1000字范文 > 法的价值主体 Subject of the value of law英语短句 例句大全

法的价值主体 Subject of the value of law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-17 20:25:08


法的价值主体 Subject of the value of law英语短句 例句大全

法的价值主体,Subject of the value of law

1)Subject of the value of law法的价值主体

2)the subject of law value法律价值主体

3)the value subject of criminal law刑法价值主体


1.As the soul of criminal law, the value of criminal law must gain available support from the value subjects of criminal law.刑法价值是主宰刑法的灵魂,但刑法价值体系的架构离不开刑法价值主体的有效支撑。

2.Reconstituting the Conception of Interpretation of Criminal Law by the Value of Guarantee of Criminal Law;刑法保障价值对刑法解释理念的重塑

3.The Conception and Value of Protecting Minors in the Criminal Law;未成年人的刑法保护理念与刑法价值

4.On "Meeting Right before Execution" and Criminal as well as Judicatory Value Thereof;论“临刑会见权”及其刑事司法价值

5.Impact of the Changes of Value Concept on the Principles of Criminal Law--Challenges Facing the Principle of Legality and Countermeasures Concerned;价值观念的变迁对刑法基本原则的影响——论罪刑法定主义面临的挑战和应对

6.Marxism Criminal Law Value and Principles--comparison with Beccairia and Montesquien s relevant theories;析马克思主义刑法价值与基本原则——与贝塔利亚,孟德斯鸠相关刑法理论比较

7.Eclecticism in Western Criminal Law and its Correspondence to the Modern Value of Criminal Law西方犯罪论中的折衷主义及其与刑法现代价值的契合

ments on the Bearance and Embodiment of the Trend of Constitutional Value in the Re-amendment of Criminal Procedure Law;宪法的价值取向在刑事诉讼法再修改中的承载和体现

9.Efficiency & Fairness:Strict Liability in the application of Criminal Law;效率与公平——严格责任在刑法领域运用中所体现的两种不同价值

10.On the concept,subject and value of public participation in local legislation;地方立法公众参与的概念、主体与价值

11.Dialectic unscrambility to "Socialism Core Value System";“社会主义核心价值体系”的辩证法解读

12.Criminal Policy under the Supervision of Criminal Litigation: Conflict and Resolution on the Value;刑事司法视野中的刑事政策:价值冲突与整合

13.Rational Organization for the Response to the Crime;对犯罪反应的合理组织——兼谈死刑的刑法价值

14.On the Penalty Purpose,Penal Integration and Short-term Imprisonment;刑罚目的、刑事一体化与短期自由刑——价值基础与现实反思

15.Analysis About The Relationship Between Penal Reconciliation And Basic Principles Of Penal Law刑事和解与刑法基本原则的关系——兼及刑事和解的价值取向

16.The Value Conflictions of the Exclusionary Rules of Criminal Illegal Evidence;刑事非法证据排除规则中的价值冲突

17.On the Reasonable Value of Kin Concealment System in Modern Criminal Law;论亲亲相隐在现代刑法中的合理价值

18.Analysis of the Evidence Value of Criminal Technical Appraisal;刑事技术鉴定证据价值司法现状分析


the subject of law value法律价值主体

3)the value subject of criminal law刑法价值主体

4)constitution value main body宪法价值主体

1.To theconstitution value main body, the constitution value conflict always meant creates the violation or the influence to a conflict side benefit, does not favor the realization of constitution value.对于宪法价值主体来说,宪法价值冲突总是意味着对冲突一方的利益造成侵害或影响,不利于宪法价值的实现。

5)value subject价值主体

1.From philosophical and journalistic theory we can see that besides transmission subject and acceptant subject,news value still has a thirdvalue subject-society,which is an independent one not belonging to the previou.关于新闻价值主体的构成与认定这一问题,学界一直以来对此存在一个理论缺陷,即完全忽略了把社会共同体作为新闻价值的主体的可能性和必要性,这一直影响着新闻业务的变革和新闻理论的创新。

2.With the development of golbaling and associate-practice and the emeraing of theory innovation in endlessly,we must re-orientate thevalue subject in order to push the course of global.在全球化和交往实践活动日益发展的情况下,在理论创新层出不穷的今天,我们必须对价值主体重新定位,以推动全球化进程和历史步伐的前进。

6)Subject of value价值主体

1.The subject of value in social development, first of all, is species, but it does not mean to cancel the status of groups or individuals.社会发展的价值主体,首先是类体,但并不取消群体和个体作为价值主体的地位。

2.The main contents are:people- oriented subject of value,common wealth aimed choice of value,practice-emphasized principle of value,three fa- vorables judged measure of value,and collectivism-focused value of life.邓小平理论包含着丰富的价值哲学思想,其主要理论内容有:以民为本的价值主体论,以共同富裕为目标的价值选择论,注重务实、讲求效益的价值原则论,以三个"是否有利于"为尺度的价值标准论,以集体主义为核心的人生价值论。

3.The subject of value is man.价值主体是人 ,价值存在于价值主体与价值客体的关系之中。


