1000字范文 > 病毒性上呼吸道感染 Viral upper respiratory infection英语短句 例句大全

病毒性上呼吸道感染 Viral upper respiratory infection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-27 10:38:36


病毒性上呼吸道感染 Viral upper respiratory infection英语短句 例句大全

病毒性上呼吸道感染,Viral upper respiratory infection

1)Viral upper respiratory infection病毒性上呼吸道感染

1.Theory Background:The high fever originated from viral upper respiratory infection is one of the most familiar emergency cases in internal medicine;of which 70%-80% is caused by the virus infection.病毒性上呼吸道感染发热具有发病急,变化快,热势重之特点,并可发生多种并发症,现代医学对病毒性上呼吸道感染的治疗主要是①早期应用抗病毒药,②积极对症治疗③防治继发性的细菌感染。


1.The Clinical Study of Xinxiang Powder Therapy of Acute Viral Upper Respiratory Infection;新香冲剂治疗急性病毒性上呼吸道感染的研究

2.Just a high fever and convulsions, which results from a virus upper respiratory tract inflection.只是病毒性上呼吸道感染引起的高烧和抽搐。

3.The Research on Soup-qingqi Liangying in the Treatment of Viral Upper Respiratory Infection;清气凉营法治疗病毒性上呼吸道感染的研究

4.The Clinical Observation of Kanggan Mixture on 60 Cases of External Wind-heat Syndrome in Children Acute Viral Upper Respiratory Infection抗感合剂治疗小儿急性病毒性上呼吸道感染风热证60例临床研究

5.Reduning Injection Nose Drip Treat Children Virus Upper Respiratory Tract Infection热毒宁注射液滴鼻治疗小儿病毒性上呼吸道感染

6.The Clinical Study on Abdominal Needle Therapy of Acute Viral Upper Respiratory Infection;薄氏腹针治疗急性病毒性上呼吸道感染发热的临床研究

7.The Study of JieBiaoQingFeiFang in Treating Acute Viral Upper Respiratory Infection;解表清肺方治疗急性病毒性上呼吸道感染的研究

8.Study of Chai e Praeparatum to Treat Hyperthermy Originated from Viral Upper Respiratory Infection Per Differrent Routes of Administration;柴莪退热制剂不同给药途径治疗病毒性上呼吸道感染发热的研究

9.Clinical Study on the Curative Effect of Viral Infection of upper Respiratory Tract Fever Treated with Qiangyin Jiere Tang羌银解热汤治疗病毒性上呼吸道感染发热临床研究

10.Influenza( or flu or grippe ):Acute viral infection of the upper or lower respiratory tract.流行性感冒:一种上呼吸道或下呼吸道的急性病毒感染。

11.respiratory syncytial virus infection呼吸道合胞病毒感染

12.Surveillance for Respiratory Syncytial Virus Subtypes A and B in Children with Acute Respiratory Infection;急性呼吸道感染患儿中呼吸道合胞病毒的监测

13.The Surveillance of Human Influenza Virus to Acute Upper Respiratory Infection Paediatric Patients in Shantou in ;汕头市区急性上呼吸道感染患儿流感病毒的监测

14.Study on viral pathogen in infants and young children with acute respiratory infection in Zhoushan Archipelago舟山市婴幼儿急性呼吸道病毒感染病原学分析

15.A study in detection of viral pathogens of acute lower respiratory tract infection among children儿童急性下呼吸道感染的病毒病原学检测研究

16.Study of viral etiology of acute lower respiratory tract infection in children儿童急性下呼吸道感染病毒病原学研究

17.Nested RT-PCR Detection and Cilnical Cross Sectional Study of Rhinovirus Infection of Acute Low Respiratory Tract Infection for Children in Shanghai;上海地区急性下呼吸道感染患儿鼻病毒检测及临床研究

18.Research of Dectection of Acute Upper Respority Virusal Infection by Chinese Medicine Disease Type;急性上呼吸道感染中医辨证分型下的病毒学研究


Upper Respiratory Tract Virosis Infection上呼吸道病毒性感染

1.Objective: To observe the clinical therapeutic effect of Tui Re He Ji onUpper Respiratory Tract Virosis Infection disease (commonly named "cold")and fever of Wind-Hot.方法:选择45例符合上呼吸道病毒性感染诊断标准的患者,分为退热合剂治疗组(治疗组)30例和小柴胡冲剂治疗组(对照组)15例,疗程3天,观察治疗前后体温变化,同时观察人体临床治疗次症及血常规的变化。

3)viral upper respiratory tract infection上呼吸道病毒感染

1.In conclusion , patients there getviral upper respiratory tract infection , most of which differentiations of syndrome are damp heat .研究目的急性上呼吸道病毒感染是指由病毒引起的上呼吸道炎症,具有不同程度的全身症状及鼻炎、咽炎、扁桃体炎等局部症状。

4)Lingnan upper respiratory tract infection岭南上呼吸道病毒感染

5)Acute viral upper respiratory infection急性病毒性上呼吸道感染

1.And because of the geographical features of Guangdong, people with Acute Viral upper respiratory infection always had the syndrome of wet in TCM.据广东省中医院急诊科统计,以发热就诊的病人占急诊门诊总数的40%左右,其中急性病毒性上呼吸道感染发热患者约就占其中的80%以上。

6)viral respiratory infection病毒性呼吸道感染

1.Objective To explore changes of sero-enzyme in children withviral respiratory infection complicated by alimentary tract symptoms and their nursing countermeasures.目的探讨病毒性呼吸道感染伴有消化道症状患儿血清酶学变化情况,及其护理对策。

2.Because of abounding rain water and hot climate in LingNan region of China,theviral respiratory infection have the characteristics of transforming into heat and intermingling dampness from differentiating syndrome,some researchers believe that damp-heat syndrome was embodied in the disease.病毒性呼吸道感染是临床常见病、多发病,几乎所有人群均易感。


呼吸道感染呼吸道感染respiratory tract infection致病微生物侵入呼吸道并进行繁殖导致的疾病称呼吸道感染。根据其部位分为上呼吸道感染和下呼吸道感染。前者包括鼻炎、咽炎和喉炎;后者包括气管炎、支气管炎和肺炎。
