1000字范文 > 校长负责制 principal responsibility system英语短句 例句大全

校长负责制 principal responsibility system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-15 21:39:40


校长负责制 principal responsibility system英语短句 例句大全

校长负责制,principal responsibility system

1)principal responsibility system校长负责制

1.The Study on Current Problems and Reform Countermeasures of Principal Responsibility System in Rural Primary and Middle Schools in Henan Province;河南省农村中小学校长负责制现存问题与改革对策研究

2.The difference between western school-based management and theprincipal responsibility system in our country is discussed.探讨西方校本管理与我国校长负责制运行环境的差异,对于我国基础教育学校管理改革具有十分重要的借鉴作用。

3.Hence, it is inevitable to restructure and reinvent the on-goingprincipal responsibility system.校长负责制的巨大历史功绩虽毋庸置疑,但现行的校长负责制并不是完美的体制。


1.School-based Management (SBM)--The Viewpoint of Perfecting the System of Principal Responsibility;校本管理:完善校长负责制的新视点

2.The Elaboration of a Headmaster s Role and Power s Interaction & Equilibrium under the Headmaster s Responsibility;校长负责制下校长作用的发挥与权力制衡

3.The Research Concerning the Problems and Solutions of the Primary and Secondary Schools Principal Responsible System;中小学校长负责制的问题与对策研究

4.The Theory and Practice Study of the System of Principal Responsibility in Primary and Middle School;中小学校长负责制的理论与实践研究

5.Under the Leadership of the Party, Stick to the Responsibility of the President;坚持和完善党委领导下的校长负责制

6.Second Thoughts about President ResponsibilitySystem under the Leading of the Commitee of CPC at University;对党委领导下的校长负责制的再认识

7.On the Practice of Principal s Authority under the System of Principal Responsibility in Primary and Secondary School;中小学校长负责制下校长权力运行研究

8.On the Promoting Role of Modern School System to Headmaster-in-charge System;论现代学校制度对完善校长负责制的促进作用

9.The President Accountability System Leaded by Party Committee: From an Institutional Perspective;制度视角:高校党委领导下的校长负责制

10.The Modern School System:A New Idea of Perfecting the Principal Accountability System;现代学校制度:完善校长负责制的新思路

11.The Research on the Obligation, Scope of Power and Benefits of China s Headmasters against the Background of the System of the Headmasters Job Responsibility;我国校长负责制背景下的中小学校长责权利研究

parison of Operating Environment between "School-Based Management" and "Principal Responsibility System";“校本管理”与“校长负责制”运行环境之比较

13.On Realization Forms of President Responsibility System under the Party Committee at College;试论高校党委领导下校长负责制的实现形式

14.A research on the system of responsibility by Dean or President for the Directorate of the private higher education institutions;民办高校董事会领导下的院校长负责制研究

15.University President Responsibility System under School Board in Private-owned Universities;民办高校董事会领导下的院校长负责制刍议

16.Thoughts on the system of principal s being in charge led by CPC university committee;对学校党委领导下的校长负责制的几点思考

17.For the persistence in and improvement on the responsibility system by university president under the leadership of Party committee;论高校坚持和完善党委领导下的校长负责制

18.Studies on the President Responsibility System under the Leadership of Party Committee in University and College高等院校党委领导下的校长负责制探讨


president responsibility system校长负责制

1.China spresident responsibility system under the Party s committee at college is an important theoretical issue and also a practical problem needing constant exploration.我国高校党委领导下的校长负责制既是个重大的理论问题,更是需要不断探索的实践问题。

2.Thepresident responsibility system under the leadership of the school board of directors is a positive practice in the system reform of higher education.民办高校董事会领导下的院校长负责制度是对高等教育管理体制改革的有益尝试。

3.Fully understanding the fundamental connotation ofpresident responsibility system under the leadership of Party committees in universities and colleges,the author expounded that this leadership system which strengthens and improves the Party\"s leadership to colleges and universities is one of the most advanced and scientific so far.通过对我国高校实行的党委领导下的校长负责制基本内涵的全面梳理,阐明了这一领导体制是加强和改善党对高校领导的迄今为止最具先进性、科学性的领导体制;通过分析实行党委领导下的校长负责制区别于以往领导体制的崭新特点,揭示了这一体制与高校改革发展稳定的关系。

3)the system of principal responsibility校长负责制

1.The Theory and Practice Study of the System of Principal Responsibility in Primary and Middle School;中小学校长负责制的理论与实践研究

2.In the process of implementingthe system of principal responsibility in primary and secondary school in China,the principal s power becomes immoderate and the democratic institutions of school does not work well mainly due to the lack of more practice policies.我国中小学校长负责制在实施中出现了校长权力过于集中、民主制度形同虚设的问题;造成这一问题的主要原因是缺乏具体落实校长负责制的规章制度。

4)the president responsibility system校长负责

1.When“the law of higher education of PRC”was enacted in 1998,the president responsibility system under the leadership of party committees in university was confirmed as le.1998年,《中华人民共和国高等教育法》颁布,以国家法律的形式确定了在高等学校实行党委领导下的校长负责制,这给争议颇多的高校领导体制划上了一个句号。

5)the principal accountability under the leadership of Party committee党委领导下校长负责制

6)system of director responsibility首长负责制

1.Within our administrations, thesystem of director responsibility stipulated by current constitution is an ultimate and dominant leading system, and neither the form of democratic centralism nor the form of system combined the collective leadership relating to democratic centralism with individua.在我国行政机关内部,现行宪法规定的首长负责制,是一种根本性和主导性的领导制度,它既不是民主集中制的具体形式,也不是与民主集中制相关的集体领导和个人分工负责相结合制度的具体形式,后两者是配合行政首长负责制的领导制度。


