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杂感 Random Thoughts英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-22 04:55:13


杂感 Random Thoughts英语短句 例句大全

杂感,Random Thoughts

1)Random Thoughts杂感

parison among the Styles ofRandom Thoughts by the Writers of New Youth;《新青年》同人杂感风格之比较


1.inspiring mixed contempt and pity.引起轻蔑而又可怜的混杂感情。

2.Random Thoughts on Othello;人性的扭曲 信任的危机——重读《奥》剧杂感

3.mixed feelings or emotions.混杂的、复杂的感情。

4.Chinese Journal of Nosoconmiology中华医院感染学杂志

5.The Touch of Essay-Sensuous Features of Essay Language;“杂文味”——杂文语言的美感特征

6.Weed Allelopathy ahd Its Utilization in Biological Control of Weeds.杂草间的他感作用及其在杂草生防中的应用

7.Study on the Photoperiod Sensitivity and Heterosis among the Temperate-Tropical Hybrid in Maize;玉米温热杂交种光周期敏感性及杂种优势研究

8.Enough! I grow tired of these distractions.够啦,我对这些杂耍已经感到厌烦啦!

9.Underneath, her feelings are very mixed.心底里,她的情感是复杂的。

10.The eye is a complex and highly developed photosensitive organ.眼是复杂而且高度精密的感光器官。

11.The complexity of logic Bewilders and confuses逻辑之复杂性使人感到迷惑不解。

12.Personal feelings shall not come into play when one have to make business decision.为公事作决策不应搀杂个人情感。

13.His brain was in a whirl just at the moment.他此时的感想可真是杂乱极了。

14.The discussion left me with some mixed feelings.这次讨论使我产生了复杂的感想。

15.Chopin aroused very complicated emotions in her.肖邦的乐曲唤起了她极其复杂的感情。

16.By my rambling digression, I perceive myself to be grown old.这么漫笔杂谈,我自觉有种年老之感。

17.Personal feelings should not come into play when one has to make business decisions.为公事作决策不应搀杂个人情感.

18.Clip magazine pictures or articles that interest them.裁剪杂志照片或使他们感兴趣的文章。


stray inductance杂散电感

1.But the circuitstray inductance has serious influence upon the turn-off characteristic of IGCTs.电路杂散电感会严重地影响IGCT的关断特性,增大器件的电压应力和关断损耗,甚至导致器件损坏。

2.In large production converters,due to thestray inductance,the switching transient spike is usually beyond the voltage allowed by the device,which can destroy the converter.在大功率风电变换器中,由于杂散电感的存在,器件在关断过程中往往会产生超出允许范围的瞬态尖峰值,从而导致其失效和损坏。

3.The circuitstray inductance has serious influence upon the switching characteristic of the thyristor.电路杂散电感会严重影响晶闸管的开关特性,以基于晶闸管的1 200 kW半桥逆变电路为例,通过理论分析和实验,深入分析了杂散电感对晶闸管开关特性的影响,并给出了相应的抑制措施。

3)stray induction杂散感应

4)stray inductance杂散电感,漏电感


1.The asymptomatic bacteriuria andcomplicated-UTI of inpatient was more than other patients.16%);与门诊比较,住院患者无症状尿感、复杂性尿感明显增多且革兰氏阳性致病菌的比例较高。

6)style of random thoughts杂感类文体

1.But the impression,which pays attention to the speediness and news value,becomes the rudiment of modern scribble of China and accelerates the development ofstyle of random thoughts.而“随感录”这一讲究时效和新闻性的杂感类文体,就成为现代中国杂文的雏形,并促进了现代杂感类文学的发展。


