1000字范文 > 物流经营 logistics operation英语短句 例句大全

物流经营 logistics operation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-04 21:10:51


物流经营 logistics operation英语短句 例句大全

物流经营,logistics operation

1)logistics operation物流经营

1.The supply chain process integration oflogistics operation means that logistics external supply chain process is integrated and managed integratively.物流经营供应链过程一体化,指物流企业外部供应链过程的集成与一体化经营,它是第三方物流发展的根本条件。


1.Research on Legal Responsibility of Logistics Service Provider and Risk Precaution;物流经营人法律责任与风险防范研究

2.The Classification,Evaluation and Selection of China s Logistic Operation Model;我国物流经营模式的归类、评价与选择

3.China Merchants Steamship Company Logistic Management Research (1873-1903)轮船招商局物流经营研究(1873-1903)

4.Modes and Cases for International Total Logistics of Third Party Logistics Enterprises第三方物流企业国际全程物流经营模式及实证研究

5.The Third Party Logistics Management and Analysis System Based on Data Warehouse;基于数据仓库的第三方物流经营分析信息系统

6.Research on Legal Status and Legal Responsibility of Third Party Logistics Service Provider;第三方物流经营人的法律地位及其责任研究

7.Management Strategy of 3PL Enterprises Based on Relationship Marketing;基于关系营销的第三方物流企业经营策略

8.The Optimal Decision of Distribution Network for Chain Management Enterprise;连锁经营企业物流配送网络优化决策

9.Study on Logistics Distribution Modernization of Chain-Running Supermarkets;连锁经营超市物流配送现代化的研究

10.Study on the Business Strategy of Small and Medium-sized Logistics Enterprises in Chengdu & Chongqing Region;成渝地区中小物流企业经营战略研究

11.Incorporate into Modern Logistic System to Strengthen Railway Diversif ied Economy;融入现代物流体系 壮大铁路多元经营

12.How to Speed up Making Business Experiment in Railway White Goods Logistics;加快铁路“白货”物流试点经营的研究

13.Reflections on the Diversified Development of Modern Logistics of Railways;铁路多种经营发展现代物流业的思考

14.On Bussiness Mode of the Logistics Center--Taking Guilin As an Example;物流中心的经营模式——以桂林为例

15.Establish Virtual Operation Mode and Develop 3PL;构建虚拟经营模式,发展第三方物流

16.Exploration on Development Strategy of Railway Diversified Logistic Enterprises;铁路多元经营物流企业发展战略新探

17.Evaluation of Logistics Enterprise Business Risk Based on Fuzzy-AHP;基于Fuzzy-AHP的物流企业经营风险评估

18.Discussions about the Logistics Distribution and Chain Management;关于物流配送与连锁经营的问题探析


Logistics Service Provider物流经营人

1.Research on Legal Status and Legal Responsibility of Third PartyLogistics Service Provider;第三方物流经营人的法律地位及其责任研究

3)Logistics solutions物流化经营

4)management strategy of logistics物流经营战略

5)logistics enterprise business物流企业经营

6)Logistics Business Methods物流经营方式


