1000字范文 > 商事立法 commercial legislation英语短句 例句大全

商事立法 commercial legislation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-25 15:48:46


商事立法 commercial legislation英语短句 例句大全

商事立法,commercial legislation

1)commercial legislation商事立法

1.The unification and division of civil Law and commercial law are not optimum choices ofcommercial legislation,therefore,the defects and shortcomings of current Chinese Commercial Legislation and Commercial Justice presupposes the enactment of general principles of commercial law.民商分立与民商合一均非商事立法的最佳选择,我国现行商事立法及商事司法的缺陷催生商法通则的制定。

2.Howerver,it furnished a solid basis for the comingcommercial legislation.清末的商事立法是中国近代民族资本主义发展的必然结果 ,其内容非常丰富。

3.This essay discusses "combination of civil and commercial laws "in our country scommercial legislation in terms of history, present situation and reasons.文章从历史、现状、缘由等方面对我国商事立法的“民商合一”进行论述,并提出“民商合一”与“民商分立”的争论不 必再继续下去,应付诸于实践。


1.A Study on Commercial Law Legislation in the Republic of China (1912-1937);民国商事立法研究(1912-1937)

2.The Process to the Independence of Commercial Law and the Choice of Our Commercial Legislation Pattern论商法独立化进程与我国商事立法模式选择

3.Choice of State Commercial Law Pattern--Give Consideration to Discuss Constitute the General Rules of Commercial;我国商事立法模式之选择——兼论《商事通则》的制定

4.Separation of Civil Law and Commercial Law Should Be in our Legal System;我国应实行实质商法主义的民商分立——兼论我国的商事立法模式

5.On the Affection of the Value of Commercial Law to the Pattern of Legislation;论商法价值取向对我国商事立法模式的影响

6.On the Consistency between the Pattern of the Legislation for Enterprises and the Pattern of the Commercial Legislation in China;论我国企业立法模式与商事立法模式的契合

7.The Process to the Independence of Commercial Law and the Choice of Our Commercial Legislation Pattern;试论商法独立化的进程与我国商事立法模式的选择

8.Research on the Choice of State Commercial Pattern;我国商事立法模式的选择——实质商法主义的民商合一

9.The Dimensional Positioning Integration and the Choice of Types of Commercial Legislation of China;我国商事立法维度定位整合及其模式之选择

10.In addition, the development in intemational commercial law legislation also shows that it is the just time for independence of international commercial.而且,国际商事立法的发展也表明国际商法成为一个独立法律部门的时机已经成熟。

11.General Principles of Commercial Law: An Ideal Choice of Chinese Commercial Legislation(Appendix: A Suggestion Draft of General Principles of Commercial Law of People`s Republic of China);商法通则:中国商事立法的应然选择(附:《中华人民共和国商法通则》建议稿)

12.On the Regulatory Objective of Business Law,Business Relations--Giving Attention to the Independence of Business Law论商法的调整对象——商事关系——兼论商法的独立性

13.On the Legislative Framework and Basic Principles of the General Principles of Commercial Law;《商事通则》的立法体系与基本原则

14.Analysis of feasibility in Enacting General Principles of Commercial Law;我国“商事通则”立法之可行性辨析

15.Difficulties in checking business bribery and their solution in anti-bribery legislation;查处商业贿赂的难点与刑事立法对策

16.Criminal Punishment and Legislation on Crimes Relating to Fake of Inferior Commodities;伪劣商品犯罪的刑事处罚与立法探讨

17.On Jurisdiction and Legislative Perfection of Foreign Citizens Business Disputes in China;论我国涉外民商事管辖权及立法完善

18.The Distinction between Commercial Agency and Civil Agency;商事代理与民事代理之区分——兼谈我国商事代理制度的立法完善


commercial legislation of the late Qing Dynasty清末商事立法

3)Legislation of Business Registration商事登记立法

1.Flaws of theLegislation of Business Registration and Its Improvement;我国商事登记立法的不足与完善

4)commercial law pattern商事立法模式

1.This article introduces two main patterns-- separation of commercial lawand civil law and combination of commercial law and civil law, and makes its comment, It holds that thecommercial law pattern should be essential separation ofcommercial law headed by "General Rules of Commercial Law".法学界对于如何处理民法与商法,如何建构我国商事立法模式存在着较大的争议。

mercial law and thecommercial law pattern.十多年来,围绕民法典的制定,民商法学界在对中国民法法典化问题展开深入讨论的同时,对商法在我国法律体系中的地位和作用,尤其是商法与民法的关系以及我国商事立法模式的讨论也日益热烈。

5)Analysis on the Legislation of Commercial Law of the Late Qing Dynasty清末商事立法探析

6)Review on the Commercial Legislation of the Late Qing Dynasty清末商事立法评述


