1000字范文 > 二维/三维模型 2D/3D model英语短句 例句大全

二维/三维模型 2D/3D model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-01 14:03:34


二维/三维模型 2D/3D model英语短句 例句大全

二维/三维模型,2D/3D model

1)2D/3D model二维/三维模型

2)2D/3D associative model二三维共享模型

3)three-dimensional model三维模型

1.Construction of athree-dimensional model for orebodies of Jinding depoist, Yunnan Province, and its significance in geological study;云南金顶矿床矿体三维模型的建立及其研究意义

2.Study ofthree-dimensional model on biomechanical characteristics of mandibular fractures in different site;下颌骨骨折骨断端生物力学特性的三维模型研究

3.Study on geologicthree-dimensional model of hydraulic and hydropower project;水利水电工程地质三维模型的研究


1.3D Model for Blind Watermarking Algorithms Based on 3D Mesh基于三维网格的三维模型盲数字水印

2.About Converting 2D Drawings of AutoCAD into 3D Models;一种二维图形向三维模型的转变技巧

3.Ways to Precisely Convert 2D Drawing Figures to 3D Model;精确实现二维图形到三维模型的方法

anizational Effectiveness Measurement Three-Dimension Model of Third Party Logistics;第三方物流组织有效性测度三维模型

5.Getting Three- view Picture from Three-dimensional Model in AutoCAD在AutoCAD中由三维模型得到三视图

6.Techniques on 3D-Model Based 2D/3D Bidirectional Association;基于三维模型的二、三维一体化技术研究

7.Drawing three-dimensional model of skew gear,sevel gear and worm gear on CAXA three-dimensional electron board of drawing;在CAXA三维电子图板V2中绘制斜齿轮等三维模型

8.Study on 3D Model Retrieval Technology Based on 3D Reconstruction基于三维重建的三维模型检索技术研究

9.3D Hydrodynamic Model with the Depth-Dependent Radiation Stresses;考虑垂向三维辐射应力的三维水流模型

10.Research of 3D Reconstruction for 3D Data Set and Virtual Cutting for Model;三维数据场的三维重建与模型的虚拟切割研究


12.The Simulation of Three-dimentional Whelk Model by Using MATLAB;用MATLAB实现三维模拟海螺模型

13.Monte Carlo Simulation of 3-dimensional Ising Model三维Ising模型的蒙特卡罗模拟

14.Methodology of 3D Geometric Modeling and Model Conversion of IFC-based BIM基于IFC的BIM三维几何建模及模型转换

15.Simulation of Banded Spherulite Patterns by Coupled Logistic Map Lattice Model in Three DimensionsLogistic Map三维耦合格子模型模拟环带球晶

16.Pose Variant Face Recognition Based on 3D Morphable Model;基于三维型变模型的多姿态人脸识别

17.And it can get the path loss of any point on single floors of buildings.该模型既有二维跟踪模型的快速,又有三维跟踪模型的高精度。

18.Parametric Surface Modeling in Automotive Styling from 2D to 3D汽车造型二维到三维参数化曲面模型的建立


2D/3D associative model二三维共享模型

3)three-dimensional model三维模型

1.Construction of athree-dimensional model for orebodies of Jinding depoist, Yunnan Province, and its significance in geological study;云南金顶矿床矿体三维模型的建立及其研究意义

2.Study ofthree-dimensional model on biomechanical characteristics of mandibular fractures in different site;下颌骨骨折骨断端生物力学特性的三维模型研究

3.Study on geologicthree-dimensional model of hydraulic and hydropower project;水利水电工程地质三维模型的研究

4)3D model三维模型

1.Application of Virtual Assembly Technology Based on 3D Model;基于三维模型的虚拟装配技术应用

2.The realization of automatic programming and machining simulation from3D model;从三维模型到自动编程加工仿真的实现

3.The Research and Application of Networking Visual Technique in the 3D Model of Product Base on ;环境下产品三维模型的网络可视化应用研究

5)Three dimensional model三维模型

1.A mathmatical model and numerical approach for simulation of filling stage in injection moulding based on a three dimensional model is presented.介绍了一种基于三维模型的注射成型流动模拟的数学模型和数值实现 ,把速度和压力同次插值方法成功地应用到三维注塑模拟的计算中 ,从离散的动量方程中找出压力和速度的关系 ,然后代到连续性方程中得到压力方程。

6)three-dimension model三维模型

1.Mainly introduce the modeling basic module and senior component module based on Pro/E and its supplying program functions, and make the secondary development to realize the automatic generation ofthree-dimension model of a die casting mould carrier structure.主要介绍了基于Pro/E软件建模基础模块和高级组件模块及其提供的程序功能,进行二次开发,实现压铸模模架结构三维模型的自动生成。

2.Objective:To validate thethree-dimension model of counseling depth which was proposed by Jiang Guangrong(),and to compare the results of two different methods measuring the three dimensions,one is the overall measuring method,and the other is the portion measuring method.目的:检验江光荣()提出的心理咨询会谈深度的三维模型,考察对会谈深度采用整体评估法和切割评估法所得结果的差异。

3.The author puts forward an approach for the formation of VRMLthree-dimension model with the help of DEM.提出了结合数字高程模型(DEM)形成可交互的虚拟现实(VRML)三维模型的途径,讨论VRML技术特点及其对图形交互式处理应用的潜力、Java语言在VRML中的应用特点,利用VRML提供的接口,结合Java编程技术,根据数据库数据对三维模型进行动态控制。


UG技巧第一招共享你的3D CAD模型你可以与没有CAD 软件的朋友共享你的3DCAD模型。为了观看你的模型、他们可以旋转、平移和缩放。 按如下步骤写出你的模型∶ 1. 选择 Format ->Layer Settings。2. 为显示要求的几何体使某些层可见或不可见。3. 点击OK关闭 Layer Settings 对话框。4. 按MB3 Right 并选择 Display Mode ->Shaded。5. 选择File ->Export ->VRML。6. 点击 Specify VRML File。7. 导航到要求的目录。8. 加入文件名带 .wrl 扩展名。9. 点击 OK 返回到VRML对话框。10. 点击OK建立VRML (.wrl) 文件。 按如下操作打开 .wrl 文件∶1. 对于 Netscape, 选择 File ->Open Page 并点击 Choose File。2. 对于 Internet Explorer, 选择File ->Open并点击 Browse. 当选择你建立的.wrl文件时设置 Files of type to All Files因而你可以看到 .wrl文件。或直接双击.wrl文件
