1000字范文 > Note Design Studio | 极简主义美学

Note Design Studio | 极简主义美学

时间:2019-03-21 17:02:58


Note Design Studio | 极简主义美学

Note Design Studio为位于伦敦市中心的Summit House打造了温暖和动感十足的合作办公空间,其中包括一个休息的空间。

Note Design Studio has fashioned warm and tactile interiors for central London co-working space Summit House, which includes a room where stressed workers can recharge.

Summit House位于Holborn交通枢纽的花园广场内,设有一系列工作区,会议室和办公集团(TOG)运营的私人办公室。

Summit House is located in a garden square set back from the traffic of Holborn and accommodates a series of workspaces, meeting rooms and private offices run by co-working company The Office Group (TOG).


Erected in 1915, the building features a distinctive yellow-tile facade and heavy wooden front door. It had previously been used as a nondescript office with uninspiring interiors.

总部位于斯德哥尔摩的Note Design Studio负责室内设计,他们非常喜欢这些原始的细节,也成就了工作空间的极简主义美学。

Stockholm-based Note Design Studio – who were charged with developing the interiors – were keen to nod to these original details, instead of the bland minimalist aesthetic that has become typical of workspaces.

该工作室迷恋“瑞典风雅”, 一个20世纪代的艺术运动,其重要特点是华丽的工艺和民间风格图案的使用,这在瑞典很受欢迎,同时也出现在装饰艺术中。

The studio looked to Swedish Grace – a 1920s arts movement characterised by its focus on ornate craftsmanship and use of folk-inspired motifs, that was popular in Sweden and arose at the same time as art deco.

“该建筑具有一定的历史价值,希望通过室内设计理念来保护和深化空间的定义。”Johannes Carlstrom。

"The building has a certain elegance to it which we really wanted to preserve and enhance through our concept for the interior," explained Johannes Carlstrom, co-founder of the studio.

“它可能是霍尔本地区最美丽的建筑之一,所以面临的挑战是创建一个从该地区其他空间中脱颖而出的建筑, “TOG的联合创始人Charlie Green补充道。

"It"s possibly one of the most beautiful buildings from the outside in the Holborn area, so our challenge was to land on a design that would fit with that starting point and allow us to create a building that stands out from other spaces in the area," added TOG"s co-founder, Charlie Green.


Upon entering the building, guests now walk through a rust-coloured lobby.


Its focal point is a tiered wall that recedes to frame a service counter made from Birdseye maple wood – a type of timber with swirling, eye-like markings that interrupt the usual grain pattern.


Cream, burnt orange, and dark brown terrazzo tiles are arranged in a geometric pattern on the floor.


A long, communal work table in an adjoining room is fitted with a planter, allowing tropical foliage to sprout up from its centre. Breakout areas have been completed with sage green surfaces.


An almost-black kitchen, for preparing simple meals and drinks during the working day, is anchored by a shiny steel breakfast island.


This is also the first TOG co-working branch to boast a recharge room that"s meant to "encourage moments of mindfulness" amongst guests.

位于二楼的空间墙面是燕麦色,一个舒缓的灯光装置和Note Design Studio夫妻拍档设计的的Arkad seating,设计理念基于建筑拱门的形式。

Situated on the second floor, the space has oatmeal-coloured walls, a soothing light installation and a couple of Note Design Studio"s Arkad seating poufs that are based on the form of architectural arches.

灯光方面由Lee Broom设计的粉色环形灯具悬挂于二楼走廊空间,深入二楼那里有更多的封闭办公室,供小型企业使用。

Blush-pink corridors with ring-shaped lights by Lee Broom lead to the building"s upper levels, where there are more closed-off offices intended for use of small businesses.

建筑公司 | SMOK

External works architect | SMOK

室内设计 | Note Design Studio

Interior architect/designer | Note Design Studio

结构工程师 | Heyne Tillett Steel

Structural engineer | Heyne Tillett Steel

MEP工程师 | Environmental Engineering Partnership

MEP engineer | Environmental Engineering Partnership

规划顾问 | Dp9

Planning consultant | Dp9

承包商 | Faith Dean

Contractor | Faith Dean

Maze for Moooi


Our Maze series is part of the Nordic collection. Moooi carpets selected four recognized designers from the Nordics to create a compelling Signature Collection with a typical Nordic aesthetic. The four separate con­cepts are each inspired by elusive elements like faceted crystals, colourful clouds, stained glass and abstract labyrinths. The results are sparkling designs which show us the beauty within these precious things of life.


The Nordic Collection consists of four carpet designs available in all standard rug sizes as well as broadloom patterns.


The surprising and completely different designs gently blend into any kind of space, adding a touch of Nordic aesthetic, abstract or organic magic and especially joy to your own interior landscape.


Summit House Co-Working Space



Note is a Stockholm-based studio of design founded in working within the fields of architecture, interiors, products, graphic design and design strategy.

创造力是关于寻找缺失的东西,不断重新调整思想和设计,以便在项目上发挥我们的想象和洞察力。 以饱满的热情面对工作,将设计与产品,图形,建筑紧密联系在一起,与世界分享我们的见解。

Creativity is about searching for what is missing, to constantly realign thoughts and expressions to find that moment of insight when everything clicks. At Note we collaborate intensely, with personal passion and our design disciplines – interior, product, graphic, architecture, and strategies – to share our insights with the world.

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