1000字范文 > 茶叶揉捻机 tea twisting machine英语短句 例句大全

茶叶揉捻机 tea twisting machine英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-23 11:42:51


茶叶揉捻机 tea twisting machine英语短句 例句大全

茶叶揉捻机,tea twisting machine

1)tea twisting machine茶叶揉捻机

1.It is mainly research on automation transformation oftea twisting machine.本课题是中国农业部948项目《引进国际先进农业科学技术滚动项目》的一部分,主要研究茶叶揉捻机的自动化改造,实现6CR—55型茶叶揉捻机的工作压力、时间、转速和上下叶的自动控制,包括传感和采集系统、电气系统、控制和界面系统、软件系统的设计和开发。

2.This paper introduces the application of the stepper motor control intea twisting machine based on the SIMATIC S7-200 series PLC.介绍了基于西门子S7系列PLC的步进电机控制在茶叶揉捻机中的应用,论述了控制系统的设计方案及其硬件的实现方法。


1.Application of PLC-based the Stepper Motor Control in Tea Twisting Machine基于PLC的步进电机控制在茶叶揉捻机中的应用

2.The Research of Automatic Control System for Tea Twisting Machine Based on PLC基于PLC的茶叶揉捻机自动控制系统的研究

3.For green tea, the fresh leaves are heated or steamed to inactivate enzymes before they are rolled and dried.对于绿茶,新鲜的茶叶在揉捻和干制以前先经加热或汽蒸,使酶失活。

4.For black tea, the leaves are allowed to wither before they are rolled and dried. Then they are held a few hours before they are heated and dried.对于红茶,先让茶叶萎凋而后揉捻,然后保持几小时之后再加热和干制。

5.Rolling the leaves prior to fermentation permits the polyphenolase enzyme to come in contact with the phenolic substrates and catalyze their oxidation. Theaflavins which are formed when flavanols are catalyze their oxidation.发酵以前对茶叶进行揉捻可使多酚酶与酚类物质接触,并催化它们氧化。

6.Statistics Modeling and Analysis on Pitch Errors Of Black Tea CTC Rolls茶叶揉切机齿辊节距误差数理统计建模与分析

7.an electrostatic stalk extractor(茶叶)静电拣梗机

8.fabric of raffia (spun), woven机织酒都椰叶纤维(长丝并捻)织物

9.Application of Pt100 Platinum Thermistor in Temperature Control of Yuhua Tea Precise Rolling MachinePt100铂热电阻在雨花茶精揉机温度控制中的应用

10.The Status Quo of the Tea Production in Yongshun County and the Tactics of Developing Organic Tea;永顺县茶叶生产现状与有机茶开发对策

11.Dynamic Analysis and Optimal Design on Maojian-tea Processing毛尖茶叶炒茶机构的动力学分析及优化设计

12.Studies on Resistance Mechanism of Tea Cultivars to Phyllosticta Theicola and Ectropis Obliqua Warren茶树品种对茶赤叶斑病和茶尺蠖抗性机制的初步研究

13.Effect of different machine-plucking on autumn tea yield and quality--A case study of the famous Bailumaojian hilly plantation tea丘陵茶园不同机采方式对秋季茶鲜叶产量和名优绿茶品质的影响

14.Research of Classification of Tea Quality by Computer Vision;茶叶品质的计算机视觉分级技术研究

15.Study on the Quality Control Mechanism of Tea Market of Changsha City;长沙市茶叶市场质量监控机制的探讨

16.Design and test of oscillating bar-slider moulding tea machine摆杆滑柱式紧压茶叶机的设计与试验

17.Ion Chromatographic Determination of Inorganic Anions in Tea离子色谱法测定茶叶中的无机阴离子

18.Optimized design of tea vibrating-shifting machine parameters based on ant colony algorithm基于蚁群算法的茶叶抖筛机参数优化


Tea rolling茶叶揉捻

3)green tea rolled绿茶揉捻

1.Ingreen tea rolled, as the extension of rolled times the rolled twig rate showed regularity of the twice curve equation, the curve equation is y=5.绿茶揉捻中 ,成条率随揉捻时间的增加而表现出二次曲线变化规律 ,曲线方程为 :y=5。

4)Rolled leaves揉捻叶

5)rolling machine揉捻机

1.Although the existingrolling machine can make tea be high quality, the issues of tea quality depending on operators and low efficiency influence the tea industry to develop.现有的揉捻机揉捻质量较高,但也存在质量依赖操作者技能、效率不高等影响茶叶产业发展的问题。

6)rotorvane type tea rolling-cutting machine转子式茶叶揉切机


揉捻揉捻rolling皱缩成圆有柔险后,里宜。的失弓些,揉捻(r olhng)通过搓揉、捻条使叶止卷成圆条状的茶叶造形主要工序之一。鲜叶揉1条,首先要改变其原来硬、脆的物理性,使之日软性、韧性、粘性和良好的可塑性。一般鲜叶头可塑性增强,当含水里为60%左右时,可塑性最但这种水分适度,随鲜叶的嫩度不同而异。老「水程度要轻些,即含水量高些;嫩叶的失水量要可塑}“热含水量应低于60%。此外,提高叶温,揉捻叶的性也可增强。老叶的可塑性较差,所以通常多采拜揉”的措施。揉捻过程中,叶子四周受到几个力的作用,J挤压、滚动、搓揉,叶片发生皱摺(皱褶纹路与平行),叶细胞受弯曲力的拉伸作用而损伤,细胞;出粘着叶表面。随着叶片纹路的增多,细胞损伤!提高,叶子柔软性、粘性、可塑性增强,叶子摩{也增大。先以主脉为中心,褶叠缩成松条形,进}转扭卷成紧条。揉捻过程大体上可分成两个阶段一阶段用力宜轻,以利于叶片产生大量皱摺,而裂成碎片或叠合成宽扁条为适度、后一阶段可用重,使松条扭卷成紧条。第一阶段时间较短,就:扭卷成紧条的第二阶段。由于揉捻叶的粘性大,容易产生几张叶片或,相枯连成团块,并且越滚动越紧结,形晌茶叶外形:质。因此在揉捻过程中要增添解块、筛分作业,所有团块及时彻底解散和分离粗细条,粗条进行复在揉捻过程中,揉捻叶由于机械力的作用,!胞组织损伤,内含物充分混合、接触;又由于摩{用,叶温升高。因此促使揉捻叶的内含物化学变化促反应和非醉促反应)非常激烈。所以嫩叶多采J温揉捻(又称冷揉)和短时快揉等技术措施,以尽轻揉捻过程中的化学变化程度。即使是老叶热揉配合以快揉为佳(老青茶等黑茶类除外)。揉捻方法有手揉和机械揉捻两种。手揉是在·台上进行。手揉又分单把揉(又称推揉)和双把揉称团揉)。机械揉捻设备,主要是桶盘结构揉捻甘揉捻机)。(陈以又生脉滋的力滚前断较入念主夜私察万下力注脸条阳内 使已揉。叶细察作(醉召低量减也要蹂捻 (又L(见.)
