1000字范文 > 商主体 commercial subject英语短句 例句大全

商主体 commercial subject英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-02 09:26:33


商主体 commercial subject英语短句 例句大全

商主体,commercial subject

1)commercial subject商主体

1.Based on the new classification, some suggestions are presented to construct thecommercial subject system in Commercial Law.商法中有多种商事主体类型分类,笔者提出了一种较新的分类,并基于此,根据切身体会,对商法中有关商主体的体系建设提出了一些观点和建议。

2.The concept ofcommercial subject,is one of the most important basic concepts in the commercial law theory in China,as entities,commercial subjects are the main participants and supervisees in the economic activities in China.商主体,作为概念,是我国商法学理论中最重要的基础概念之一;作为经济实体,是我国经济活动中主要的参与者和被管理对象。


1.Business partnership is one of the three essential business subjects.商合伙乃介于商法人与商个人之中重要的基本商主体之一。

2.Business subject and business behavior are the two essential elements that make up the content system of business law.商主体与商行为是构成商法内容体系的两大基础性要素。

3.Special-Purpose Business Organizations:From the Perspective of Definition of Commercial Main-Body;特定目的营业主体在商法上的地位——兼论商主体的规制原则

4.Reflections on the Independent Subject Position ofCivil Commerce of Partnership;关于合伙的独立民商主体地位的思考

5.Our Country Attracting Investments Main Body Multiplication Pattern Research in the Present Stage现阶段我国招商主体多元化模式研究

6.The reconstruction of the commercial body and commercial law in the market-economic system;市场经济下中国商事主体及商事主体法的重构

7.The Categories of Commercial Subjects--And the System Construction of Commercial Subject in Commercial Law;论商事主体类型——兼论商法关于商事主体的体系建设

mercial system in which state-owned commerce leads and multiple sectors of the economy exist side By side国有商业为主体,多种经济成分并存的商业体制

9.Two European Business Legislation Systems: Business Conduct Doctrine and Mercantile Trader Doctrine;欧洲大陆商法的两种体系——商行为主义和商人主义

10.How to Judge New Subjectivity:Discussion with Zhang Wen-chu About Theory of New Subjectivity;新主体性如何断定?——与张文初“新主体性”理论商榷

11.The Research of Unified Commercial Subject in Commercial Registration of China中国商事登记中的商事主体统一化研究

12.of or relating to the economic system of mercantilism.属于或关于重商主义经济体系的。

13.Analysis and Legal Improvement of the Main Perpetrators of Commercial Bribe Crime;商业贿赂犯罪主体的分析与立法完善

14.Media,Public Decision and Democracy of Negotiation;新闻媒体、公共决策与“协商民主”

mercial Bank--A Main Body of the Funds Managementin the Future Money Market;商业银行—未来货币市场基金管理主体

16.Guilding Circulation System Reform with Modern Mercantilism.--Guangdong′s main Reform Experience;以现代重商思想指导流通体制改革——广东商业体制改革的主要经验

17.Research of Negotiation in Multi-Agent System and Application in E-Commerce;多主体系统中的协商研究及其在电子商务中的应用

18.Automated Negotiation Between Autonomous Computational Agents and It s Application in Electronic Commerce;智能主体间的自动协商及其在电子商务中的应用


business subject商主体

1.Business partnership is one of the three essentialbusiness subjects .商合伙乃介于商法人与商个人之中重要的基本商主体之一。

3)commercial subjects商主体

1.Research into principle of commercial law of enforcingcommercial subjects;论商法之商主体强化原则

4)commercial body商主体

5)commercial subject商事主体

1.Is enterprisecommercial subject?;企业与商事主体的关系辨析

2.As a means of investment,limited partnership can satisfy the needs of different investors; as a kind ofcommercial subjects, it has its own advantages no othercommercial subjects can match.有限合伙作为一种投资方式可满足不同投资者的需要 ;作为一种商事主体 ,它具有其他种类商事主体不可替代的优点。

6)consensus subject协商主体


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