1000字范文 > 会计师事务所类型 Division of Accounting Firms英语短句 例句大全

会计师事务所类型 Division of Accounting Firms英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-27 20:30:19


会计师事务所类型 Division of Accounting Firms英语短句 例句大全

会计师事务所类型,Division of Accounting Firms

1)Division of Accounting Firms会计师事务所类型

2)small-scaJe CPA firms小型会计师事务所


1.On Dilemma of Medium-and-Small-Sized Accountant Agencies;我省中小型会计师事务所面临的困境

2.Thought on the Improvement of Risk-Prevention onAbility of Chinese Accounting Firms;对提高小型会计师事务所风险防范能力的思考

3.The Study of Knowledge Management on the Basis of Balanced Scorecard--An Example of Small and Middle Scale CPA Firms in Taiwan;基于平衡计分卡之知识管理研究——以台湾中小型会计师事务所为例

4.Development and Strategic Analysis of Small and Medium Size Hong Kong CPA Firms in Hong Kong and Mainland;香港中小型会计师事务所在大陆和香港的发展对策研究

5.Inter-governance Mechanism of China s Small-scale CPA Firms;浅析我国小型会计师事务所的内部治理机制问题

6.Develop the middle-small public accounting firms to service the middle-small business enterprise;发展中小会计师事务所服务中小企业

7.The Analyses on the Behaviors of Small and Medium Accounting Firms;中小会计师事务所审计风险防范分析

8.To Talk about the Specialization of Accounting Firm from the Small and Medium-sized Accounting Firm Angle;从中小会计师事务所角度看会计师事务所的专业化经营

9.Price Waterhouse Coopers普华大华会计师事务所

10.The Market Direction of the Middle-Small Size Affairs Organization Should Put in Middle-Small Size Company;中小会计师事务所的市场定位应在中小企业

11.The Use of Modern Risk-oriented Audit in Small and Medium-sized Accounting Firms;现代风险导向审计在中小会计师事务所的运用

12.Study on Application of Contemporary Risk-Based Audit by Small & Medium Accounting Firms;中小会计师事务所现代风险导向审计应用研究

13.Application of Auditing with Risk Guidance in Medium and Small Offices of Accountants;风险导向审计在中小会计师事务所的应用

14.Research on the Audit Quality Improvement of Small and Medium Accounting Firms in China我国中小会计师事务所审计质量改善研究

15.A Research on Application of DEA Model in Improving the Audit Quality of Accounting FirmsDEA模型在提高会计师事务所审计质量中的应用

16.A New Model of The Balance Among Major Stock Holders, Small Stock Holders And Accounting Agencies.;建立控股股东、小股东、会计师事务所平衡的制度

17.Application of "S-type management of free man" theory in Certified Public Accountants firm;论“自在人——S型管理”理论在会计师事务所的应用

18.Study on Incentive Compensation Mechanism of the Large and Middle Scale Accounting Firms国内大中型会计师事务所薪酬激励机制研究


small-scaJe CPA firms小型会计师事务所

3)accounting firm会计师事务所

1.The Method of Measuring the Accounting Firm s Specialization Operation;会计师事务所专业化经营的衡量方法

2.The Risk Management Tactics to Promote the Competitiveness of Accounting Firms;提升会计师事务所竞争力的风险管理策略

3.Marketing strategy construction of Chineseaccounting firms;论中国会计师事务所的营销策略建设

4)accounting firms会计师事务所

1.Several Thoughts on the System of the Tort Liabilities of the Accounting Firms;会计师事务所民事侵权责任的思考

2.On the civil liability of false capital assessment ofaccounting firms;简论会计师事务所虚假验资的民事责任

3.Towards the Signalling function ofaccounting firms choice;论会计师事务所选择的信号传递功能

5)public accounting firms会计师事务所

1.Upgrading the Public Accounting Firms with Government Force——A case studypublic accounting firms in Jiangsu Province;借助政府力量推动江苏会计师事务所做强做大

2.An Analysis on Exploitation of Culture Resources in Public Accounting Firms;论会计师事务所文化资源的开发

3.Besides the law policies and the supervise mechanisms, the internal governance and control problems ofpublic accounting firms are the direct reasons.我国会计师事务所内部治理与控制存在很多的问题,如内部治理结构不完善、内部控制制度形同虚设等。

6)CPA Firms会计师事务所

1.A Discussion on the Interior Governance ofCPA Firms;会计师事务所内部治理问题探析

2.Study on Customer Relationship Strategic Management ofCPA Firms;论会计师事务所客户关系战略管理

3.The purpose of CPA firms is to maintain the social economy, and protect investor and the interested parties’rights.会计师事务所是依法设立并承办注册会计师业务的中介机构。


