1000字范文 > 审计轮换制 audit rotate system英语短句 例句大全

审计轮换制 audit rotate system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-08 02:08:32


审计轮换制 audit rotate system英语短句 例句大全

审计轮换制,audit rotate system

1)audit rotate system审计轮换制


1.Which Kind of Audit Rotation System Should We Adopt during the Economic Transition Period;论我国经济转轨时期该采用何种审计轮换制

2.The Literature Review of Studies on Relativity Between Mandatory Auditor Rotation and Audit Quality审计强制轮换与审计质量相关性研究综述

3.An Emprical Study on the Effects of Mandatory Auditor Rotation to Auditor Quality;强制轮换对审计质量影响的实证研究

4.Accounting Information Externality, Resource Control and Auditor Rotation Regulation会计信息外部性、资源控制权与审计师轮换规制

5.A Study on the Effect of the Auditor Periodic Rotation;我国审计师定期轮换制度的实施效果研究

6.A Study on the Audit Quality of the CPA Periodic Rotation我国实施定期轮换制度对审计质量影响的研究

7.How to Improve Audit Quality--Extend From Audit Alternation;审计质量如何提高——从审计轮换谈开去

8.auditing by rotation(一种审计制度) 轮流审计制

9.The Effects of Audit Firm Rotation on Audit Quality;会计师事务所定期轮换对审计质量影响研究

10.Accounting Firm Type,Mandatory Rotation and Behavior of Accounting Firm--Evidence from the Audit Market in China事务所类型、强制轮换制与事务所行为——来自中国审计市场的经验证据

11.The Research on the Audit Bid and Audit Rotation of Central Enterprises--Based on the analysis of the questionnaire中央企业审计招标和审计师轮换研究——基于一项调查问卷的分析

12.The Research on the Effectiveness of Regular Rotation of Audit Firm;会计师事务所定期轮换制有效性研究

13.Auditor Tenure,Auditor Rotation and Auditor Independence--Evidence From China s A-stock Market;事务所的任期、会计师轮换与审计独立性——来自中国A股市场的证据

14.Game Theory Analysis of Periodical Interchange among CPA Firms in China;我国会计师事务所实行定期轮换制的博弈分析

15.Turn-Taking Mechanism in Computer-Assisted Oral English Test;话轮转换机制在计算机辅助口语测试中的应用

puter conversion audit计算机程序转换审计

17.The Influence of the Role of Inside Audit Changing on Company Govermance under Modern Enterprise System;现代企业制度下内部审计的角色转换对公司治理的影响

18.Analysis and calculation of cam templates interchangeability in camshaft grinder凸轮轴磨床凸轮靠模互换的分析与计算


Auditor alternation审计轮换

3)rotation of auditor审计人员轮换

4)alternate audit system"轮作"审计制度

5)auditing by rotation轮流审计

6)audit system审计制度

1.Thinking of currentaudit system of economic responsibility;对现行经济责任审计制度的思考

2.A Review of theaudit system under the Nationalist Government(1945-1949);1945—1949年南京国民政府审计制度述评

3.Study on the Internal Audit System of the State-Owned Commercial Bank;国有商业银行内部审计制度研究


