1000字范文 > 列车运行 Train operation英语短句 例句大全

列车运行 Train operation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-05 04:10:52


列车运行 Train operation英语短句 例句大全

列车运行,Train operation

1)Train operation列车运行

1.Research on large-scale train operation simulation;大规模列车运行过程仿真的研究

2.Design of peripheral supporting environment for train operation and organization simulation based on railway network;基于路网的列车运行及组织模拟外围支撑环境设计

3.The paper defines a fuzzy time Petri net (FTPN) applied to the train operation system.定义一种应用于铁路列车运行系统的模糊时间Petri网;针对列车运行时间存在的不确定性,该Petri网引入了4个模糊集理论函数:模糊时间片、模糊使能时间、模糊发生时间和模糊延迟,来处理时间的不确定性问题;能够对列车运行过程中的时间不确定性问题进行定量分析,可以有效应用于列车交会、列车终到时间、列车运行计划调整的分析等;其相对于已有的方法具有精确分析、计算简单、简化系统、便于系统集成的特点。


1.magazine train describer存储式列车运行描述器

2.freight train performance chart货物列车运行性能图

3.supervision of train timing列车运行时刻的监督

4.plot paths of trains铺画列车运行线(图)

5.Trains run on schedule without mishap.列车运行安全正点。

6.Research on the Algorithm for Train RegulationBased on Train Running State Derivation Graph;基于列车运行状态推导图的列车运行调整算法

7.Don"t open the door while the train is in motion.列车运行时, 请勿打开车门。

8.Study on Train Running Simulation of Railway Passenger Dedicated Line Based on Agent基于Agent的客运专线列车运行仿真研究

9.Study on Influence of Delay of Medium Speed Train upon Organization of Train Operation for Beijing Shanghai High Speed Passenger Special Line中速列车晚点对京沪高速客运专线列车运行组织的影响

10.The Study of Train Movement Simulation;城市轨道交通列车运行过程仿真研究

11.The Research on the Integrated Maintenance Skylights in the Train Operation Diagram;关于列车运行图综合维修天窗的研究

12.Research of ChongQing Straddle-type Monorail Vehicle s Ride Index;重庆跨座式单轨列车运行平稳性研究

13.Study on the Correlative Issue about Train Operation Intelligent Adjustment System;列车运行智能调整系统相关问题研究

14.regulation of running of trains and locomotives列车和机车运行的调整

15.parallel diagramming of trains列车平行辅画运行图

16.The train is running on the outside track.列车正在外轨上运行。

17.Research on Simulating the Tracing Operation of Trains in Condition of Running Disterbances运行干扰条件下的列车追踪运行仿真

18.contemplated schedule movements of trains列车按计划时刻表的运行


train running列车运行

1.It was firstly analyzed the necessity of system of weavingtrain running adjust plan by computer and introduced some foreign similar systems.最后,就怎样在我国建立列车运行调整方案计算机编制系统,以及该系统的设计目标,基本结构和主要功能进行了较为详细的阐述。

2.This paper describes line characteristic of urban railway with mathematics methods, with the same interval time oftrain running as target function to make mathematics model of urban railway.论文运用数学方法描述城市铁路的线路属性,以分时段列车等间隔运行为目标函数,构建城市铁路列车运行图数学模型。

3.On the basis of analyzing the relationship betweentrain running and signaling system,atrain running model based on agent technology(TRAC) was applied to solvetrain running problem under different pattern signaling system.不同制式的信号系统条件下的列车运行仿真问题是客运专线列车运行组织仿真中的核心问题之一。

3)train movement列车运行

1.The basic thought and principle of Hungary s method are elaborated,combining the factual candition of the railroadtrain movement.阐述了匈牙利法的基本思想和基本原理,并与铁路列车运行实际情况相结合,根据铁路列车乘务组分派的基本特点建立数学模型,并用匈牙利法对其进行求解。

2.Based on the idea of Objected-Orientation and the conception of system theory, a design and an implementation oftrain movement calculation on urban rail system are presented.列车运行计算是城市轨道交通系统设计的重要工作。

4)running train运行列车

5)Train working diagram列车运行图

1.Research on train working diagram systemof railway netted lines worked out with computer;计算机编制网状线路列车运行图系统研究

2.Research on concurrency control method of train working diagram compilation system based on group coordination基于群体协同的铁路列车运行图编制系统并发控制方法研究

3.The train working diagram is the base of railway train operation organization.列车运行图是铁路行车组织工作的基础,其编制问题属于超大规模的多目标优化问题,求解难度较大。

6)train diagram列车运行图

1.Study on a general optimization model and its solution for railway networktrain diagram;网络列车运行图的数学模型及算法研究

2.Analysis on rational applied modes of high-speedtrain diagram in our country;我国高速铁路列车运行图采用模式的分析

3.The Research and Application on the Method of Making Train Diagram with Computer;计算机编制列车运行图方法的研究与运用


列车运行自动化根据列车在铁路线路上运行的客观条件和实际情况,对列车运行速度等进行自动监督、控制和调整的技术。其作用是保证行车安全、提高运输效率、节省能源、改善司机劳动条件,以及为实现铁路运营管理自动化创造条件。列车运行自动化内容是随着技术发展而增多,现在主要包括列车自动停车(ATS),列车自动控制(ATC)和列车自动操纵 (ATO)。列车自动停车是在机车与地面间装设的一种相互发生联系的设备,在司机未能确认并执行地面信号机停车信号或减速信号的命令时,能够强迫列车自动停车,以防止列车冒进信号。列车自动控制系统是接受地面送来的运行速度信号,并与现行实际运行速度相比较,若超过允许速度,则能自动降速,以确保行车安全的装置。但列车自动控制系统一般不能自动加速,必须由司机来操纵加速。列车自动操纵又名列车自动驾驶,它是列车自动控制系统的进一步发展,除完成列车自动控制系统功能外,还能根据允许加速显示信号自动进行加速,因此它是一套完整的闭环自动控制系统。此外,在列车自动操纵系统中还增加列车自动开闭车门等辅助性操作。
