1000字范文 > 病险水闸 sick-dangerous sluice英语短句 例句大全

病险水闸 sick-dangerous sluice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-20 02:35:21


病险水闸 sick-dangerous sluice英语短句 例句大全

病险水闸,sick-dangerous sluice

1)sick-dangerous sluice病险水闸

1.Application of risk assessment to danger elimination and reinforcement program in large and medium sizedsick-dangerous sluices江西省大中型病险水闸风险评估


1.The Necessity and Emergency of the Risk Elimination & Reinforcement Engineering of Risky-laden Sluices in Guangxi广西病险水闸除险加固的必要性和紧迫性

2.Linqing Sickness Danger Dam"s Reason Analysis and Processing Countermeasure临清市病险水闸的成因分析及处理对策

3.A Preliminary Analysis of the Causes of the Dangerous Situationsof Xuzhai Floodgate and the Solutions of Reducing the Dangers;浅析东鱼河徐寨节制闸病险成因及除险对策

4.Study on the Defects and Reliability Evaluation Method of Sluice Projects;水闸工程病害及可靠性评价方法研究

5.The Risk Assessment and Handling of Construction-Schedule in Waterlocks Key Project;水闸枢纽工程施工进度风险评估与应对

6.head gate structure [irrigation]渠首闸门,总水闸门[灌溉]

7.Erwangzhuang reservoir joint well floodgate concrete disease treatment technology尔王庄水库联结井闸混凝土病害治理技术

8.downbound entry下行(水)进闸时间

9.downbound exit下行(水)出闸时间

10.In our country there are a great many of iil-conditioned reservoirs with all sorts of problems which can cause incidents or failures of dams.我国病险水库数量大,病险问题多。

11.Piers and Bottom Board Temperature Control Design of Gate Piers and Bottom Board of Spillway Water Gates for Yanshan Reservoir燕山水库溢洪道水闸闸墩和闸底板温控设计

12.A sluice or gate used to control a flow of water.水闸门一种用于控制水流量的闸门

13.The Study of Water Transfer Volume on Reservoir before Cao E River"s Large Sluice曹娥江大闸闸上水库可外调水量研究

14.filling and emptying system(船闸的) 充水和放水系统

15.lock filling and emptying system船闸充水与泄水系统

16.Water went rushing through the lock gates.水流经水闸时十分湍急.

17.Out of the sluice springs an inexhaustible supply of water.水从水闸中源源流出。

18.Water were rushing through the lock gate.水流经水闸时十分湍急。


dangerous reservoir病险水库

1.Study on risk judgment standard system fordangerous reservoirs;病险水库风险判别标准体系研究

2.The main points ofdangerous reservoir danger control and reinforcement design;病险水库除险加固设计的要点

3.Research on stability of earth-rock dam with clay core of Shenyugoudangerous reservoir in Fang County房县深峪沟病险水库黏土心墙坝稳定性分析

3)defective reservoir病险水库

1.Framework design of information management platform fordefective reservoir strengthening病险水库及除险加固信息管理平台架构设计

2.In order to provide geological information in reinforcement of these reservoirs, on-site investigation, geological survey and reconnaissance, scientific evaluation and assessment ofdefective reservoirs are needed.重庆小型病险水库数量多、病险程度严重。

3.Due to the lacking of project legal person and strict regulation in the strengthening ofdefective reservoir, it causes many problems in the construction and operation and maintenance of the project.病险水库除险加固工程项目法人不健全、不规范,将导致项目实施控制不力,带来施工生产和运行管理的许多弊病。

4)sluice aging deterioration水闸老化病害

1.A fuzzy comprehensive evaluation onsluice aging deterioration based on the group weight decision-making and variable weight is presented herein.在研究水闸老化病害类型及影响因素的基础上,给出水闸老化病害评估准则,并构造水闸老化病害评估指标体系,建立了水闸老化病害评估的层次结构及相应的评估模型;根据水闸老化病害评估的特点并针对以往评估方法中赋权存在的缺陷,将群决策赋权法和变权赋权法引入模糊综合评判方法,提高了决定水闸老化程度和影响因素权重的科学性和民主性,进而可以系统地判别水闸的老化级别。

5)sluice pier水闸闸墩

1.Numerical simulation of temperature field and stress field ofsluice piers;水闸闸墩温度场及应力场仿真分析

6)sluice chamber水闸闸室

1.Discussion on the reliability of thesluice chamber structure system;水闸闸室稳定结构体系可靠度探讨


