1000字范文 > 依赖经济模型 dependent economic mode英语短句 例句大全

依赖经济模型 dependent economic mode英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-17 03:34:06


依赖经济模型 dependent economic mode英语短句 例句大全

依赖经济模型,dependent economic mode

1)dependent economic mode依赖经济模型

1.Through investigation in logistics industry cluster market,this paper introduces adependent economic model of logistics industry cluster which can guide the government and the investors as well.为解决此问题,对物流产业集群市场深入调研,从第一手资料中,分析并得出了物流产业集群依赖经济模型。


1.A Theoretical Research on the Dependent Economic Model of Logistics Industry Cluster物流产业集群依赖经济模型理论研究

2.An Analysis of the Simple Model of Path Dependence and Its Implications in Economics;简单路径依赖模型及其经济学含义分析

3.Research on the Economy Transition of Resource-relying Micro-regions (Counties);资源依赖型小区域(县域)经济转型发展研究

4.The country" s economy is dependent on tourism.该国经济依赖於旅游业.

5.Study on Sustainability of Resource-Dependent Economic System;自然资源依赖型经济的可持续发展问题

6.Structure and Characteristics of the Implicit View of Economic Dependence Personality of Undergraduates;大学生经济依赖型人格的内隐观结构及特征

7.Historical sunk cost,path dependence in economic transition and the transcendence历史沉淀成本与经济转型的路径依赖及其超越

8.The Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of Small-Medium Sized Enterprises Dependable Business Strategy;中小企业依赖型经营战略的模糊综合评价

9.Frequency-dependent stochastic resonance in a two-dimensional neural map二维映射神经元模型中频率依赖的随机共振

10.Development of Southern Jiangsu Property Rights Mode:Path Dependence and Transformations;演进中的苏南产权模式:路径依赖与转型——一个新制度经济学的分析视角

11.On the government role in the economy type changing and its path dependence--An analysis on the government location of Sino-Russian reform at initial stage;路径依赖与转型经济中的政府作用——简析中俄改革初期的政府定位

parison of Monoamine Neurotransmitters in Two Morphine-dependent Rat Models两种吗啡依赖大鼠模型脑内单胺神经递质水平的比较(英文)

13.Study on the pricing model of path-dependent options;关于路径依赖型期权定价模型的研究

14.The scientific and technicalrevolution"s dependant route is the market economy system.科技革命的“路径依赖”是市场经济制度。

15.On the Impulsivity of Drug Addicts from the Perspective of Behavioral Economics;药物依赖者冲动性的行为经济学研究

16.The route reliance and route choose of emerge of the middle regional economy;中部地区经济崛起的路径依赖与选择

17.Analysis on the Foreign Capital Dependence from Economic Growth Perspective;外资依赖问题——从经济增长角度的分析

18.The Path Dependence and Legal Arrangement of Circular Economy;论循环经济的路径依赖及其法律安排


resource-dependent economy资源依赖型经济

3)economic dependence经济依赖

1.The aim of this research is to explore the structure and characteristics of the implicit view ofeconomic dependence personality of undergraduates.本研究以内隐人格观理论和人格词汇学假设作为研究的方法学基础,在对127名大学生预调查的基础上编制成经济依赖形容词检核表,然后对414名大学生进行正式调查,结果表明:(1)大学生经济依赖型人格主要包含五个因子:自我中心性、被动性、无助性、随和性和依赖性。

4)economic dependency经济依赖性

1.Buyer power arises from suppliers relativeeconomic dependency on retailers.供应商对零售商的相对经济依赖性促成了零售商买方谈判势力的形成,现实中一些零售商由于把握好零供关系中的三重角色而具有了买方谈判势力。

5)dependency modeling依赖模型

6)economic interdependence经济相互依赖

1.Economic Interdependence and World Peace in Globalized Era;全球化条件下的经济相互依赖与世界和平


森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resourcessen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。
