1000字范文 > 新中国成立初期 in the early years of New China英语短句 例句大全

新中国成立初期 in the early years of New China英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-24 07:16:56


新中国成立初期 in the early years of New China英语短句 例句大全

新中国成立初期,in the early years of New China

1)in the early years of New China新中国成立初期

1.The Communist Party of China(CPC) set up the greater administrative areas as a transitional measure for the realization of national unity and centralization of powerin the early years of New China.新中国成立初期,中共曾设立大行政区作为实现国家统一和中央集权的过渡性措施。


1.The mass sports policy in the early time of New China;新中国成立初期我国的群众体育政策

2.Democratic Government Building Right after the Founding of New China;新中国成立初期的山西民主建政工作

3.On the Unilateral International Strategies in the Early Days of the People"s Republic of China浅析新中国成立初期“一边倒”对外战略

4.A review of disaster reliefs at the beginning of new China新中国成立初期的生产救灾工作述论

5.Analysis of the Model Between Nation andSociety in Early New China;新中国成立初期国家与社会关系模式初探

6.The Study on the New Style of Chinese Flower and Bird Painting at the Early of the People s Republic of China;新中国成立初期中国花鸟画新风貌研究

7.Historical Causes for the Establishment of Greater Administrative Areas in the Early Years of New China新中国成立初期设立大行政区的历史原因

8."Transfer" in the Transformation of Foreign-Owned Enterprises In Shanghai in the Early Days of New China;新中国成立初期上海外资企业改造中的转让

9.Reform of the Marriage System in Central-South Administrative Area in the Early Days of New China新中国成立初期中南区婚姻制度的改革

10.On the Work of Ningxia Ethnic Issues During the Early Stage of People s Republic of China(1949-1958);浅谈新中国成立初期的宁夏民族工作(1949—1958)

11.The Rescue and the Administration of Beijing Beggars in the Beginning Period of the Foundation of Our Country;新中国成立初期北京乞丐的救济与治理

12.A Study about the Exchange of Scholastic P. E. Idea in the Beginning of P.R. China;新中国成立初期学校体育思想转变的研究

13.Rural Educational Mobilization and Social Changes in the Early Days of People"s Republic of China新中国成立初期乡村的教育动员与社会变迁

14.Activities of the CPLA Learning from the Soviet Army in the Early Period of New China试析新中国成立初期人民解放军学习苏军活动

15.The Evolution of Marriage System of North China in the Early Years of New China新中国成立初期华北地区婚姻制度的嬗变

16.Suppressing Bandits at Sea in Eastern China in the Early Years of the Founding of New China新中国成立初期华东地区清剿海匪作战综述

17.Henan Province,the founder of the early founding editor of Journal of Communication Research新中国成立初期河南省所创办期刊的编辑传播研究

18.The Transformation and Characters of the Humanistic Curriculum in China s Universities in the Initial Stages of P.R.C.;新中国成立初期中国大学人文课程的变革及特点


the early days of the People"s Republic of China新中国建立初期

3)early new China新中国初期

1.Guo Moruo was an important leader and participant of the historical education inearly new China.郭沫若是新中国初期历史教育事业的重要领导者和参与者。

4)after the foundation of the PR China新中国建国初期

5)the founding of new China新中国成立

1.Since the reform and opening-up,China has made great progress and contributed the prosperity and development to world,proved the international significance ofthe founding of new China.为当代中国的一切发展进步奠定了根本政治前提和制度基础;改革开放以来,中国取得的巨大成就为世界的繁荣与发展做出了杰出贡献,彰显出新中国成立的国际意义;随着科学发展观的贯彻落实,社会主义中国对和谐世界的建设将做出更大的贡献,这进一步显示出新中国成立对世界的价值和意义。

6)in the initial period成立初期


