1000字范文 > 英雄侠义精神 chivalrous heroism英语短句 例句大全

英雄侠义精神 chivalrous heroism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-12 07:21:58


英雄侠义精神 chivalrous heroism英语短句 例句大全

英雄侠义精神,chivalrous heroism

1)chivalrous heroism英雄侠义精神

1.The inner core of traditional Chinese martial arts is a spirit ofchivalrous heroism.中华传统武术以一种英雄侠义精神为思想内核,民国武侠小说既是时代剧变之际的英雄想像,对弘扬这种精神也具有重要意义。

2)chivalrous hero侠义英雄


1.From Heroism to Talk about the Cultivation of the Personality s Perfection and Individuality;从“侠义英雄主义”谈人格的完善与个性的培养

2.An Analysis to the heroine Images in Heroic and Chivalrous Novels of Ming & Qing Dynasties;明清英雄侠义小说中的女英雄形象分析

3.The Spirit of Heroes and Chivalrous Swordspersons -- A Comparison between"Heroes of the Marshes" and "A Couple of Chivaltous Swordspersons and Their Supernatural Eagles;英雄、侠客情——《水浒传》与《神雕侠侣》比较

4.Death is death - cold, crucial, and full of pain.士兵的生命并不是英雄侠义,死亡就是死亡,冰冷,重要,充满疼痛。

5.Xia","Tian Xia" and Hero-A talk of the Film of "Hero" Directed by Zhang Yimou;艺术中的侠、天下及英雄——也由张艺谋的《英雄》说起

6.Bai Yutang is a chivalrous, and fearless hero.白玉堂是宋朝一个侠胆忠肝的英雄。

7.Analysis of the "Heroes" Rhetoric Visualizes in Jinyong s Sword Novels;金庸武侠小说中“英雄”形象修辞分析

8.An Elegy of Bravery and Strength --On the Gallant Character of Heroes of Liangshan Marsh;勇与力的悲歌——试析梁山英雄的豪侠品格

9.On the Mock-Heroic Style in Absalom, Absalom!;戏谑英雄萨德本:南方英雄主义的祭杀

10.We are all heroes, you and Boo and I! Hamsters and rangers everywhere rejoice!明斯克:我们全都是英雄,你,还有布布和我!大仓鼠和游侠到处都快乐!

11.The classic superheroes like Spiderman or Superman date back to many decades ago.象蜘蛛侠或超人这类传统超级英雄可以回溯到好几十年前。

12.A Comparative Study of the Character of Yin Zhiping in Luis Chas’ Heroes on the Desert and The Legend of Condor Heroes;金庸《射雕英雄传》《神雕侠侣》中的尹志平与历史上的尹志平之比较

13.The Knight Hero Cultural Meaning about People Shooting and Fighting Tigers in Tang Dynasty;唐人与猛兽对阵的英雄气概——唐人射虎斗虎描写的豪侠文化内蕴

14.The Social Mentality of Worshipping Wushu and Chivalrous Persons as Seen From the Differences Between the Heroes and the Heroines andthe Dreams in the Red Mansion;从《儿女英雄传》与《红楼梦》的差异看“崇武尚侠”的社会心理

15.The Interpretation of Yin Zhi-Ping Image in Jin Yong"s Novels论金庸《射雕英雄传》《神雕侠侣》对全真教尹志平的解读

16.Self trust is the essence of heroism.自信乃英雄主义的精髓。

17.He and his men were known throughout England for their kindness.他和他的同伴因行侠仗义在整个英国享有盛名。

18.The scarlet Pimpernel红花侠(英国影片)


chivalrous hero侠义英雄

3)Chivalrous spirit侠义精神

1.This paper discusses the chivalrous spirit in"Historical Records" and points out that the martial arts novels by Jin Yong inherit and carry forward the spirit of chivalry.本文论述《史记》中的侠义精神及金庸武侠小说对侠义精神的传承和发扬,以说明作为中国传统文化精髓一部分的侠义精神不仅不会因朝代的更迭或社会形态的转变而失去魅力,还将在新的社会历史条件下继续发挥其积极作用。

2.The theme in Three Kingdoms is to eulogize the chivalrous spirit and ethics which were highly praised by the chivalrous ancients before the Qin Dynasty and a historian Sima Qian in the Western Han.《三国演义》的主导思想是颂扬侠义,表现、褒扬了先秦古侠和司马迁所归纳推崇的侠义精神、侠义伦理。

3.And the transcendance in writting is to show the traditional separation between the chivalrous spirit and real life around swordsmen.回归 ,就是还其笔下侠客义士的本来面貌 ,他们不是虚无缥缈的神 ,而是生活在现实中的人 ;超越 ,就是写出了传统侠义精神与现实生活的严重脱离。

4)Chivalric spirit侠义精神

1.What is worth pondering over is the worried feelings hided behind the fantastic stories in which Jin Yong felt the solemn,strring and loneliness facing the tiredness and lose of chivalric spirit before he stopped writing.值得回味的是掩藏在传奇故事背后那令人揪心的切肤之感,因为在这当中,融铸了金庸封笔之前面对侠义精神的委顿和失落所感受到的天高地远般的悲壮寂寞。


1.While these "female knights-errant" all suggest Liu s great solicitude on women and thus this nationalchivalry.在当代乡土文学作家刘绍棠的小说中,尤其是在他文革后创作的中短篇小说中,他改变了传统文学中女性柔弱顺从的面貌,塑造了一系列具有侠义精神的女性形象。

6)errantry spirit侠义精神

1.On the Revenge Consciousness and Errantry Spirit in the Miscellaneous Historical Novels of Han Dynasty;论汉代杂史小说中的复仇意识与侠义精神

2.First,the youngster wuxia novel has choice to inherit or oppose theerrantry spirit which is tradition wuxia novel,so it has much meaning for young.首先 ,少年武侠小说对武侠小说中的侠义精神进行了有选择的传递和解构 ,因而具有了丰富少年读者生命内涵的寓意 ,成为适合少儿阅读的成长寓言。


