1000字范文 > 非复杂性尿路感染 non- complex urinary tract infection英语短句 例句大全

非复杂性尿路感染 non- complex urinary tract infection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-30 10:58:31


非复杂性尿路感染 non- complex urinary tract infection英语短句 例句大全

非复杂性尿路感染,non- complex urinary tract infection

1)non- complex urinary tract infection非复杂性尿路感染

1.ObjectiveTo compare the efficacy of using Cefditoren pivexil Tablets and Qinglin capsule or using Cefditoren pivexil Tablets singly in the treatment ofnon- complex urinary tract infection of 196 patients.目的观察比较头孢妥仑匹脂片联用清淋颗粒和单用头孢妥仑匹脂片治疗非复杂性尿路感染196例疗效。


1.Efficacy of cefditoren pivexil tablets and Qinglin capsule on non-complex urinary tract infection头孢妥仑匹脂片联用清淋颗粒治疗非复杂性尿路感染疗效

2.Efficacy of Teicoplanin Treatment on Complicated Gram-positive Urinary Tract Infection替考拉宁治疗革兰阳性菌引起的复杂性尿路感染疗效观察

3.Urinary infection is a common complication of diabetes mellitus and is difficult to treat.尿路感染是糖尿病患者的常见合并症,病情复杂,临床治疗难度较大。

4.Study of the Relationship between Human Immune State and Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections机体免疫状态与复发性尿路感染相关性研究

5.Bacteriological Inspection for Complicating Nonspecific Infection of Upper Urinary Tract Calculi上尿路结石合并非特异性感染的细菌学研究

6.Clinical Study on Treating Postmenopausal Women with Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection from the Point of Liver and Kidney从肝肾辨治绝经后女性反复发作性尿路感染的临床研究

7.Improvement of immune state in female patients with recurrently urinary tract infection with Sanjin tablet三金片对女性复发性尿路感染患者免疫状态的影响

8.Effects of Sanjin Tablets on Serum Levels of IL-6 and IL-8 in Patients with Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection三金片对复发性尿路感染患者血清IL-6及IL-8的影响

9.Prevention of the catheter associated urinairy tract infection and nursing;尿路导管伴随性尿路感染的预防及护理

10.There was efficient curative effect in clinic in respiratory, urinary, surgery and obstetrics infection with less side effect.临床研究表明,对呼吸道感染、杂尿路感染、科感染、科感染等有较高的疗效,不良反应较轻。

11.Nosocomially Acquired Fungal Infections of Urinary Tract:Clinical Features医院获得性真菌尿路感染的临床特点

12.The Clinical Analysis of 136 Old Female Patients with Urinary Tract Infection;136例老年女性尿路感染的临床分析

13.Clinical analysis of 362 senile female cases of lower urinary tract infection老年女性下尿路感染362例临床分析

14.Clinical Analysis on 112 Episodes of Urinary Tract Infection in Patients with Lupus Nephritis.112例次狼疮性肾炎尿路感染临床分析

15.Analysis and Application of the Urinary Tract Infection of Female Patients with Diabetes Mellitus女性糖尿病患者尿路感染病原学分析与应用

16.Urethral Catheterization Complicated with Urinary Tract Infection of Bacteria Producing Biofilm and Drug Sensitivity Analysis导尿管伴随性尿路感染患者感染生物被膜菌及药敏分析

17.The large collection of chronic inflammatory cells here is in a patient with a history of multiple recurrent urinary tract infections. This is chronic pyelonephritis.一例反复发作的慢性尿路感染病人,见大量慢性炎症细胞。这是慢性肾盂肾炎。

18.The Effect of Intraurethral Irrigation with Honeysuckle Water-Decoction on Preventing the Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections金银花水煎液尿道冲洗防治导尿管相关性尿路感染的临床研究


Complicated urinary tract infection复杂性尿路感染

3)palindromic urinary tract infection复发性尿路感染

1.Study of Xueshuantong injection on femalepalindromic urinary tract infection;血栓通注射液治疗女性复发性尿路感染的研究

4)complicated urinary tract infections复杂性泌尿道感染

1.FDA s considerations for anti-bacterial drugs clinical trials for treatingcomplicated urinary tract infections and pyelonephritis;FDA关于抗菌药物治疗复杂性泌尿道感染与肾盂肾炎临床试验的考虑


1.The asymptomatic bacteriuria andcomplicated-UTI of inpatient was more than other patients.16%);与门诊比较,住院患者无症状尿感、复杂性尿感明显增多且革兰氏阳性致病菌的比例较高。

6)repeated urinary tract infection反复尿路感染


非复1.不再是。 2.不像是。
