1000字范文 > 会计师事务所合并 Public Accounting Firms Consolidation英语短句 例句大全

会计师事务所合并 Public Accounting Firms Consolidation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-26 19:20:52


会计师事务所合并 Public Accounting Firms Consolidation英语短句 例句大全

会计师事务所合并,Public Accounting Firms Consolidation

1)Public Accounting Firms Consolidation会计师事务所合并


1.Research on the Mergers between Local Accounting Firms in China;我国本土会计师事务所合并问题研究

2.Study on Accounting Firm Merger"s Reasons and Performance会计师事务所合并的动因与绩效研究

3.Research on the Merger & Integration of Accounting Firms in China中国特色的会计师事务所合并整合研究

4.Impact of control rights of the client s list,private benefits of control rights on audit firm s merger;资源控制权、控制权收益与会计师事务所合并

5.Problems and Measures in the Consolidation of the Senior Accountant Firms in China;中国会计师事务所合并中存在的问题及对策

6.Accounting Firm combination and Quality Control:the Case of Zhongtianqin;会计师事务所合并与质量控制:基于中天勤合并案例的经验分析

7.The Research on the Debt Settlement of the Partnership Public Accounting Firm;会计师事务所合伙债务清偿问题研究

8.Marketing Mix Strategies of Auditing in Accountant Firms;论会计师事务所的审计营销组合策略

9.Research on CPAs s Partnerships from Credit-standing View;会计师事务所合伙制的信誉视角研究

10.It Is Imperative Under The Situation That Performing Accountant Office With Partnership System;施行合伙制的会计师事务所势在必行

11.Article 3 A public accounting firm is an organization which is established according to law and undertakes to provide professional services of certified public accountants.第三条会计师事务所是依法设立并承办注册会计师业务的机构。

12.Price Waterhouse Coopers普华大华会计师事务所

13.The partners shall bear joint liabilities as to the obligations of the public accounting firm.合伙人对会计师事务所的债务承担连带责任。

14.Thinking of Culture about Accounting Firm in partnership;关于合伙制会计师事务所合伙文化的几点思考

15.Article 23 A public accounting firm may be established by certified public accountants in partnership.第二十三条会计师事务所可以由注册会计师合伙设立。

16.On Partner Culture of Big Four International Accounting Firm;国际“四大”会计师事务所合伙制文化探索

17.Partnership Culture and the Reform of Accountant Business Institutes in Our Country;合伙文化与我国会计师事务所体制改革

18.On the Trend of Limited Liability Cooperative Accountants Office;论有限责任合伙制会计师事务所的发展优势


partnership accounting firms合伙会计师事务所

1.It s pervasive thatpartnership accounting firms are small and not very competitive under severe circumstances.我国的合伙会计师事务所规模普遍较小,竞争力不强,面临的环境非常严峻。

3)accounting firms in partnership合伙制会计师事务所

1.At presentaccounting firms in partnership of China are still at primary stage,however,they will develop much more quickly in the future according to situations at home and abroad.我国合伙制会计师事务所目前还处于初级阶段,但根据国内外的形势,今后会有较大发展。

4)accounting firm会计师事务所

1.The Method of Measuring the Accounting Firm s Specialization Operation;会计师事务所专业化经营的衡量方法

2.The Risk Management Tactics to Promote the Competitiveness of Accounting Firms;提升会计师事务所竞争力的风险管理策略

3.Marketing strategy construction of Chineseaccounting firms;论中国会计师事务所的营销策略建设

5)accounting firms会计师事务所

1.Several Thoughts on the System of the Tort Liabilities of the Accounting Firms;会计师事务所民事侵权责任的思考

2.On the civil liability of false capital assessment ofaccounting firms;简论会计师事务所虚假验资的民事责任

3.Towards the Signalling function ofaccounting firms choice;论会计师事务所选择的信号传递功能

6)public accounting firms会计师事务所

1.Upgrading the Public Accounting Firms with Government Force——A case studypublic accounting firms in Jiangsu Province;借助政府力量推动江苏会计师事务所做强做大

2.An Analysis on Exploitation of Culture Resources in Public Accounting Firms;论会计师事务所文化资源的开发

3.Besides the law policies and the supervise mechanisms, the internal governance and control problems ofpublic accounting firms are the direct reasons.我国会计师事务所内部治理与控制存在很多的问题,如内部治理结构不完善、内部控制制度形同虚设等。


