1000字范文 > 有限合伙制 limited partnership英语短句 例句大全

有限合伙制 limited partnership英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-12 22:06:26


有限合伙制 limited partnership英语短句 例句大全

有限合伙制,limited partnership

1)limited partnership有限合伙制

1.New progress of the studies on the U.S. venture capitallimited partnership;美国风险资本有限合伙制研究的新进展

2.There are many debates on whether China should take the form of thelimited partnership to promote the development of venture capital.伴随着近年来风险投资研究热潮的兴起,国内学者对是否在我国推行有限合伙制有很大争议。

3.This paper firstly analyzes the design of governance structure, investment instruments, and exit methods for Limited Partnerships.本文对有限合伙制从治理结构、权益投资工具以及退出机制的设计进行了分析,并对大企业及上市公司通过内部创投事业的方式规范有序地进入产业风险投资领域进行了探讨,以期为建立和完善我国产业风险投资的微观组织形式与机制提供借鉴和参考。


1.Legislative Defects and Improvements on the System of Limited Partnership in the New Partnership Act;新《合伙企业法》有限合伙制度的立法缺陷与克服

2.Legal Regulation of the Venture Capital Limited Partnership of China我国有限合伙制风险投资的法律规制

3.A Discussion on Legislation Evolution of Limited Partnership in China;试论有限合伙制度在我国的立法演进

4.The Risk of Limited Partnership Agency and the Controlling System有限合伙制代理风险及其控制制度安排

5.Incentive Mechanism of Venture Capitalist in Limited Partnership有限合伙制风险基金管理者的激励机制

6.System Innovation and Application Thinking of Limited Partnership in Venture Investment Organization;有限合伙制创业投资机构制度创新与应用思考

7.To Study on Corporate Governance Efficiency from Corporation to Limited Partnership;从公司制到有限合伙制的公司治理研究

8.The Incentive Mechanism and Constraint Mechanism of Venture Capital Limited Partnership;风险投资有限合伙制激励约束机制研究

9.Introduction of Limited Partnership and Innovation of Private-owned Small and Medium-sized Enterprise System;有限合伙制度的引入与民营中小企业制度创新

parison and Choice between the Corporation Manufacture and the Limited Partnership Manufacture on Venture Capital;公司制与有限合伙制风险投资之比较与选择

11.Institution Design of Venture Capital;风险投资机构公司制与有限合伙制的比较

12.The Organizational Form of Venture Capital: Contrast between Corporate and Limited Partnership风险投资组织形式:公司制与有限合伙制的比较

13.The Study on the Legal System of Limited Partnership Private Equity Fund有限合伙制私募股权基金法律制度研究

14.New progress of the studies on the U.S. venture capital limited partnership美国风险资本有限合伙制研究的新进展

15.Study on the Localization of Limited Partnership in China;有限合伙制在我国的本土化问题的研究

16.Research on the Development of Limited Partnership System and Its Application in China;论有限合伙制度的发展及在我国的适用

17.Study on Applicability of Limited Partnership of Venture Capital in China;风险投资有限合伙制在我国的适用性研究

18.The Income Tax Treatment of Limited Partnership Venture Capital in China;有限合伙制创业投资基金所得税问题初探



3)limited liability partnership system有限责任合伙制

1.This paper compares four forms of the accountant s office, expounds the merits and demerits of each form of the accountant s office, and points out that thelimited liability partnership system will become the developing trend of our country s accountant s office.对会计师事务所的4种组织形式进行了比较,阐述了各种组织形式的优缺点,指出有限责任合伙制将成为我国会计师事务所的发展趋势。

4)Discussion on Limited Partnership System论有限合伙制度

5)limited partnership有限合伙

1.Consideration of legislation oflimited partnership;对我国发展“有限合伙制”的分析

2.The legal deliberation of the introduction oflimited partnership in the intermediary organization;关于将有限合伙制度引入我国农村中介组织的法律思考

6)limited partner有限合伙人

1.Since thelimited partner is protected by limited liability system, it is important to recognize the identity oflimited partner.有限合伙人因受有限责任制度保护而使其身份识别显得重要,有限合伙人身份识别体现在合伙协议的内部确定、有限合伙证书显示信息的外部公示、企业事务控制权和合伙企业名称四方面。

2.Thelimited partnership institution has specific provisions on the right,liabitity and benefit of common partners andlimited partners.由于有限合伙制度对普通合伙人和有限合伙人在权责利益上各有特殊的规定 ,因而它作为一种制度安排 ,非常适合以风险投资为投资和管理模式的高科技产业的发

3." Therefore, in order to in-depth studylimited partner, and comprehensively grasp thelimited partnership system, we must understand the origin and evolution of thelimited partner, otherwise,limited partnership can not be understood macro and deep.”因此,要深入研究有限合伙人、全面把握有限合伙制度,就必须了解有限合伙人的起源和发展演变;否则对有限合伙人的认识不可能宏观和深刻。


