1000字范文 > 边疆民族社会 borderland ethnic society英语短句 例句大全

边疆民族社会 borderland ethnic society英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-28 07:48:55


边疆民族社会 borderland ethnic society英语短句 例句大全

边疆民族社会,borderland ethnic society

1)borderland ethnic society边疆民族社会


1.The Change of Transnational Marriage and Borderland Ethnic Society--A Case Study of the Miao(Hmong) People in Hongyan Village at Sino-Vietnam Borderland跨国婚姻关系与边疆民族社会变迁——以中越边境红岩寨苗族为例

2.The Development of Social Undertakings in Multi-Ethnic Regions of Southwest Frontier;西南边疆多民族地区社会事业的发展

3.Thoughts on Constructing a Harmonious Society in the Frontier Minority Area of Yunnan Province;云南边疆民族地区构建和谐社会的理论思考

4.The Particularity of Western Frontier Minorities Aaeras and the Discussion of Establishing Harmonious Society;边疆多民族地区的特殊性与构建和谐社会探析

5.On the Construction of New Socialist Countryside in the Border and Minority Regions;对边疆民族地区建设社会主义新农村的思考

6.On The Construction Of Harmonious Society In Yunnan Multiple Ethnic Frontier Regions;云南多民族边疆地区和谐社会构建探析

7.On the Influence of the "Sub-culture" in the Border and Minority Areas in the Process of Building a Well-off Society for All;边疆民族地区建设小康社会中“亚文化”的影响

8.The Development of Civil Society in Minority Frontier Regions in the Perspective of a Harmonious Society和谐社会视野下边疆少数民族地区公民社会发展研究

9.The Logic Research on Harmonious Society Construction and Civil Society Development in Border Areas of Ethnic Minorities边疆少数民族地区公民社会发展与和谐社会建设的逻辑研究

10.The great unity of all ethnic groups is constructed ethnic minorities regions of the political basis of a harmonious society;各民族大团结是构建边疆少数民族地区和谐社会的政治基础

11.On Building a Harmonious Socialist Society in Western Multi-Ethnic Frontier Regions in View of Politics;西部边疆多民族地区构建社会主义和谐社会的政治学思考

12.Countermeasures against Drug Problems in the Frontier Ethnic Regions--From the Perspective of Building a Harmonious Society;边疆少数民族地区毒品问题之对策研究——以构建和谐社会为视角

13.Philosophical Thoughts on the Construction of New Rural Society Socialism in Minority Bordering Area;关于边疆民族地区建设社会主义新农村的哲学思考

14.Thinking on Accelerating the Social and Economic Development in Ethnic Minority Area on Border Area--Lincang is an example;加快边疆少数民族地区社会经济发展的思考——以临沧市为例

ment on Directly Taking the Socialist Road of the Minority Nationalities in the Border Areas in Yunnan;对云南边疆少数民族向社会主义“直接过渡”的评价

16.The Graduate Employment in Frontier Minority Areas from the Perspective of Constructing a Harmonious Society和谐社会构建视野下的边疆民族地区大学生就业问题探析

17.On the Basic Countermeasures for Setting up a Harmonious Society in Frontier Poverty-stricken Ethnic Area: Take Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Nationalities Autonomous Prefecture as an Example;论边疆民族贫困地区构建和谐社会的基本对策——以文山壮族苗族自治州为例

18.On the Relations of Social Order and the State Law--Cases Study from Two Villages in Southeast Yunnan Border Areas;边疆民族村寨社会秩序与国家法关系解读——来自滇东南的两个民族村寨个案研究


frontier nationalities边疆民族

1.The articlesaid,except for mutual business trade that was the main trade method between Tang dynasty andfrontier nationalities,during some series of developingfrontier,they may adopted force,political marries,giving some reputationand giving some gift,altogethergiving trade that kept a friendly political relationship between Tang dynasty and frontier was a kind of important trade metho唐王朝与边疆各民族之间除了以"互市"为主的贸易往来外,在唐王朝开疆拓土的一系列过程中,或通过武力威慑,或通过政治联姻,或通过遣使册封、赏赐,与边疆民族之间所达成的在政治上表示友好和隶属关系的"贡赐"贸易,也是一种不可忽视的经济贸易形式。

3)border and minority areas民族边疆

4)Society nation社会民族

5)National Society民族社会

6)border minority nationality region边疆民族地区

1.Social and economic development and selection of water resources guarantee mechanism ofborder minority nationality regions in China——Case study of Hulun Buir City;边疆民族地区社会经济发展与水利保障机制选择研究——以呼伦贝尔市为例


