1000字范文 > 商事纠纷 commercial disputes英语短句 例句大全

商事纠纷 commercial disputes英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-15 03:34:20


商事纠纷 commercial disputes英语短句 例句大全

商事纠纷,commercial disputes

1)commercial disputes商事纠纷

1.In the period of Co-hong system, the debt disputes between hong merchants and Western merchants were the main original shapes ofcommercial disputes between Chinese merchants and Western merchants before or at the beginning of modern China.公行制度时期的中外“行欠”纠纷,构成了前近代华洋商事纠纷最主要的原初形态。


1.The Commercial Quarrel between Chinese and Foreign People Which Caused the Change of Commercial Custom Law in the Late Qing Dynasty华洋商事纠纷与晚清商事习惯法嬗变

2.On the Judicial Participation of the Chamber of Commerce in the Trading Disputes between Chinese and Foreign Merchants in the End of Qing Dynasty论清末商会对华洋商事纠纷的司法参预

3.Economic Analysis of the Judicial Jurisdiction Contract on the International Civil and Commercial Disputes;国际民商事纠纷司法管辖协议的经济分析

4.The Trading Disputes between Chinese and Foreign Merchants during Late Qing Dynasty and the Renewal of Chinese Legal idea in Modern China;晚清涉外商事纠纷与近代中国法观念嬗替

5.A Brief Discussion on the Enlargement and Restriction of Judicial Jurisdiction Concerning Foreign Business Dispute;浅议涉外商事纠纷司法管辖权的扩充与限制

6.The function of international commercial arbitration cannot be act for in handling international commercial disputes.国际商事仲裁在处理国际商事纠纷中具有不可替代的作用。

7.A Study on Trade Dispute Problem between China and Korea (Focus on Trade Correlation Problem and Business Dispute and Anti-Dumping Dispute);中韩贸易纠纷问题研究:贸易相关性问题、商务纠纷及反倾销纠纷

8.The workers" union is in dispute with the management.工会和董事会有纠纷。

9.On the Coherency betwween the Civil Disputeand Its Solving Methods;论民事纠纷解决方式与民事纠纷的适应性

10.International commercial arbitration (ICA) plays a big role in solving international commercial dispute.国际商事仲裁在解决国际经济贸易纠纷中发挥着不可代替的作用。

11.The two parties shall consult with each other and mediate any disputes which may arise about the contract.当事人双方发生合同纠纷时,尽可能通过协商或者调解解决。

12.On the Applicability of Dissension of Sports Patron Contract in Civil and Business Arbitration;论体育赞助合同纠纷在我国民商事仲裁体制中的适用

13.Problems and countermeasures in negotiation of interregional water affair conflicts in the Yangtze River Delta;长三角地区跨界水事纠纷协商面临的问题及对策

14.On How the Principle of the Occurence of a Contingency is Applied to the Housing Dispute in the Contract of Advance Booking;论情事变更原则在商品房预售合同纠纷中的适用

15.Victim-Offender Mediation: the "Third Realm" of Criminal Dispute Settlement;刑事和解:刑事纠纷解决的“第三领域”

16.Nowadays there are more and more cases on infringing goodwill in practice.近年来,商誉损害赔偿纠纷越来越多。

17.ODR-The Future Trend of Resolving China s E-Commerce Disputes;ODR-解决中国电子商务纠纷的未来趋势

18.The intellectual property right s dispute can be arbitrated in electronic commerce;电子商务中知识产权纠纷的可仲裁性


Trading disputes between Chinese and Foreign Merchants涉外商事纠纷

3)the disputes between merchants and brokers商牙纠纷

4)industrial and commercial disputes工商纠纷

5)Business Dispute商务纠纷

1.A Study on Trade Dispute Problem between China and Korea (Focus on Trade Correlation Problem andBusiness Dispute and Anti-Dumping Dispute);中韩贸易纠纷问题研究:贸易相关性问题、商务纠纷及反倾销纠纷

6)Bank-merchant dissension银商纠纷


