1000字范文 > 虎榛 Ostryopsis davidiana Decne英语短句 例句大全

虎榛 Ostryopsis davidiana Decne英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-24 23:05:20


虎榛 Ostryopsis davidiana Decne英语短句 例句大全

虎榛,Ostryopsis davidiana Decne

1)Ostryopsis davidiana Decne虎榛

1.Sequences and Homology Analysis of SSR from Corylus andOstryopsis davidiana Decne榛属7种植物与虎榛微卫星测序及分析

2.This study presented to probe DNA extraction and to construct the SSR reaction system ofOstryopsis davidiana Decne.为了探讨适于中国特有种虎榛DNA提取的方法和建立虎榛的SSR反应体系,该试验以虎榛幼嫩叶片为材料,通过对CTAB法的改良,摸索出了适于虎榛DNA的提取方法,并以核酸产量、纯度、片断分布情况等指标进行了评价,同时应用16对欧榛SSR引物对虎榛进行了跨属转移,获得了清晰稳定的扩增图谱;上述结果表明获得的基因组质量较高,同时也表明反映体系对虎榛的SSR分析是可行的;并对影响虎榛基因组DNA的制备及扩增反应因素进行了简要的分析讨论。


1.Sequences and Homology Analysis of SSR from Corylus and Ostryopsis davidiana Decne榛属7种植物与虎榛微卫星测序及分析

2.Selection of Ectomycorrhizal Fungi of Ostryopsis Davidiana and Study on Their Drought Resistance Mechanism;虎榛子外生菌根真菌的筛选及抗旱机理的研究

3.DNA Extraction and Construction on the SSR Reaction System of Ostryopsis Davidiana Decne中国特有种虎榛SSR反应体系的初步研究

4.Study on Microorganism Isolated Factors and Microflora of Rhizosphere Soil of Pinus Tabulaeformis and Ostryopsis Davidiana;油松、虎榛子根际土壤微生物分离条件及其区系的研究

5.The Study on Root Exudates and Rhizosphere Soil Enzyme of Pinus Tabulaeformis and Ostryopsis Davidiana on DaQingshan Mountains;大青山油松虎榛子根系分泌物及根际土壤酶活性研究

6.Study on Allelochemicals and Effects of Rhizosphere Microorganism of Pinus Tabulaeformis and Ostryopsis Davidiana in DaQingshan Mountains of Inner Mongolia;内蒙古大青山油松、虎榛子根际微生物化感物质及其效应的研究

7.Allelopathy Effects of the Root Exudates and the Secretions of Rhizosphere Microorganism of Ostryopsis Davidiana on Pinus Tabulaeformis Seedlings虎榛子根系分泌物及根际微生物分泌物对油松幼苗化感效益研究

8.Hand in hand they walked out for a stroll.Suddenly they found themselves in a thorny thicker infested with wolves and tigers."因二人携手出去游顽之时,忽至一个所在,但见荆榛遍地,狼虎同群"

9.the fine-grained wood of a hazelnut tree (genus Corylus) and the hazel tree (Australian genus Pomaderris).榛子树(榛属)和榛树(澳大利亚)的细纹木料。

10.Tora! Tora! Tora!虎!虎!虎!(美国影片)

11.Karyotype Analysis and Evolutionary Trends on Corylus. Avellana L. and C. Heterophylla Fisch欧榛、平榛种质核型分析与进化趋势

12.deciduous monoecious nut-bearing shrubs of small trees: hazel; sometimes placed in the subfamily or family Corylaceae.一个灌木或小乔木属,雌雄同体,长坚果;榛子;有时归入榛科或榛亚科。

13.The Genetic Polymorphisms and Genetic Relationship Analysis of Corylus Heterophylla Fisch, Corylus Avellana L and Interspecific Hybrid Cultivars or Lines;平榛、欧榛及种间杂种榛品种(系)的遗传多态性及亲缘关系分析

14.Tympanuchus cupido attwateri [prairie chicken]草原榛鸡阿特沃特亚种

15.in 1295 the British parliament took shape. As a result, the British system of gover nment evolved from aristocratic democratic system to "grade monarchy".暧⒐?榛嵝纬傻壤?方锥

16.The edible nut of a hazel, having a hard, smooth brown shell.榛子榛木的果实,壳坚硬、光滑、呈褐色且可食用

