1000字范文 > 合伙制经营 partnership operation英语短句 例句大全

合伙制经营 partnership operation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-13 14:31:14


合伙制经营 partnership operation英语短句 例句大全

合伙制经营,partnership operation

1)partnership operation合伙制经营

2)combination for sharing business合伙经营


1.The property accumulated in a partnership operation shall belong to all the partners.合伙经营积累的财产,归合伙人共有。

2.She worked in partnership with her sister/They worked in partnership.她和妹妹合股经营[他们合伙经营].

3.To join or form a pool.合伙经营参与或组成联营

4.A partnership is a structure where two or more people run a business together.合伙是两人或两人以上合伙经营的一种架构。

5.a Business partnership can accomplish quite a lot of things.走合伙经营的道路,能办成许多事。

6.We have the pleasure to inform you that we have entered into partnership with Ms Yang.我们已与杨女士合伙经营,特此奉告

7.The two Brothers run a clothes shop together.兄弟俩合伙经营一家服装店。

8.The property provided By the partners shall Be under their unified management and use. The property accumulated in a partnership operation shall belong to all the partners.合伙人投入的财产,由合伙人统一管理和使用。合伙经营积累的财产,归合伙人共有。

9.We advise you that we have by mutual agreement, decide not to continue our partnership.经双方协商我们决定停止合伙经营,谨此通知。

10.Notice is hereby given that the copartnership which has existed between Mr. Bl. and Mr. Br. under the style of Black, Brown &Co., has been dissolved by agreement.先生与Br.先生合伙经营的黑褐公司经双方同意宣告解散,特此通知。

11.an acting [an active, a working] partner担任经营业务的合伙人

12.The partnership agreement may prescribe a term for the partnership and the method for the resolution of dispute among the partners.合伙协议可以载明合伙企业的经营期限和合伙人争议的解决方式。

13.sleeping partner(不参与经营的)匿名合伙人

14.Both invest money, but the general partners run the business.双方都投资金钱,但由全责合伙人经营。

15.I closed with her, and we drove on our business pretty well.我和他合伙,我们经营得都还不错。

16.Running a partnership has several advantages.经营—个合伙制企业具有几个优势。

17.When the partnership admission agreement is concluded, the original partners shall inform the new partner the original partnership" s operating and financial conditions.订立入伙协议时,原合伙人应当向新合伙人告知原合伙企业的经营状况和财务状况。

anisations can also enter into partnerships to undertake joint ventures.团体机构也可以建立合伙关系合资经营。


combination for sharing business合伙经营

3)Trading partnership经营合伙人


5)non-dealing partner非经营合伙人

6)Let"s join hands in business.咱们合伙经营吧。


经营①筹划并管理(企业等):~商业ㄧ~畜牧业 ㄧ苦心~。②泛指计划和组织:这个展览会是煞费~的。
