1000字范文 > 烟草广告 tobacco advertisement英语短句 例句大全

烟草广告 tobacco advertisement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-06 22:07:38


烟草广告 tobacco advertisement英语短句 例句大全

烟草广告,tobacco advertisement

1)tobacco advertisement烟草广告

1.Objective To understand situation oftobacco advertisement outdoor and on mass-media in urban areas of Hefei and provide basis fortobacco advertisement administration.目的了解合肥市区户外烟草广告和传播媒体烟草广告的发布情况 ,为加强对烟草广告的管理与限制提供依据。

2.It is estimated that in the next three or five years,all kinds oftobacco advertisement will be withdrawn from the market.预计今后三五年内,各种形式的烟草广告将逐步退出市场。


1.Chna tobacco control report --Fortidding tobacco advertising and promotion,ensuring youth non-smking and healthy中国控制吸烟报告——禁止烟草广告和促销,确保无烟青春好年华

2.Article18 Advertisements of tobacco are prohibited to be published through broadcast, films, television, newspaper or periodicals.第十八条禁止利用广播、影、视、纸、刊发布烟草广告。

3.Analysis of the Way of Tobacco Advertisements Banned in China--Take Yunnan tobacco as an example;我国烟草广告遭禁后的出路探析——以云南烟草为例

4.And at the beginning of next year, the ban on tobacco advertising will be extended to cover outdoor billboards and cinemas.从明年开始,将禁止在户外广告板和戏院刊登烟草广告。

5.Investigation of Tobacco Advertisements Status in Urban Areas of Hefei合肥市区烟草广告发布现状调查与分析

6.The government introduced a law to prohibit tobacco commercials on TV.政府采用新法律来禁止电视上播放烟草广告.

7.Recognition on implicit tobacco advertising among adults and adolescents in four cities in China四城市成人及青少年对间接烟草广告的认知

8.Some countries forbid cigarette advertisements. Others require a warning from health officials at the bottom of cigarette advertisements.一些国家禁止烟草广告,其他国家则要在香烟广告底部加上卫生官员的警告。

9.China, the world"s largest tobacco producer and consumer, will ban all forms of tobacco promotion by January .中国是世界上最大的烟草生产国和消费国,到1月,中国将禁止各种形式的烟草广告。

10.The office screened 2500 issues of printed publications and issued nine warning letters against tobacco advertisements during the year.年内,控烟办公室审阅了2500份印刷品,并就非法烟草广告共发出九封警告信。

11.Under the ordinance, tobacco advertisements are prohibited in printed publications distributed in Hong Kong.根据法例,在香港刊印或分发的刊物不得刊登烟草广告。

12.On "Prisoner"s Dilemma"of Tobacco Advertisement Game and the Disembarrassing Function of Government Legislation试析烟草广告博弈的“囚徒困境”及政府立法的解围作用

13.National legislature should set up smoking control law and take comprehensive measures to forbid tobacco advertising and all kinds of activities of cigarette selling promotion.国家立法机关应加快控烟综合立法建设 ,进一步限制并逐步全面禁止烟草广告及各种烟草促销活动

14.It is prohibited to post tobacco advertisements in any waiting rooms, cinemas and theatres, meeting halls, sports sites and gyms and other public places.禁止在各类等侯室、剧院、议厅堂、育比赛场馆等公共场所设置烟草广告。

15.Within five years, China must fulfill it commitment to comprehensively ban all forms of tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship.五年内,中国必须履行承诺,全面禁止各种形式的烟草广告、宣传和赞助。

16.The Advertising Competition between British American Tobacco Company and Nanyang Brothers Tobacco Company of the Early 20~(th);20世纪初南洋兄弟烟草公司与英美烟草公司的广告竞争

17.Native cultural transmission strategy of modern american-britishTobacco company in China;近代英美烟草公司在华广告本土化战略初探

18.Article 19 Advertising for tobacco products shall be banned on broadcasting stations, television stations, or in newspapers or periodicals.第十九条禁止在广播电台、电视台、报刊播放、刊登烟草制品广告。


Implicit tobacco advertising间接烟草广告

1.ConclusionImplicit tobacco advertising has the same effects as tobacco advertising to some extent.目的了解我国4城市成人及青少年认识和理解间接烟草广告的比例,从而推断间接烟草广告对人群的作用。

3)Tobacco ads香烟广告

1.Tobacco ads are very important in Chinese modern ad hist or y.近代香烟广告是我国广告史上的一枝奇葩,在号称“十里洋场”的上海,外商与华商烟草公司展开激烈的竞争,并纷纷借重于广告的力量促销自己的产品。

4)advertisement writer广告记者;广告;起草人

5)tobacco product warning烟草产品警告

6)advertisement of smoking ban禁烟公益广告

1.It discusses that with the development of the age and the progress of design methods,the modernadvertisement of smoking ban is no longer a simple unilaterally message transmission but an advanced research and creation which based on human s vision experience,mental experience and activities.归纳和阐述了户外情景式禁烟公益广告的三种常见创意方式——数据呈现式;换置类比式;行为互动式。


《国际烟草研究文献》研究烟草的论文集。联邦德国卷烟工业协会科研部编刊,不定期出版。1961年创刊。一般每两年辑为 1卷,每卷5期,1987年起为第14卷。所载论文用英文或德文发表,每篇论文有英、德、法3种文字的摘要。刊载的论文内容广泛,烟草种植方面有遗传育种、栽培方法、生理生化、植物保护和各种农药;工艺方面有工艺理论、滤嘴、卷烟纸、降低卷烟烟气中有害物质的措施和原理、防霉防虫;烟草化学方面有烟草和烟气各种成分的分析鉴定,香味成分和有害成分的研究;检测方面有新仪器新方法的研究和应用。刊物编辑为国际烟草界著名专家,所刊载的论文有较高的学术水平。
