1000字范文 > 混合bar模型 mixed bar model英语短句 例句大全

混合bar模型 mixed bar model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-28 11:39:33


混合bar模型 mixed bar model英语短句 例句大全

混合bar模型,mixed bar model

1)mixed bar model混合bar模型

1.Two approximate models are presented for the solution of radiative transfer in two- dimensional graded index medium,the linear refractive index bar model and themixed bar model.发展了二维梯度折射率介质热辐射传递求解的两种近似模型,线性折射率bar模型和混合bar模型。

2)hybrid model混合模型

1.Study and application of soft sensing for kappa number based onhybrid model;基于混合模型的Kappa值软测量研究与应用

2.Modeling and simulation of PEMFC physical and ANNhybrid models;质子交换膜燃料电池机理与ANN混合模型的建模与仿真分析

3.Braking torque analysis of eddy current retarder based onhybrid model;基于混合模型的电涡流缓速器制动力矩特性分析


1.Chaos Modeling Using HMM-Normalized Radial Basis Function Hybrid Model Approach and Its Application;HMM-NRBF混合模型的混沌序列建模与应用

2.Individual Basal Area Growth Model Using Multi-Level Linear Mixed Model with Repeated Measures基于混合模型的单木断面积生长模型

3.Brain MR images skull stripping model based on multi-Gaussian mixture model多元高斯混合模型脑MR图像去壳模型

4.Researches on Linear, Kernel Gaussian Models and Their Mixtures;线性与核高斯模型及其混合模型的研究

5.Acoustic Targets Recognition Based on HMM and SVM隐马尔可夫模型和支持向量机混合模型声识别

6.continuous discrete hybrid system mode连续离散混合系统模型

7.Some Research about the MARMA Model and the HMTD Model;混合ARMA模型与异方差混合转移分布模型的研究

8.Research on Model Combination Based on Model Confusion基于模型混淆度的模型组合算法研究

9.Mixed Strategy Model of Fuzzy Payoff Matrix and Its Algorithm模糊支付矩阵混合策略模型及其求解

10.A Hybrid and Task-based English Teacher Training Model;混合型及任务型的英语教师培训模式

11.Study on Multi-View Costing Model for Hybrid Process;混合型生产行业多视图成本核算模型

12.Design of Capacitor-less LDO Based on Mix-Macro-Model基于混合宏模型的无电容型LDO设计

13.A free-interface component mode synthesis method based on residual dynamic flexibility实验模型和有限元模型的混合建模方法

14.Study on Simulation of SK Static Mixer and Jet Mixer by CFD TechniqueSK型静态混合器与喷射混合器的CFD模拟研究

15.Improved Estimation of Parameters for Mixed-Effect Coefficient Linear Model and for Restricted Linear Regression Model;混合系数线性模型与约束线性模型的参数估计

16.A Method to Find out the Optimal Value of Mixed Model by the Additive Model;基于加性模型求混合DEA模型的最优值方法

17.Hybrid multi-attribute decision making based on the intuitionistic fuzzy optimum selecting model基于直觉模糊优选模型的混合型多属性决策

18.Application of Mixed Effects Models in Forest Growth Model混合效应模型在森林生长模型中的应用


hybrid model混合模型

1.Study and application of soft sensing for kappa number based onhybrid model;基于混合模型的Kappa值软测量研究与应用

2.Modeling and simulation of PEMFC physical and ANNhybrid models;质子交换膜燃料电池机理与ANN混合模型的建模与仿真分析

3.Braking torque analysis of eddy current retarder based onhybrid model;基于混合模型的电涡流缓速器制动力矩特性分析

3)Mixture model混合模型

1.Multi-sites fusion based on Gaussian-exponential mixture model in distributed retrieval system;分布式检索系统中基于混合模型的多站点融合

2.The semiparametric mixture models for the analysis of survival data of long-term survivors长期生存者资料分析中半参数混合模型的应用

3.Numerical simulation of mulit-phase flow field and separating process in columnial waterpower hydrocyclones using mixture model has been done.选用混合模型对柱型水力旋流器的多相流流场和随时间变化的分离机理进行三维数值模拟 ,对两相流体的切向速度、轴向速度、径向速度、不同时间的体积分布进行模拟。

4)mixed model混合模型

1.Research on optimal linear estimate of estimative function inmixed model and derived model;混合模型及其导出模型下可估函数的最佳线性无偏估计研究

2.A Storage Design of the Covariance Matrix and It s Derivative in the Algorithm of Mixed Model;混合模型算法中协方差矩阵及其导数信息的存储设计

5)mixing model混合模型

1.In this paper, amixing model based on the three-region model for gasification process has been presented for calculating the outlet gas composition of coal-slurry-gasifier.本文以水煤浆气化炉气化过程的三区模型为基础,提出了计算气化炉出口煤气组成的混合模型,计算值与工厂测定值吻合良好。

2.In this paper the theory and the principle and method of the factor ofmixing model are developed.指出混合模型建模的基本原理和模型中各因子的选择原则和方法。

3.5 block of Qingtongxia electric power dam,the influ- ence of various factors on the deformation behavior of electric power dam is analyzed by space-time analysis and a displacementmixing model based on the finite element method.基于青铜峡大坝电站5~#坝段水平位移监测资料,通过时空分析和在有限元基础上建立的位移混合模型,分析了各个影响因子对电站坝段变形性态的影响。

6)mixture models混合模型

1.An approach on studying the association between a gene and a disease usingmixture models一种利用混合模型研究基因与疾病间关联的方法

2.A novel algorithm of track correlation based on Gaussianmixture models is proposed.文中引入了高斯混合模型的概念,根据其统计特性,针对边扫描边跟踪雷达中的多目标跟踪问题,提出了一种新的判断航迹相关的算法。

3.In this paper, we discuss the parameter estimation for finitemixture models.本文所讨论的混合模型的参数估计是先指定混合分量密度函数p(x;θ_j)的形式(这里假设是正态分布,即所讨论的混合模型是正态混合模型),再规定混合分量的个数g,来估计模型的参数的。


