1000字范文 > 写意写实 freehand brushwork and meticulous painting英语短句 例句大全

写意写实 freehand brushwork and meticulous painting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-29 09:08:47


写意写实 freehand brushwork and meticulous painting英语短句 例句大全

写意写实,freehand brushwork and meticulous painting

1)freehand brushwork and meticulous painting写意写实

2)Reality and Imagination写实与写意


1.The Existence of History in Historical Novels: Realism and Ideographicism;历史在历史小说中的存在:写实与写意

2.On Realistic and Freehand Sound Effects of Animations写实与写意:动画音效的二元审美观照

3."Study Nature outside,Catch Source Inside"--Analysis of the Dialectical Relationship between Chinese Painting Realism and Impressionism“外师造化 中得心源”——中国画的写实与写意辩证关系浅探

4.Study on Artistic Conception, False or True and Emotion in Oil Scenery Painting;论油画风景写生中的意境、虚实与情感

5.The Motivation and Meaning of the Genre of Experimental Writing;“实验文体写作”现象的动因与意义

6.neorealism,Italian neorealism新写实主义,意大利新写实主义

7.Forms and Strokes of Traditional Chinese Painting:On Realistic Painting and Freehand Brushwork;中国古代绘画的形和笔——写实和写意谈

8.Subjective Image vs Objective Embodiment: Comparison of Cultural Contexts between Sino-US Television Products;主观写意与客观写实:中美电视产品文化语境差异比较研究

9.The Integration of “Life-like Description” and “Meaning Description” in Chinese and Western Drama--On the Nationalization of the Modern Drama;中西戏剧“写实”与“写意”的融合——论《风雪夜归人》兼看话剧的民族化进程

10.Systems engineering of strengthening the sense of “products”in the teaching of writing: consideration and practice;写作教学中强化写作“产品”意识系统工程的思考与实践

11.Image Nature and Value Orientation of Chinese Realistic Figure;中国写实人物画的意象性特征与价值取向

12.Writing by Imitating Poems and Practical Teaching in Modern Writing;“仿诗写作”与现代写作实践教学探析

13.Liu Shengzhan s Late Painting Style and the Spirit of Freehand Brushwork and Pure Freedom in Traditional Chinese Painting;兴来得意写狂风——谈刘生展晚近画风兼论中国画的写逸与写意精神

parison of Realism Technique between Lu Xun and Hu Shi s New Poetries;平淡的写实与写实中的深曲——鲁迅与胡适新诗写实主义手法比较

15.Then it discusses the practical integration of freehand brushwork spirit and rock painting freehand brushwork from practice.在此如出上,又从实践出发来谈到了岩彩画与写意精神的具体结合及岩彩写意画的特征。

16.The Ensemble of Literature Consciousness and Media Consciousness:The Literary Journal of Zhongshan and the Rising of New Realistic Literature;文学意识与媒体意识的重奏——《钟山》与“新写实文学”的兴起

17.He changed his painting style from realistic to more spiritual expression.他的绘画风格开始从写实转向更为写意。

18.Research and Implementation of 900MHz RFID Reader;900MHz RFID读写器研究与实现


Reality and Imagination写实与写意

3)to take pains to reflect the reality刻意写实

4)Spiritual expression写意

1.On Spiritual Expression of Characters of New Jottings;论“新笔记小说”的人物写意

2.It is hold that spiritual expression characterized by vivid images is the essence and concrete manifestation of Chinese traditional paintings.也就是说,以抒情言志为特征的写意是中国传统绘画的精华和具体表现,也是老庄、孔孟哲学思想的高度凝聚与体现。

3.Its style is more on the spiritual expression in the context of traditional Chinese.工笔画是以精谨细腻的笔法描绘景物,它用线为骨来表现花鸟山水,注重形似但并非西方自然主义的写实,它在中国传统的背景下写意写心,用夸张和浪漫的手法表现生活,抒发自己的情感。


1.By philosophical thinking,the tradional poetic expressions are employed the explarnation of the conceptual landscape practices is made,the ideation is constructed and interpreted throughabstract-creating circumstances.作者经由深度的哲理思索,借鉴传统的诗画之手法,在景观概念规划的实践中建构并尝试了“写意—造境”的构思途径,并在案例中予以详解。

2.In this century, Chinese oil painting always there are two clues can look for, that be the oil painting of the realism oil painting andabstract style, passing the analysis to these two kinds of different style oil paintings, we can see a Chinese oil painting in the not contemporaneous cultural choice .在这个世纪里,中国油画一直有两条脉络可寻,那就是写实主义油画和写意风格的油画,通过对这两种不同风格油画的分析,我们可以看出中国油画在不同时期的文化选择。


1.On the method of “freehand ” in the design of the Exhibition Hall ofChina Kunming 99 EXPO International;论 99昆明世界园艺博览会中国馆设计的“写意”手法

2.Through the creating of the relief fresco to the external wall of the Fujian Ming opera arts center building,this article is to discuss the harmonious relationship between the creation of relief fresco and architectural surroundings,and exhibit the original usage of "freehand" creation in the tastes of the decoration of architectural surroundings and in the symbolizing section.通过对福建闽剧艺术中心大楼主立面外墙浮雕壁画的创作 ,探讨浮雕壁画与建筑环境的同一性关系 ,展现“写意”创作手法在建筑环境中的装饰审美和标志性方面作用。


