1000字范文 > 高校写作 writing in institutions of higher learning英语短句 例句大全

高校写作 writing in institutions of higher learning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-04 09:53:28


高校写作 writing in institutions of higher learning英语短句 例句大全

高校写作,writing in institutions of higher learning

1)writing in institutions of higher learning高校写作


1.On the Body Returns in Students" Writing in Higher Institutions Writing Teaching论高校写作教学中的学生写作主体性回归

2.On the Reform of the Writing Course in College;论高校写作教学改革——读写相成 运笔有方

3.Reform of the way of assigning questions in the test of composition in higher learning institutions;高校写作课考试命题方式的改革尝试

4.Literature and Article:A Glimpse of Writing Teaching in Korean University and College;文学与文章——韩国高校写作教学一瞥

5.Using the campus network to create the new writing teaching model in colleges and universities;利用校园网络创建高校写作学教学新模式

6.Healthy Writing Must be "Human-centered"--An Analysis of the Status Quo of the Freshmen s Writing in College;健康写作须重视“人本”——高校新生写作现状简析

7.On Writing Self-evaluation Report on Teaching in Colleges;谈高等学校教学工作自评报告的写作

8.On the Teaching of Applied Writing in Private Higher Vocational Colleges;民办高职院校《应用写作》课程教学漫谈

9.The Present Situation and Consideration of Teaching for Students Applied Writing of Higher Vocational Colleges;高职院校应用写作教学的现状与思考

10.Some Common Problems in Basic Writings;高职院校学生基础写作常见问题浅析

11.Training of the Graduate s Ability of Applied Writing in College;论高等院校学生应用写作能力的培养

12.Research on the Teaching Methods of Applied Writing in Universities and Colleges;高校应用文体写作教学方法实证研究

13.Construct the Network Mode of Writing Teaching in Normal Colleges;构建高师院校写作教学的网络化模式

14.Inquiry into reform in education of college applied writing;关于高校应用写作教学的思考与探讨

15.Innovation and Construction--Considerations on the Ability for Stusdents to Write in Colleges and Universities;创生与建构——高校学生写作能力之思考

16.Methodological study of the practical writing in colleges;高校应用写作技能培养的教学法研究

17.A Basic Study on the Reform of Teaching Method in Applied Composition for Vocational College;高职院校应用写作教学方法改革初探

18.Teaching practical writing at tertiary level -Experiments and proposals;高校英语应用文写作教学实验和构想


writing in colleges and universities高校写作学

3)Higher Institutes writing course高校写作课

1.In this dissertation, the author deals mainly the significance of reforming the traditional examination means ofHigher Institutes writing course and put forward some practical and feasible advance for how to exert fully the students subjective activities and strengthen innovative quality education.高校写作课传统的考试方法因袭中小学作文考试方式,这在很大程度上阻碍了大学生创新思维的发展和思考能力的提高。

4)College writing teachers高校写作教师

5)the Internet English writing in higher institutes高校网络英语写作

6)university financial news writing高校财经新闻写作


