1000字范文 > 学术对话 academic dialogue英语短句 例句大全

学术对话 academic dialogue英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-13 16:41:48


学术对话 academic dialogue英语短句 例句大全

学术对话,academic dialogue

1)academic dialogue学术对话

1.This paper engages in anacademic dialogue with Liu in terms of the definition of the meme notion,meme transmission patterns,and the meme theory s disciplinary basis,research scope and scientificity.本文就模因的定义与传递模式,模因论的学科基础、研究范围及其科学性等问题与刘文展开学术对话,指出:1)模因主要通过模仿而被传递,任何东西只要通过模仿而被传递,它就可以算作是模因;2)模因寿命有长有短,任何受到模因影响并加以传播的人都可能成为该模因的宿主;3)模因与基因并不是一回事,不能简单等同;4)模因论既注重描写,更强调解释,旨在进一步加深对语言、文化、思想、认知以及人类自身的认识;5)隐喻思维不会影响模因论的科学性;6)模因论不但与其他学科关系相当紧密,还有可能对其它学科发展带来新启示;7)本性与习性均可能对模因的传递产生影响;8)模因论没有忽视意向性问题;9)模因论不但要考察人如何获得思想,更要考察思想如何获得人,即思想如何控制人;10)目前探讨模因论的科学性问题可能还为时过早。

2)technique instructional dialogue技术型教学对话

3)multilevel academic dialogues多声部学术对话

4)international academic communication国际学术对话

5)the art of dialogue对话艺术

1.He not only successfully introduced the ate of debate, discussion, absurd argument and irony into the new Chinese stage play, but also laid a foundation forthe art of dialogue in Chinese modern drama.他不仅成功地将辩论和讨论、奇论和反语等因素引进了新兴的中国话剧,而且为对话艺术的成熟奠定了动力性的基础。


1.The Dialogue Theory and the Art of Dialogue in Lodge David s Novels;对话理论与戴维·洛奇小说中的对话艺术

2.On the Art of Dialogue in A Dream o Red Mansions from Gu Yueguo"s Politeness Principle以顾曰国礼貌准则看《红楼梦》对话艺术

3.On the Dialogue of Hemingway s Fiction from the Viewpoint of Narratology;叙述学视野中的海明威小说的对话艺术

4.Conversation Turn-taking and Relevance─Strategies for Verbal Communication;会话 话轮 关联──会话艺术

5.Art Marching towards a Dialogue with the Public: Some Art-related Topics from the Perspective of Modern Theory of Aesthetic Culture;走向大众对话时代的艺术——当代审美文化理论视野中的艺术话题

6.And if you are interested in art:如果你对艺术感兴趣的话,

7.Dialogue and Fusion: A Study of Yu Guangzhong s Art of Poetry Translation;对话与融合:余光中诗歌翻译艺术研究

8.Create a New Sight, A Dialogue between "Visual Arts" and "Science and Technology";创造新视觉——“视觉艺术”与“科技”的对话

9.Natural Beauty without Words:A Dialogue about Science,Art and Philosophy;大美不言——关于科学、艺术、哲学的对话

10.Improving Art of "Dialogue",Creating a Harmonious Space for Teaching;提高“对话”艺术 创设和谐的教学空间

11.Dialogue between Music and Its Sister Art;论音乐文化及其与姊妹艺术的“对话”

12.On Artistic Features of the Characters Dialogues in A Dream of Red Mansions by Cao Xueqin;简论《红楼梦》人物对话的艺术特色

13.Traditional Opera s influence on the Wu Zuguang s Modern Drama;论戏曲艺术对吴祖光话剧创作的影响

14.Dialogue with the Public:Features of Art Interaction in Consumer Era大众对话:消费时代的艺术互动体征

15.Impact of the Traditional Theatre on Spoken Drama中国传统戏曲对话剧舞台艺术的影响

16.The Art Characteristics of the Storytelling and Its Influence on Literary Form of the Hua-pen(Colloquial) Stories;说话的艺术特征及其对话本小说的文体影响

17.Opens the Edit WordArt Text dialog box, where you can edit the text of the selected WordArt object打开“编辑艺术字文字”对话框,可在此编辑所选艺术字对象的文字

18.Dialog Beyond Arts--China’s fine arts exchanges during the War of Resistance Against Japan;超越艺术层面的对话——抗战时期的中外美术交流


technique instructional dialogue技术型教学对话

3)multilevel academic dialogues多声部学术对话

4)international academic communication国际学术对话

5)the art of dialogue对话艺术

1.He not only successfully introduced the ate of debate, discussion, absurd argument and irony into the new Chinese stage play, but also laid a foundation forthe art of dialogue in Chinese modern drama.他不仅成功地将辩论和讨论、奇论和反语等因素引进了新兴的中国话剧,而且为对话艺术的成熟奠定了动力性的基础。

6)dialogue teaching对话教学

1.On Constructing the Ethical Values of Dialogue Teaching;建构对话教学的伦理价值观

2.Exploration and analysis of model and strategy of thedialogue teaching;对话教学的模式与策略探析

3.The Applied Research about the Dialogue Teaching of Ideological Politicals under New Curriculum;新课程标准下思想政治课对话教学的应用研究


