1000字范文 > 教育教学改革 Education and teaching reform英语短句 例句大全

教育教学改革 Education and teaching reform英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-11 08:04:14


教育教学改革 Education and teaching reform英语短句 例句大全

教育教学改革,Education and teaching reform

1)Education and teaching reform教育教学改革

1.And it is more important that it has model and reference function for our education and teaching reform today.皖江抗日根据地的教育事业是在战争年代极端困难的条件下创建、发展起来的,它不但为抗日战争的胜利奠定了基础,而且为新中国的建设培养了各种人才,更为重要的是,它对我们今天的教育教学改革仍具有借鉴和参考作用。

2.Systematic and holistic education and teaching reform and practice laid a solid foundation for cultivating high quality and innovative talents.以系统化、全方位的教育教学改革与实践,为培养特色鲜明、适应社会发展的高素质、创新型自动化高级专门人才打下坚实的基础。


1.To Educate in Employment and Self-employment, to Improve the Reform of Education;实施就业创业教育 深化教育教学改革

2.The Influence of Internet Education on Higher Education Reform;网络教育对高等教育教学改革的支持

3.On modern educational technology in educational reform;试论教育教学改革中的现代教育技术

4.Applying Modern Education Technology Promoting the Reform of University Education Teaching;应用现代教育技术 推进教育教学改革

5.Applying Modern Educational Technology to Deepen Educational and Teaching Reform;运用现代教育技术,深化教育教学改革

6.Deepen Educational and Instructional Reformand Greatly Develop Vocational Education;深化教育教学改革大力发展职业教育

7.Developing modern educational techniqueand promoting educating and teaching reform;发展现代教育技术 促进教育教学改革

8.Changing Education Modes of Thought Promoting Education and Teaching Reform;转变教育观念 促进教育教学改革

9.Probe into Theaching Reform of Pedagogic Specialty in Teacher-Education Reform教师教育改革中教育学专业教学改革探索

10.Initiative Education:Nucleus of Educational Reform for Educational Institutes;创新教育:教育学院教育改革的核心

11.Renewing Educational Concept,Changing Vocational Education;更新教育理念 改革高职教育教学

12.Further Education for Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools and Reform in Education in Teacher training Universities;中小学教师继续教育与高师教育改革

13.The Discussion About Basic Education And Advanced Teachers Education Reform;论中学数学教育改革与高师数学教育专业改革

14.On Thought of Mathematics & Mathematical Education and Reform in Mathematical Education;论数学观、数学教育观与数学教育改革

15.research and reform of educational philosophy教育哲学的研究与改革

16.development and reform of science of education教育科学发展与改革

17.Study in Teaching Reforms of P.E. in High Education;高校体育教学中教师教学改革的探究

18.Change the Idea of Physical Education and Deepening the Reform of Physical Teaching;转变体育教育思想 深化体育教学改革


reform of education and teaching教育教学改革

3)educational and teaching reform教育教学改革

1.Furthereducational and teaching reform is an effective way to improve the cultivating level of innovational talents in teachers universities.深化教育教学改革是高师院校提高创新人才培养水平的有效途径。

4)educational teaching reform教育教学改革

1.In view of "one paper open-book examination" experimented in some universities, this article theds some light on the thought ofeducational teaching reform from the following aspects; education ideology, examination concept, teaching mode.针对某些高校试行的“一页纸开卷”考试,文章从考试方式入手,对教育思想、考试理念、教学方式、学习方法等教育教学改革的一些问题进行了思考。

5)educational reform教育教学改革

1.,teachers college must carry forward theeducational reform over-all,and try hard to train teachers of high quality and compound model so as to adapt the needs of quality education.为适应新一轮基础教育课程改革的要求,高师院校必须从更新教学观念、调整教师培养目标、探索教师教育培养模式、整合学科专业与课程结构、改进教育教学方法等方面入手,全面推进教育教学改革,努力为基础教育培养适应素质教育要求的高质量、复合型的师资力量。

6)Innovation of teaching育教学改革


