1000字范文 > 高校舞蹈教学 universitys dance teaching英语短句 例句大全

高校舞蹈教学 universitys dance teaching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-14 16:12:21


高校舞蹈教学 universitys dance teaching英语短句 例句大全

高校舞蹈教学,university"s dance teaching

1)university"s dance teaching高校舞蹈教学


1.On Function of Dance Training on Quality Education in Colleges;浅议高校舞蹈教学在素质教育中的作用


3.The Trend and Teaching Practice of Developing Sports Dance in Colleges and Universities;高校推广体育舞蹈的趋势与教学实践

4.Researches on the Dancing Course of PE on Campus in 21 Century;21世纪高校开展体育舞蹈教学的探析

5.Researth all the Teaching Reform of P.E. Dance in Colleges and Universities;高校体育舞蹈选修课教学改革的研究

6.The aesthetic value and teaching of International Standard in colleges国标舞的美学价值与高校体育舞蹈课教学

7.a school where students are taught to dance.教授学生舞蹈的学校。

8.The Thought on Dance Teaching in High Vocational College;关于高职舞蹈教学的思考——谈舞蹈语言、舞蹈形象及舞蹈意境

9.Easyly Common Dance Education of University Together with Artistic Quality Education of University Student are Discussed;浅议高校公共舞蹈教学与大学生艺术素质教育

10.The Application of "Harmonious Teaching Method" in Sports Dance Teaching of Colleges and Universities;高校体育舞蹈教学中“和谐教学法”的运用

11.Discuss on Establishing Dance Teaching in College Physical Education;对高校体育教学中开设舞蹈教学的探讨

12.Qualification Education for University Students and Dancing Teaching in Physical Education;论高校体育舞蹈教学与大学生的素质教育

13.On the development of sports dance and its application in colleges;体育舞蹈的发展及其在高校教学的开展教学

14.Research on Teaching Reform of Dance Classes for Preschool Education Majors in University高校学前教育专业舞蹈课程教学改革初探

15.On Dance Education s Function on the Quality Education of College Students;浅谈舞蹈教育在高校大学生素质教育中的作用

16.Dance Teaching and the Qualities Education in Institutesof Higher Learning in the New Century;论舞蹈教学与新世纪高等院校的素质教育

17.Shallowly Discusses In The Ordinary Universities Sports Dance Teaching The Research Study;论普通高校体育舞蹈教学中的研究性学习

18.On the Function of Dance Teaching to University Fashion Show Students舞蹈教学对培养高校服装表演专业学生的作用


college dance education高校舞蹈教育

1.Promotion function ofcollege dance education for the students bodily and mental development;高校舞蹈教育对学生身心发展的促进作用

3)a dancing school (school of dancing)舞蹈学校

4)dance teaching舞蹈教学

1.The teaching method of oral instruction and demonstration is in accordance with the law ofdance teaching.舞蹈教学中 ,理论离不开实践。

2.The combination between folk dance culture anddance teaching is the best way for the students to master the dance , shows their elegant gesture in performance and abundant sensibility.只有把民族民间舞蹈文化与舞蹈教学紧密结合,才能使学生更好地掌握舞蹈,在表演时不仅能展现优美的肢体动作,还能表现出丰富的文化内涵。

3.Practice ofdance teaching has proved that to foster a dancer is not only by teaching him/her single dance movements but also by promoting his/her other qualities completely.舞蹈教学实践证明,舞蹈演员不能仅仅从单一的舞蹈动作进行培养,还需要全面提高其他方面的素质,最重要的就是音乐感的培养。

5)dancing teaching舞蹈教学

1.Then the scene teaching applied in thedancing teaching has been discussed.综合分析情境教学的内涵和理论基础,讨论了情境教学在舞蹈教学实践中的运用,提出适用于舞蹈教学的情境创设手段,并着重讨论辐射式问题情境与阶梯式问题情境在课堂教学中的综合运用,提出“课前乐”创设音乐情境的独特方式。

2.This paper illustrates the present situation of tertiarydancing teaching and predicts the future of reform and deveolpment of it.本文论述了高校舞蹈教学的现状及改革发展的前景。

3.That Students demand and individual differences are concerned which gets every student benefit from dancing study is the aim to reach for thedancing teaching.关注学生个体差异与需求,使每个学生在舞蹈学习中都受益,是舞蹈教学要达到的目标。

6)dancing school舞蹈类学校

1.Discussion about optimize language teaching method ondancing school;论优化舞蹈类学校语文科的教学手法


