1000字范文 > CO2焊 CO 2 welding英语短句 例句大全

CO2焊 CO 2 welding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-03 03:32:11


CO2焊 CO 2 welding英语短句 例句大全

CO2焊,CO 2 welding

1)CO 2 weldingCO2焊

1.The merits and defects ofCO 2 welding and their reasons are introduced,and the fact that MAG welding is superior toCO 2 welding is emphasized,such as reducing spatter during metal transfer and increasing impact toughness of weld metal ,some typical application cases such as MAG welding can be used for welding pipe line steels are also introduced.综述了CO2焊接工艺优缺点及其原因;强调了MAG焊工艺优于CO2焊工艺,如它能减少熔滴过渡过程中的飞溅并提高焊缝金属冲击韧性;列举了MAG焊在重要构件,如管线钢等焊接方面的应用实例。

2.For the characteristic ofCO 2 welding,the wave of the welding is controlled by microprocessor,which decrease the spatter and get the good performance.针对CO2焊的特点,使用单片机进行波形控制,从而减少了焊接飞溅,保证焊缝成形美观。

3.When it comes about destruction and cracks,it can be repaired successfully byCO 2 welding.堆取料机斗轮轴是堆取料机的重要构件,在生产运行过程中发生破坏,运用CO2焊接方法成功地进行了修复。


1.Design of Arc Sensor for Seam-Tracking in the CO_2 Shielded Welding Based on DSP;基于DSP的CO2焊焊缝跟踪电弧传感器设计

2.lifecycle CO2 emissions生命周期CO2排放

3.The molecular symbol for carbon dioxide is CO2.二氧化碳的分子式是co2。

4.The study of organic matter in source rock by using supercritical CO_2 extraction;烃源岩中有机质的超临界CO2萃取研究

5.Study on Ni-Co/Al_2O_3-ZrO_2 Catalyst for Carbon Dioxide Reforming of MethaneCH4-CO2重整中Ni-Co/Al2O3-ZrO2催化剂的研究

6.Study on extraction of tuna oil by supercritical carbon dioxide超临界CO2萃取金枪鱼油的工艺研究

7.Effect of Adding Carbon Dioxide on Unicelluar Algae"s Cultivation单胞藻培养中充入CO2的增产效果研究

8.Supercritical CO_2 extraction of tussilagone from Flos Farfarae款冬花中款冬酮超临界CO2萃取研究

9.The role of the filler is to prevent premature release of CO2.该填充料的作用是防止过早的释放出co2。

10.A few percent of the CO2 molecules in the air manage to find such electrons.空气中的一部分co2分子会吸引那些自由电子。

11.Excess CO2 can decrease the solution pH, inhibiting microbial growth.过量的co2降低溶液的pH值,抑制微生物的生长。

12.The acidtreated packing causes release of co2 from inorganic carbonates.酸化处理过的填料会使co2从无机碳中释放出来。

13.An inferior character, such as the number2 in CO2.下标符号一个下标的字或符号,如CO2中的数字2

14.QJ-C carbon dioxide filter is applied to improve purity of CO2 and separate impurity.C二氧化碳过滤器用它来提高CO2纯度,分离杂质。


16.Diurnal Variation of Plant Stem CO_2 Efflux Rates in Winter,Changting County,Fujian福建长汀冬季植物树干CO2释放速率日变化特征

17.④deal with stapedial muscle tendon and suprastructure of stapes with CO 2 laser.④以CO2 激光行镫骨底板开窗、处理镫骨肌腱及镫骨上结构。

18.Understand the principles of the Ideal Gas Law and measure the amount of CO2 gas created in a chemical reaction.理解理想气体定律和计算在一个化学反应中CO2气体产生总量。


CO2 weldingCO2焊

1.In this paper,the hardware of digitalCO2 welding machine is designed,and the software is developed according to the characteristic ofCO2 welding technology.设计了数字化CO2焊机的硬件结构,并根据CO2焊接工艺的特点,编写了相应的控制软件,实现了整个焊接系统的数字化。

2.In this article some popular waveform control methods ofCO2 welding including conventional and late-model ones are introduced,and the method based on real-time-adjusted waveform control is focused.通过及时控制焊接电流大小可以有效克服CO2焊的焊接飞溅大、焊缝成形差、熔深浅的问题。

3.The effects of the short-circuiting transfer parameters on weld formation quality in high speedCO2 welding process were analyzed.分析了高速CO2焊接过程中短路过渡参数对焊缝成形质量的影响。

3)CO_2 weldingCO2焊

1.It emphasizes MAG welding is superior toCO_2 welding process in reducing splash of during melt drop transition,improving weld forming and increasing weld metal impacting toughness through comparing of process performance of CO_2 gas shield welding and MAG welding.通过CO2气体保护焊和混合气体保护焊(MAG)工艺性能的对比,强调MAG焊在减少熔滴过渡过程中的飞溅、改善焊缝成型、提高焊缝金属冲击韧性方面优于CO2焊接工艺。

2.This paper introducesCO_2 welding technology for impeller of fan.介绍了风机叶轮的CO2焊接工艺。

4)CO 2 arc weldingCO2焊

5)CO_2 arc weldingCO2焊

1.The system can detect the arc voltage and welding current of short-circuitingCO_2 arc welding controlled by two kinds of wave.采用该系统对两种波控条件下的短路过渡CO2焊的电弧电压和焊接电流进行检测,并采用Matlab软件对这两种电弧短路阶段和燃弧阶段的能量分布进行统计分析。

2.This full digital control inverter system forCO_2 arc welding was investigated from the point view of a whole part.利用M atlab/S imu link对全数字控制CO2焊的短路过渡过程进行了仿真,建立了“功率变换电路单元-数字控制单元-送丝单元-短路过渡负载单元”的CO2焊系统仿真模型,从整体上对CO2焊全数字控制逆变焊机系统进行了研究。

6)CO2 arc weldingCO2焊接

1.The electrical signals ofCO2 arc welding contain plenty of welding information.CO2焊接过程的电弧电压、焊接电流信号蕴含了丰富的焊接信息。