17.The large edible nut of a cultivated variety of hazel.欧洲榛子栽培的多种榛子的可食用坚果

18.pertaining to filberts or hazelnuts.(纹章上的十字)与榛树或榛果的形状有关。


Ostryopsis davidiana虎榛子

1.The Study on Soil Enzyme Activity in the Pinus tabulaeformis andOstryopsis davidiana Rhizosphere in Daqingshan Mountain,Inner Mongolia;内蒙古大青山油松、虎榛子根际土壤酶活性研究

2.The Search of Synthesizing and Screening out OutstandingOstryopsis davidiana Ectomycorrhizal;虎榛子外生菌根合成与筛选的研究

3.Mycorrhiza of Cenococcum geophilum (Fr.) Formed on Ostryopsis daidianaand Mycorrhizal Affection on the Growth ofOstryopsis davidiana;土生空团菌与虎榛子形成的菌根及其对虎榛子生长的影响


4)Ostryopsis davidina虎榛子

1.The mycorrhizal synthesis of Pinus tabulaeformis in open conditions in lab was studied, usingOstryopsis davidina rhizosphere soil as inoculum ,which was collected in the shady side of Daqing Mountains.用分布于大青山前山半阴坡天然虎榛子灌丛根际土壤作为接种体,在实验室内开放条件下进行油松菌根人工合成试验。

2.The paper studied native shrub---Ostryopsis davidiana in Daqing Mountain of Inner Mongolia, discussed mycorrhizal characteristic and their drought resistance mechanism, and selected superior ectomycorrhizal fungi of survival shrub--Ostryopsis davidina by inoculating 5 different ectomycorrhizal fungi (6 strains) to it.本研究以内蒙古大青山乡土灌木虎榛子为对象,通过接种五个不同外生菌根真菌(六个菌株),探讨其菌根特性及其抗旱机理,筛选在大青山极度退化生态系统中残存护土灌木-虎榛子的优良外生菌根真菌。

5)Ostryopsis nobilis滇虎榛

6)Ostryopsis davidiana Decne虎榛子

1.Studies on Microspores Development and Male Gametophytes Formation ofOstryopsis davidiana Decne;虎榛子小孢子发育与雄配子体形成研究


榛子【通用名称】榛子【其他名称】榛子 (《日华子本草》) 【异名】棰子(《本草求原》),平榛(《河北习见树木图说》),山反栗(《中国树木分类学》)。 【来源】为桦木科植物榛的种仁。 【植物形态】榛(《诗经》) 落叶灌木或小乔木,高1~7米。叶互生;阔卵形至宽倒卵形,长5~13厘米,宽4~7厘米,先端近截形而有锐尖头,基部圆形或心形,边缘有不规则重锯齿,上面无毛,下面脉上有短柔毛;叶柄长1~2厘米,密生细毛;托叶小,早落。花单性,雌雄同株,先叶开放;雄花成菜荑花序,圆柱形,长5~10厘米,每苞有副苞2个,苞有细毛,先端尖,鲜紫褐色,雄蕊8,药黄色;雌花2~6个簇生枝端,开花时包在鳞芽内,仅有花柱外露,花柱2个,红色。小坚果近球形,径约0.7~1.5厘米,淡褐色,总苞叶状或钟状,由(1~)2个苞片形成,边缘浅裂,裂片几全缘,有毛。花期4~5月。果期9~10月。 生山地阴坡丛林间。分布东北、华北及陕西、甘肃等地。 本品变种川榛的种仁同等入药,川樟的主要特征为叶先端不若正种那样平截,有时圆,从中生出或长或短的渐尖,上面有短柔毛,下面无毛或近无毛;总苞裂片常有齿牙。产四川、湖北、湖南、江西、浙江等地。 【采集】果实成熟后极易脱落,应及时采摘,晒干后除去总苞及果壳。 【化学成分】果仁含碳水化物16.5%,蛋白质16.2~18%,脂肪50.6~77%,灰分3.5%。果实含淀粉15%。叶含鞣质5.95~14.58%。 【性味】甘,平。 ①《开宝本草》:"味甘,平,无毒。" ②《医林纂要》:"甘咸,平。" 【功用主治】调中,开胃,明目。 ①崔禹锡《食经》:"食之明目,去三虫。" ②《日华子本草》:"肥白人,止饥,调中,开胃。" ③《开宝本草》:,"主益气力,宽肠胃,令人不饥,健行。" 【用法与用量】内服:煎汤,1~2两;或研末。 【选方】治病后体虚,食少疲乏:榛子二两,山药一两,党参四钱,陈皮三钱。水煎服。(《宁夏中草药手册》)
