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高中三年级 the third grade of senior high school英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-10 15:06:16


高中三年级 the third grade of senior high school英语短句 例句大全

高中三年级,the third grade of senior high school

1)the third grade of senior high school高中三年级


1.Dale knocked up two girls during his senior years of high School.戴尔在高中三年级时让两个女孩怀了孕。

2.Physical Training to Senior School the Third Year Students" Subjective Well-being Influence Research体育锻炼对高中三年级学生主观幸福感影响的研究

3.The past year has been crunch time for Munising High School junior Alex Johnson.对于玛尼森高中三年级的亚历克斯·约翰逊来说,过去的一年是在"嘎吱嘎吱"的咀嚼声中度过的。

4.A student in the junior or senior class of a secondary school or college.高年级生中学或大学里的三或四年级学生

5.How can you feel natural with three pounds of make-up, in some strange clothes, standing there and looking pretty?全国中学生英语能力竞赛高三年级组

6.Analysis of mental health among senior school students;高中一、三年级学生SCL-90结果分析

7.Lexical Teaching in Intensive Reading for Sophomores and Juniors;高校英语专业二、三年级精读教学中的词汇教学

8.The classes range from the pre-intermediate (stupid), intermediate (not good) and advanced intermediate (pretty good).课程级别有初级班、中级班和高级班三种。

9.So get your tickets quickly.全国中学生英语能力竞赛高三年级组模拟试题(二)

10.He started the program when he was a junior at Denver"s Thomas Jefferson High.他在丹佛市托马斯?杰佛逊高中读三年级时就开始搞这项活动了。

11.Mary, a junior, will graduate next year.玛丽, 一名三年级的中学生, 明年将毕业。

12.Experiment & Investigation on P.E. Selective Special Course For Senior Ⅲ;高三年级实施体育专项选项课的研究

13.The primary grades in school are grades one through three.学校的低年级是一年级到三年级。

14.Junior high school -- for students in grades seven and eight (ages 13 and 14), although sometimes ninth grade is also included;初级中学——供七年级和八年级的学生就读(年龄十三到十四岁),虽然有时也包括第九年级;

15.[C](Brit)(formerly)junior boy at a public school performing certain duties for a senior boy(旧时)公学中为高年级男生服务的低年级男生.

16.I"ve walked in the town for about sixty years and no motorbikes have ever hit me!全国中学生英语能力竞赛初三年级组

17.A student in the third year of a U.S. high school or college.美国中学或大学的三年级学生

18.A Study on English Vocabubary Learning Strategy in Grade Three in Shunyi District;顺义区初中三年级英语学习策略研究


senior high school students in third grade高中三年级学生

3)Grade 3 of high school高三年级

4)middle and high grade中高年级




年级当量年级当量grade equivalence年级当量(grade equivalenee)把学生的测验成绩与各年级学生的平均成绩比较,看其相当于儿年级的水平例如,一个学生如果能解答六年级的题目,或者他在测验土的得分与六年级学生的平均分数相同,他在该测验}:的年级当量便是6,而不管他实际l二读儿年级。(郑日昌撰林传鼎审)
