1000字范文 > 联作 combined operation英语短句 例句大全

联作 combined operation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-10 03:38:44


联作 combined operation英语短句 例句大全

联作,combined operation

1)combined operation联作

1.Research and application of thecombined operation technology of straddle test,perforation and swabbing跨隔射孔测试抽汲三联作技术研究与应用

2.The mechanism of multi-stage pulse fracturing and acidizingcombined operation were analyzed and researched.多脉冲造缝与酸化联作是利用多脉冲造缝和酸化的各自优势,吸取两种解堵方法的优点,对裂缝面及其邻近地层进行酸化处理的综合技术。


1.Tandem working: (1) Using more than one printing machine inline.串联作业:(1)把多部印刷机作联动的作业方式。

2.Joint Interim Working Party联合临时工作队(联工队)

3.The Moddern United Fighting (2)现代联合作战(2)

4.International Cooperative Alliance国际合作社联盟(合作社联盟)

5.United Nations International Police Task Force联合国国际警察工作队(联警工作队)

6.Federation internationale des geometres国际测量工作者联合会(测联)

7.International Federation of Surveyors国际测量工作者联合会(国际测联)

8.Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation环印度洋地区合作联盟(环印联盟)

9.Cooperation between the United Nations and the League of Arab States联合国同阿拉伯国家联盟的合作

monwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation英联邦技术合作基金(英联邦技合基金)

11.World Confederation of Organizations of Teaching Profession世界教育工作者组织联合会(教组联)

12.Customs Cooperation Council-UPU Contact Committee海关合作理事会-万国邮联联络委员会

13.European League for Economic Cooperation欧洲经济合作联盟(经合联盟)

14.Joint Security Coordination and Cooperation Committee联合安全协调与合作委员会(联安委)

15.Joint Civil Affairs Coordination and Cooperation Committee联合民政协调与合作委员会(联合民委)

16.National Federation of University Cooperation Associations全国大学合作协会联合会(全国学联)

17.Non-Cooperative Game Analysis of Internet Backbone Interconnection互联网骨干网互联的非合作博弈分析

18.National Confederation of Health Cooperatives全国保健合作社联合会


combined tech联作技术

1.According to introduction of its tech and security shelter, its feature andcombined tech with others is summarized.通过介绍液氮注排的工艺技术、安全防护,总结了其技术特点及与其它工艺的联作技术。


1.The effects ofcross-linking and esterifacation on the moisture absorption,surface activity,apparent viscosity,intrinsic viscosity and thermodynamic property of cassava malt-dextrin are investigated.探讨了交联作用和酯化作用对木薯麦芽糊精的吸湿性能、表面活性、表观黏度、特性黏度、热力学性质的影响。

2.It is important to assay the effect extent ofcross-linking in industrial application.交联作用能提高淀粉糊粘度及其稳定性。

4)combined effect联合作用

1.To study the emulsion breaking and dehydration of heavy oil in Liaohe Oilfield,on the basis of thermo-chemical technology,the ultrasonic physical field is introduced to realize thecombined effect of the acoustic wave,chemicals and thermo.在采用热——化学沉降脱水工艺的基础上,引入超声波物理场,与现有的热——化学沉降脱水工艺相结合,实现声、化学和热联合作用,对辽河稠油进行破乳脱水研究。

bined effects of NP and BPA on fertility were assessed b.目的研究双酚A(bisphenol A,BPA)、壬基酚(nonylphenol,NP)对小鼠生育力影响的联合作用类型,为正确评价BPA,NP在环境中共存时对机体产生的损害效应提供毒理学依据。

3.In order to observe thecombined effects of lead and cadmium on lipid peroxidation,the cultured renal tubular epithelial cells (TEC) of rats are used to perform 3×3 factorial experimental design.为观察铅镉联合作用对大鼠肾小管上皮细胞脂质过氧化的影响 ,对原代大鼠肾小管上皮细胞提取、纯化、鉴定、培养后 ,采用 3× 3析因设计方法进行染毒实验 ,A组 :醋酸铅 0 0 2mmol L ;B组 :醋酸铅 0 1mmol L ;C组 :氯化镉 0 0 0 1mmol L ;D组 :氯化镉 0 0 0 4mmol L ;E组 :醋酸铅 0 0 2mmol L +氯化镉 0 0 0 1mmol L ;F组 :醋酸铅 0 0 2mmol L +氯化镉 0 0 0 4mmol L ;G组 :醋酸铅 0 1mmol L +氯化镉 0 0 0 1mmol L ;H组 :醋酸铅0 1mmol L +氯化镉 0 0 0 4mmol L。

5)joint effect联合作用

1.Objective The purpose of this study was to investigate thejoint effect of vitamin C,vitamin E or selenium on cell proliferation,lipid peroxidation and anti-oxidase enzymes induced by cadmium in LLC-PK 1 cells.[目的 ]研究氯化镉 (CdCl2 )及其分别与维生素C(VitC)、维生素E(VitE)、硒联合作用对猪肾近曲小管上皮(LLC PK1)细胞增殖、脂质过氧化及抗氧化酶的影响。

2.Greenhouse pot experiments were conducted to evaluate thejoint effect of nicosulfuron + mesotrione and nicosulfuron + cyanazine against Amaranthus retroflexus L.通过温室盆栽试验,采用Gowing法评价了烟嘧磺隆分别与硝磺草酮、氰草津混用对反枝苋、马唐的联合作用。

3.Objective: To study thejoint effects of radon and benzene on the blood and bone marrow of mice to provide experimental data for further study.目的:研究氡及其子体和苯对小鼠血液和脂质过氧化以及骨髓毒性的联合作用及其类型,为进一步探讨二者联合毒作用的机理提供实验依据。

6)two combination operation二联作

1.By summarizing the problems and improved measures associated with this tech and illustrating the latter fracture operation directed by DST data which makes thetwo combination operation testing tech giving play to exploration and development of natural gas in Erbei area.二联作测试(即射孔和DST测试)以其作业周期短,避免二次污染等特点深受地质专家 的青睐,但是二联作测试成功率仅60%,经对二联作测试工艺存在的问题及改进措施进行总结,并 就DST测试资料指导后期的压裂施工作了阐述,使二联作测试在鄂北天然气勘探开发中发挥更大 的作用。


