1000字范文 > 商事主体 commercial subject英语短句 例句大全

商事主体 commercial subject英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-29 17:10:50


商事主体 commercial subject英语短句 例句大全

商事主体,commercial subject

1)commercial subject商事主体

1.Is enterprisecommercial subject?;企业与商事主体的关系辨析

2.As a means of investment,limited partnership can satisfy the needs of different investors; as a kind ofcommercial subjects, it has its own advantages no othercommercial subjects can match.有限合伙作为一种投资方式可满足不同投资者的需要 ;作为一种商事主体 ,它具有其他种类商事主体不可替代的优点。


1.The reconstruction of the commercial body and commercial law in the market-economic system;市场经济下中国商事主体及商事主体法的重构

2.The Categories of Commercial Subjects--And the System Construction of Commercial Subject in Commercial Law;论商事主体类型——兼论商法关于商事主体的体系建设

3.The Research of Unified Commercial Subject in Commercial Registration of China中国商事登记中的商事主体统一化研究

4.Improving the System of Commercial Subjects of Farmer Households and Development of Rural Market;完善农户商事主体制度与发展农村市场

5.The Debate over the Status of Commercial Entities for State-owned Enterprises in the Context of Market Economy;市场经济条件下国有企业之商事主体地位之辩

6.Enterprises in the USA-A Comparative Study;美国商事主体法中企业组织形式比较评析

7.Diversification of Commercial Subject: Summary of Annual Seminar of Commercial Law Research Society of China Law Society;商事主体的多元化——中国法学会商法学研究会年会综述

8.Legal Rules on the subjective arbitrability for International Commercial Arbitration and the Application;国际商事仲裁主体可仲裁性规则及其适用

9.On the Competence of Civil Principal Part of the Fetus--Discussing with Mr Hu Yupeng;论胎儿的民事主体资格——兼与胡宇鹏先生商榷

10.The Proposition of Law of Market Participants--Also on the plight of General rules Commercial市场主体法的提出——兼论商事通则的困境

11.International Council of Commerce Employers国际商业雇主理事会

12.Basically, the law allows prosecution of any entity (person or business) that knowingly or willfully.简言之,法律允许起诉包括个人和商事组织在内的任何纳税主体.

13.The Businessmen Group of Guangzhou and Its Rebellion against the Revolutionary Government--A New Probe from the Perspective of the Businessmen s Group;广州商团与商团事变——从商人团体角度的再探讨

14.On the Major Trends of Contemporary International Commercial Arbitration;论当代国际商事仲裁的主要发展趋势

15.On Business Partnership System;社会主义市场经济下的商事合伙制度

16.After 1950, when the China"s Red Cross Society was re-organized through consultation, it has been a social aid organization engaged in humanitarian work, and has done a great deal of work.一九五0年中国红十字会协商改组后,作为从事人道主义工作的社会救助团体,做了大量工作。

17.Integration of Economic Strategy and Military Strategy--A Topic Led by the Developing Policies of Mercantilist Countries;论经济政策与军事政策的一体性——由重商主义的发展政策引出的话题

18.The Representation of Discourses in the Architectural Subject-Great Narration? Private Discourse? Or Business Operation?;文化转型时期建筑创作主体话语的表征——宏大叙事?私人话语还是商业运作?


commercial body商事主体

1.The reconstruction of thecommercial body and commercial law in the market-economic system;市场经济下中国商事主体及商事主体法的重构

3)Civil commercial subject民商事主体

4)legal main b usiness body商事主体法定

5)Commercial Registration Body商事登记主体

6)international business subjects国际商事主体


