1000字范文 > 典型病害 typical disease英语短句 例句大全

典型病害 typical disease英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-20 16:35:37


典型病害 typical disease英语短句 例句大全

典型病害,typical disease

1)typical disease典型病害

1.Study on the causes oftypical diseases of asphalt pavement and treatment measures;沥青路面典型病害的原因及处治

2.In this paper,a certain bridge of Jingzhu highway is analyzed and simulated in FEM;thetypical diseases are summarized for the simply-supported Tshaped beam bridges with continuous slab-decks;and the mechanical mechanism is studied and a strengthening method is proposed for the diseases,to supply references to the management and maintenance of this type of bridge.以京珠高速公路某特大桥为例,通过理论分析与有限元模拟,总结了桥面板连续简支T型组合梁桥普遍存在的典型病害特征,研究了病害产生的力学机理,并提出了相应的加固处治措施,为该类桥梁的管理养护提供参考。

3.In view of thetypical disease commonly in this kind of bridges, the article analyzes the cause of disease and puts forward the preventive tactics for the bridge disease which has the important reference for the design, construction and maintenance of this kind of bridges.针对此类桥梁常见的典型病害,该文分析了病害产生的原因,并提出了针对桥梁病害的防治策略,对此类桥梁的设计、施工、养护等具有重要的借鉴意义。


1.Analysis and rectification of typical failures for prefabricated cellular slab bridges;装配式空心板桥典型病害分析与处理

2.Elementary probe into the typical disease and reinforce methods of a road’s steel arch bridge某公路钢桁架桥的典型病害及加固方法初探

3.Large Span Prestressed Concrete Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge Analysis of Typical Damage and Research on Reinforce Countermeasure;大跨度连续刚构典型病害及加固对策研究

4.Study on Representative Distress Prevention and Maintenance Countermeasure of Gan Su Province Countryside Roads甘肃省农村公路典型病害防治与管养对策

5.Study on Typical Disease Causes and Maintenance Technology of Highway Asphalt Pavement in Shaanxi Province陕西省干线公路沥青路面典型病害成因分析与养护技术研究

6.Study on the Typical Diseases and Effect on the Mechanical Properties of the Trussed Combination Arch Bridge桁式组合拱桥典型病害及其对力学性能的影响研究

7.Cause and Reinforce and Recondition Case Based on the Typical Highway Concrete Bridge Disease Behavior in Guangdong Province广东公路桥梁(混凝土结构)典型病害现状成因分析及加固整治(二)

8.Cause and Reinforce and Recondition Case Based on the Typical Highway Concrete Bridge Disease B ehavior in Guangdong Province广东公路桥梁(混凝土结构)典型病害现状成因分析及加固整治(一)

9.Study on Treatment Measures of Typical High-Slopes in Yunnan Tengmi Road云南腾密公路典型高边坡病害治理措施研究

10.Control of Destablization Disaster of Typical Cutting Slope in Permafrost Region多年冻土区典型路堑边坡失稳病害的防治

11.On SARS Carriers Negligent Crime of Endangering Public Security;谈携带“非典”病毒过失危害公共安全罪

12.a classic case of malnutrition营养不良的典型病例.

13.a textBook case of schizophrenia.精神分裂的典型病例

14.Typical Bridge Damage Analysis in "5·12" Wenchuan Earthquake“5·12”汶川地震典型桥梁震害分析


16.Atypical MRI findings of cerebral schistosomiasis脑型血吸虫病不典型MRI表现分析

17.Study on Landscape Dynamic and Driving Forces in Typical Wind-sand Damage Area in Beijing北京市典型风沙危害区景观动态及驱动力研究

18.Research on Computer Simulation of Typical Seismic Damage to Steel Frame Structures;钢框架结构典型震害的计算机模拟研究


Typic damage cause典型病害成因

3)Typical weakness of double arch bridge双曲拱桥典型病害

4)typical calamity典型灾害

5)tipical damage典型震害

6)damage type病害类型


病害1.疾苦。 2.由细菌﹑真菌﹑病毒﹑藻类﹑不适宜的气候或土壤等因素引起的植物体发育不良﹑枯萎或死亡。
