1000字范文 > 2%利多卡因 2% Lidocaine英语短句 例句大全

2%利多卡因 2% Lidocaine英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-07 14:10:36


2%利多卡因 2% Lidocaine英语短句 例句大全

2%利多卡因,2% Lidocaine

1)2% Lidocaine2%利多卡因

1.The Application Value of2% Lidocaine in Pricking Chocolate Cyst of Ovary;2%利多卡因在卵巢巧克力囊肿穿刺中的应用价值

2.Objective Studying the curative effect comparison of the three anaesthesial methods to relieve pain in the artificial abortion operation between injecting the mixed liquid of Propofol and Fentanyl to anaesthesize,inhaling Laughing Gas to anaesthesize and local anaesthesizing by infiltrating cervix with2% Lidocaine.目的:探讨异丙酚和芬太尼混合液静脉麻醉、笑气吸入麻醉及2%利多卡因宫颈局部浸润麻醉三种镇痛方法在人工流产手术中的疗效比较。



2.Cardiovascular Symptoms Monitoring in Elderly Patients Under Anesthesia by 1/20 Million Units Adrenaline and 2% Lidocaine for Teeth Extraction老年患者用1/20万U肾上腺素的2%利多卡因麻醉拔牙过程中心血管的监护

3.Methods Be fore vacuum extraction for artifical abortion, using lidocaine anesthesia at the neck of uterus, compared with control group without lidocaine anesthesia.方法:应用2%多卡因针注射宫颈后行人工流产术,与未用利多卡因组对比。

4.A Study on the Process of Lidocain and Prilocaine Compound Gel利多卡因/丙胺卡因复方凝胶制备工艺的研究

5.When used as a regional anaesthetic, lidocaine levels in blood from the anaesthetized areas are between 1 and 2 mg/100 ml.当用作局部麻醉剂时,麻醉区血中利多卡因浓度是在1―2毫克/100毫升之间。

6.Effects of Lidocaine on the L-type Ca~(2+) Channels in CA_1 Pyramidal Neurons in Hippocampus of Adult Rats;利多卡因对成年大鼠海马CA_1区锥体细胞L-型Ca~(2+)单通道特性的影响

7.Study on the Decomposition Kinetics of Lidocaine, Procaine and Bupivacaine in Biological Specimens;利多卡因、普鲁卡因和布比卡因在生物样品中的分解动力学研究

parison of effects of low concentration bupivacaine,lidocaine,and tetracaine solutions in painless childbirth低浓度布比卡因、利多卡因、地卡因用于无痛分娩效果的比较

9.Clinical observation on lidocaine absorbent gauzes to emolliate cervix uteri for parturient利多卡因纱布软化宫颈的临床观察

10.Studies on Lidocaine Silk Fibroin Double-deck Membrane盐酸利多卡因丝素蛋白双层膜的研究

11.Enhancing effects of electret on transdermal delivery of lidocaine patches in vitro驻极体利多卡因贴剂的透皮促渗作用

12.These creams contain high doses of local anesthetics including lidocaine, tetracaine, benzocaine, and prilocaine.这些麻醉剂含有高剂量的局麻药,包括利多卡因、丁卡因、苯佐卡因、丙胺卡因。

13.Low epidural anesthesia with chloroprocaine or lidocaine:a prospective,randomized,double-blind multicentre clinical trial氯普鲁卡因与利多卡因用于低位硬膜外麻醉的多中心临床研究

14.To improve the toleration for anesthesia, the preoperative preparation must be done carefully.方法采用持续硬膜外麻醉40例,用药为地卡因+利多卡因。

parison of Chloroprocaine and Lidocaine Epidural Anesthesia for Caesarean Section氯普鲁卡因与利多卡因硬膜外阻滞用于剖宫产术的麻醉观察

16.Effects of Lidocaine, Alcaine and Benoxil on the Rabbit Corneal Endothelium;利多卡因、爱尔卡因、倍诺喜兔前房内注射对角膜内皮细胞的影响

parison of the Anesthetic Effect of Articaine and Lidocaine in the Pulp Extirpation of Vital Maxillary Canine上尖牙拔髓术中阿替卡因与利多卡因局部麻醉效果比较

parative Study for Articaine and Lidocaine in Children"s Tooth and Endodontic Therapy阿替卡因与利多卡因在儿童牙体牙髓治疗中麻醉效果的研究比较



1.Determination of the content oflidocaine inlidocaine nanoemulsion by HPLC;利多卡因纳米乳的制备及质量控制

2.Preparation and Content Determination of Lidocaine Liposome Gel;利多卡因脂质体凝胶的制备及质量控制

3.Preparation and electron microscopic observation oflidocaine microemulsion;利多卡因微乳的制备及电镜观察


1.Effect of excessive dosage ofLidocaine on myocardial enzymes and cardiac contractility in intravenous anesthesia;大剂量利多卡因静脉麻醉对心肌酶和心肌收缩力的影响

2.The Study of Preventive Effects on Cardiovascular Reaction During Tracheal Extubation Using Urapidil andLidocain;乌拉地尔和利多卡因预防拔管期心血管反应的研究

3.Anti-arrythmic effects of Tetrandrine and comparison withLidocain;粉防己碱与利多卡因抗心律失常作用比较

4)lidocaine hydrochloride利多卡因

1.Surface anesthetic effects of verapamil hydrochloride combined withlidocaine hydrochloride on rabbits维拉帕米联合利多卡因对家兔的表面麻醉作用

2.AIM To investigate animal pharmacokinetics oflidocaine hydrochloride slow released gelatin pill (slow released gelatin pill).目的研究盐酸利多卡因缓释胶丸 (简称缓释胶丸 )的动物药代动力学。

5)0.5% of lidocaine0.5%利多卡因

6)5% lidocaine5%利多卡因

1.Clinical application of spinal anesthesia with5% lidocaine and 0.5% bupivacaine;5%利多卡因和0.5%布吡卡因在腰麻中的应用


利多卡因分子式:c14h22n2o分子量:234.33CAS号:137-58-6性质:白色针状结晶。熔点68-69℃;沸点180-182℃(0.53kPa),159-160℃(0.267kPa)溶于乙醇、乙醚、苯、氯仿和油类,不溶于水。常用基盐酸盐,利多卡因盐酸盐(C14H22N2O·HCL,[73-78-9])为白色结晶性粉末。熔点127-129℃,一水合物的溶点为77-78℃。极易溶于水,0.5%水溶液pHO 4.0-5.5。无臭,有苦麻味。制备方法:由2,6-二甲基苯胺经酰化、胺化而得。1.酰化将2,6-二甲基苯胺溶于无水苯中,冷却至28℃以下,搅拌下缓缓滴加氯乙酰氯,在控制温度在30℃以下。加毕搅拌反应1h,再加热回流8h。冷却结晶,过滤,干燥得2,6-二甲基氯乙酰苯胺。收率75%。2.胺化将上述2,6-二甲基氯乙酰苯胺加入苯中,再加入二乙胺,搅拌加热回流7h。回收大部分苯后,冷却结晶,过滤,用苯洗涤结晶。合并苯液,用10%盐酸萃取,萃取液加活性炭脱色,过滤。滤液用10%氢氧化钠溶液调节pH至10,析出结晶,甩滤,水洗至中性,得利多卡因。经重结晶,用盐酸成盐即为利多卡因盐酸盐。胺化反应的收率76%。用途:该品为酰胺类局部麻醉药。广泛应用于表面麻醉、浸润麻醉、传导麻醉及硬膜外麻醉。利多卡因盐酸盐对小鼠口服LD50为290mg/kg。
