1000字范文 > 财政支出相对规模 Relative scale of public financial expenditure英语短句 例句大全

财政支出相对规模 Relative scale of public financial expenditure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-18 06:06:51


财政支出相对规模 Relative scale of public financial expenditure英语短句 例句大全

财政支出相对规模,Relative scale of public financial expenditure

1)Relative scale of public financial expenditure财政支出相对规模

2)fiscal expenditure scale财政支出规模

1.After China s opening and reforming,thefiscal expenditure scale dwindled first and enlarged afterward,but the rate of fiscal productive expenditure in total expenditure is gradually reducing.改革开放以来,我国财政支出规模呈先缩小后扩大的趋势,但是财政生产性支出占财政总支出的比重却不断缩小。


1.A Study on the Growth and Control of Fiscal Expenditure in Public Finance;公共财政框架下财政支出规模增长与控制研究

2.A Study on Scale and Benefit of Agricultural Fiscal Expenditure on Henan Province;河南省农业财政支出规模与效益研究

3.Analysis on the Balanced Development of Compulsory Education and the Model of Finance Expenditure;义务教育均衡发展与财政支出规模分析

4.A Research on the Optunal Size of Fiscal Expenditure in Promoting Economic Growth;促进我国经济增长的最优财政支出规模研究

5.Analysis of China Fiscal expenditure Scale Change and Rational Control;我国财政支出规模变化的分析及其合理控制

6.A Study on the Relationship between the Scale and Structure of Fiscal Expenditure and Social Equality;财政支出规模、结构与社会公平关系的研究

7.The Empirical Analysis on the Fiscal Expenditure Scale and Structure of Gansu Province甘肃省财政支出规模与结构的实证分析

8.The Tragedy of the Commons in Public Budgeting: An Explanation for the Growth of Fiscal Expenditure;财政预算的“公地悲剧”:财政支出规模增长的一种解释

9.The Research on Optimal Fiscal Expenditure size and Economic Growth with Multi-government level;多级政府级次下的经济增长与财政支出规模优化研究

10.The Relation between Economic Growth and the National and Local Fiscal Expenditure Scales: an Analysis Based on Time Series and Cross Section Data;国家财政和地方财政支出规模与经济增长关系——基于时间序列和模截面数据的分析

11.Therefore, the Chinese Government will continue to pursue pro-active fiscal policies, which would necessarily increase the budgetary outlays to a certain extent.为此,中国将继续实行积极的财政政策,财政支出规模也将因此不可避免地扩大一些。

12.Theoretical and Empirical Analysis on the Scale of Fiscal Expenditure and Economic Growth of Our Country;我国财政支出规模与经济增长的理论与实证分析

13.fiscal expenditure burden;控制财政供养人员规模 减轻政府财政支出负担

14.Calculation of the Optimal Scale of Financial Expense for the Chinese Pension Insurance;中国养老保险财政支出最优规模测算

15.The Efficiency and Optimal Size of Public Finance Expenditure:An Empirical Analysis on China s Reality;财政支出的效率与规模——基于中国的实证分析

16.An Empirical Analysis of Reasonable Financial Expenditure Scale s Affecting Factors;财政支出合理规模影响因素的实证分析

17.China"s Fiscal Expenditure:An Analysis of Its Efficiency in the Scale and Structure我国财政支出的规模效率与结构效率分析

18.Reforming public financial expenditure system and standardizing financial operation mechanism;改革公共财政支出体系 规范财政运行机制


fiscal expenditure scale财政支出规模

1.After China s opening and reforming,thefiscal expenditure scale dwindled first and enlarged afterward,but the rate of fiscal productive expenditure in total expenditure is gradually reducing.改革开放以来,我国财政支出规模呈先缩小后扩大的趋势,但是财政生产性支出占财政总支出的比重却不断缩小。

3)the scale of public finance expenditure公共财政支出规模

4)the Relative Proportion of Public Expenditure to GDP公共支出的相对规模

5)financial expenditure财政支出

1.Analysis of the Financial Expenditure Effect on Regional Economy Growth——the Empirical Analysis with Panel Data model;财政支出对区域经济增长的影响效应分析——基于Panel Data模型的实证研究

2.Democracy and rule of law: problems and countermeasures in the supervision offinancial expenditure;民主与法治:财政支出监督中的问题与对策

3.An Exploration and Analysis of the Performance Evaluation for Guangdong s Financial Expenditure;广东财政支出绩效评价改革探析

6)fiscal expenditure财政支出

1.The empirical study on the dynamic equilibrium between thefiscal expenditure and GDP in China;中国财政支出与GDP动态均衡关系实证研究

2.The analysis of longterm economic effect offiscal expenditure increasing growth;财政支出不断增长的长期经济效应分析

3.An analysis infiscal expenditure of the offside and absence of governments function;政府职能越位与缺位的财政支出分析


