1000字范文 > 脑损伤/护理 brain injuries/nursing英语短句 例句大全

脑损伤/护理 brain injuries/nursing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-27 09:02:05


脑损伤/护理 brain injuries/nursing英语短句 例句大全

脑损伤/护理,brain injuries/nursing

1)brain injuries/nursing脑损伤/护理

2)craniocerebral trauma/nursing颅脑损伤/护理

3)protection of brain injurying脑损伤保护


1.Neuroprotection Following Traumatic Brain Injury Using VEGF-165 Gene in Rat;VEGF-165基因对创伤性脑损伤保护作用的实验研究

2.The Study of Neuroprotective Effects Recombinant Human Erythropoietin in Traumatic Brain Injury and Its Potential Mechanisms;rhEPO对创伤性脑损伤保护作用的实验研究

3.Foundation Research on Mechanisms of Traumatic Brain Injury and Hypothermic Neuroprotection;创伤性脑损伤及低温脑保护机制实验研究

4.Neuroglobin Protects the Brain from Traumatic Injury;脑红蛋白对创伤性脑损伤的保护作用研究

5.Protective effect of apigenin in acute cerebral injury of rats芹菜素对大鼠急性脑损伤的保护作用

6.A Study on the Molecular Basics for the Protective Mechanism Against Convulsive Brain Damage in Premature Brain;未成熟脑保护惊厥性脑损伤机制的分子基础

7.Protective effect of Xingnaojing emulsions on ischemic or anoxic cerebral injury醒脑静乳剂对脑缺血缺氧损伤的保护作用

8.Investigation of Mild Hypothermia Treatment on Severe Traumatie Brain Injuries亚低温脑保护在重型颅脑损伤治疗中的应用

9.Protective Effect of Naolizhibao on Incomplete Cerebral Ischemia in Rats脑力智宝对不完全脑缺血损伤大鼠的保护作用

10.Protective Effect of β-sodium Aescinate against Secondary Brain Injury in Rats with Diffuse Brain Injury七叶皂苷钠对大鼠弥散性脑损伤合并二次脑损伤的保护作用研究

11.The Mechanisms of Second Brain Injury and Cerebral Protection of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor after Diffuse Brain Injury in Rats;大鼠弥漫性脑损伤的继发脑损害机制与bFGF脑保护机制的研究

12.Cerebral Protective Effect of Combined Magnesium Sulfate with Naloxone on Traumatic Brain Injury in Rats-An Experimental Study;硫酸镁联合纳洛酮对大鼠创伤性脑损伤脑保护作用的实验研究

13.Protective effect of Red Sage Root on lung injury induced by brain ischemia?reperfusion.丹参对脑缺血再灌注后所致肺损伤的保护作用。

14.Protective effects of Glycosides of Cistanche (GCs) on cerebral ischemia in awaken mice肉苁蓉总苷对清醒小鼠脑缺血损伤的保护作用

15.Protective effects of ALEC on ischemic injury of rat brain亚力克对大鼠缺血性脑损伤的保护作用

16.Proteomics Screening of Candidates Involved in Injury and Protection of Brain Ischemia;参与脑缺血损伤和保护机制的蛋白靶点筛查

17.The Study of the Relation between PPARγ and Brain Ischemia Injury and Its Protective Mechanisms;PPARγ和脑缺血损伤的关系及保护机制研究

18.Experimental researches of the neuroprotective effect of insulin on brain ischemia;胰岛素对缺血性脑损伤中枢保护作用实验研究


craniocerebral trauma/nursing颅脑损伤/护理

3)protection of brain injurying脑损伤保护

4)wounds and injuries/nursing创伤和损伤/护理

5)spinal cord injuries/nursing脊髓损伤/护理

6)soft tissue injuries/nursing软组织损伤/护理


快宁脑 ,芬那露,非脑乐药物名称:芬那露片英文名:Chlormezanone别名: 非脑尔;快宁脑 ,芬那露,非脑乐外文名:Chlormezanone适应症: 1.精神紧张、恐惧、精神性神经病、慢性疲劳以及由焦虑、激动和某些疾病引起的烦躁、失眠等。 2.配合镇痛药治疗背酸、颈硬、骨痛、四肢酸痛、风湿性关节痛等。 3.其他:震颤性麻痹、震颤、瘫痪、血管硬化及脑震荡出血等。 用量用法: 口服:成人每次0.2g,1日3次;儿童用量酌减。 注意事项: 1.有嗜睡、潮红、药疹、厌食、抑郁等不良反应。 2.不宜与氯丙嗪类、单胺氧化酶抑制剂等合用。 规格: 片剂:每片0.2g。 注:参见"芬那露"类别:抗精神失常药
