,then have a objective evaluation of this decoction for treatment of chronic urinary tract infection and provide certain evidence for the exploration of treatment of chronic urinary tract infection by traditional chinese medicine.目的:本课题采用临床试验研究,观察益气通淋汤对慢性尿路感染的临床疗效及相关实验室指标,客观地评价此方对慢性尿路感染的治疗作用,为探索中医药治疗慢性尿路感染的方法提供一定的依据。

2.Objective To investigate the mechanisms of "Ziyin Tonglin Decoction" in the treatment of chronic urinary tract infection and the influence of.目的探讨滋阴通淋方治疗慢性尿路感染的机制。

3)acute urinary tract infection急性尿路感染

1.Clinical evaluation of gatifloxacin treatment for 7 days in 43 patients withacute urinary tract infection;加替沙星7日疗法治疗43例急性尿路感染的临床评价

2.Clinical effects of gatifloxacin onacute urinary tract infection in 28 cases;加替沙星治疗28例急性尿路感染的临床疗效

4)Fungal urinary tract infection真菌性尿路感染

5)palindromic urinary tract infection复发性尿路感染

1.Study of Xueshuantong injection on femalepalindromic urinary tract infection;血栓通注射液治疗女性复发性尿路感染的研究

6)Complicated urinary tract infection复杂性尿路感染


女性1.人类两种性别之一,与男性相对。常用为妇女的通称。 2.女子的性格﹑性情。
