1000字范文 > 索洛余值 Solow residual英语短句 例句大全

索洛余值 Solow residual英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-01 01:35:33


索洛余值 Solow residual英语短句 例句大全

索洛余值,Solow residual

1)Solow residual索洛余值

1.Based on C-D production function andSolow residual to measure the contribution rate of technological progress upon Heilongjiang auto industry, provide the basis and decision-making for the realization sustained and healthy development of the auto industry in Heilongjiang Province.本文基于柯布-道格拉斯生产函数和索洛余值法,对黑龙江省汽车工业技术进步贡献率进行测算,这为实现黑龙江省汽车工业持续健康发展提供了理论依据和决策借鉴。


1.An Improvement on Estimated of Contribution Rate of Technological Progress with "Solow′s Residual Value Law";对技术进步贡献率“索洛余值法”估计的一种改进

2.The Study of Contribution Rate Calculation of Scientific and Technical Progress in Xi an Based on Solow Residual Value Law;基于索洛余值法的西安科技进步贡献率测算研究

3.Research on Contribution Rate of the Progress of Science &Technology Using Solow Residual Value Method;应用索洛余值理论对电力工业科技进步贡献率的研究

4.Quantitative Research on the Contribution Rate of Technological Progress Based on the Improved "Solow Residual Method"基于“索洛余值法”改进模型的技术进步贡献率量化研究

5.This article discussed the issue of the error of solow method of remainder in practial application and analysed the cause ofthe error and the effect on the relative measure result of intension degree.探讨了索洛余值法在实测使用中的误差问题,分析了其产生的原因及对集约度有关测算结果的影响。

6.The Classical Pursuit in New Chinese Poetry--A Case Study of Yu Guang-zhong and Luo Fu s Poetic Art;中国新诗的古典追求——以余光中、洛夫之诗艺探索为中心

7.Soloviev s Theories on Divine Political Society and Their Modern Value;索洛维约夫神权政治社会理论及其现代价值

8.Human Capital Property Right and Claim for Firm s Residence;人力资本产权价值与企业剩余索取权归属研究

9.Measuring the S&T progress to economic development:Limitation of Solow residual and the modification of production function;索罗余值法测算科技进步贡献率的局限与改进

10.The Study on Motivations of Listed Company s Earnings Management and Corporate Market Value;上市公司盈余管理动机和企业价值的探索

11.A Discussion on the New Goal of Enterprise s Financing--Maximize the Residual Claim Right Value;论企业理财新目标——剩余索取权价值最大化

12.LOPEZ TRUJILLO, Alfonso阿方索·洛佩斯·特鲁希略

13.Who sold out to Sollozzo?"你看是谁投靠了索洛佐?”

14.Sollozzo said, "The old man is still alive.索洛佐说:“老头子还活着。

15.Clausius-Mossotti-Lorentz-Lorenz equation克劳修斯-莫索提-洛仑茨-洛仑兹方程

16.Study On Matters Related to Loxoprofen Sodiun Synthesis;洛索洛芬钠合成工艺·有关物质的研究

17.Residual Control Rights, Residual Claim Rights and Corporate Performance剩余控制权、剩余索取权与公司绩效

18.Problems of Transferring Rural Surplus Labors in Luoyang;洛阳市农村剩余劳动力转移问题研究


solow residual value method索洛余值法

1.The emphasis of this paper is to calculate and analyze the growth of China’s TFP and the contribution ratio of China’s TFP to the growth of economy between year 1952 to year , by using Solow Residual Value Method.本文的重点在于运用索洛余值法,对1952年至期间的中国综合要素生产率的增长及其对经济增长的贡献率进行测算并加以分析。

3)solow residual method索洛余值法

1.In this paper,based on Solow residual method,gray relational analysis is used to estimate the parameters and the contribution rates of technological progress on economic growth of Shandong province.本文在索洛余值法的基础上,运用灰色关联分析方法对资本和劳动投入的弹性系数进行了估计,并对山东省近年来多个期间的经济增长中的技术进步贡献率进行了测算。

2.By using the Solow residual methods,this paper measures and analyzes the contribution of technological progress in China\"s economic growth during the 6th to 10th Five-Year Plan.运用索洛余值法测量和分析了我国"六五"至"十五"规划期间经济增长中技术进步的贡献率,并分时段分析了技术、资本、劳动三者对经济增长贡献率的变化。

4)solow surplus索洛剩余

5)Solow Residual Approach索洛剩余法

6)Research and Development(R&D)solow surplusR&D(研究与试验发展)索洛余值


乐松 ,洛索洛芬 ,氯索洛芬药物名称:洛索洛芬英文名:Loxoprofen别名:乐松 ,洛索洛芬 ,氯索洛芬外文名:Loxoprofen , Loxonin适应症: 慢性风湿性关节炎,变形性关节炎,腰痛病,肩周炎,颈肩腕综合征;手术后、外伤后及拔牙后的镇痛消炎;急性上呼吸道炎症的解热镇痛。 用量用法: 成人60mg tid,或60-120mg顿服。 禁忌: 消化性溃疡、严重血液学异常,严重肝肾功能障碍,严重心功能不全,有因服用非甾体炎消炎镇痛药而引起的喘息发作史者,儿童,妊娠后期及哺乳期的妇女。 不良反应: 消化道反应如胃部不适、食欲不振、恶心、呕吐、腹泻、便秘、上腹部烧灼感、消化不良、口腔炎。溶血性贫血。皮肤粘膜-眼综合征。急性肾功能不全,肾病综合征。间质性肺炎。过敏症。困倦,头痛,头肿,心悸。偶见白细胞减少、血小板减少、嗜酸性粒细胞增多。GOT、GPT,ALP升高。 注意事项: 有消化性溃疡既往史,血液学异常及有血液学异常既往史,肝肾功能障碍及有既往史,有心功能障碍,支气管哮喘,过敏症既往史的患者及高龄患者慎用。 药物相互作用: 慎与香豆素类抗凝血药、磺酰脲类降血糖药、新喹诺酮类抗菌药及其它消炎镇痛药合用。 规格: 片剂60mgx 100片。 类别:抗炎止痛药
