1000字范文 > 比较研究方法 comparative study methodology英语短句 例句大全

比较研究方法 comparative study methodology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-02 00:57:52


比较研究方法 comparative study methodology英语短句 例句大全

比较研究方法,comparative study methodology

1)comparative study methodology比较研究方法

1.When Edmund JoKing\"s masterpiece,"Other Schools and ours-Comparative Studies for Today" is used as an important curriculum resource in teacher education,"what King\"scomparative study methodology is" as a problem is put forward.埃德蒙·金的名著《别国的学校和我们的学校——今日比较教育》被作为教师教育课程资源,在其被开发与运用的过程中,金的比较研究方法论"是什么"的问题被提了出来。

2)methed comparision方法比较研究


1.A Comparative Study of Design Methods for Reinforced Concrete Pile Caps钢筋混凝土桩承台设计方法比较研究

paring the Forecasting Accuracy of Interest Rate Term Structure;中国利率期限结构预测方法比较研究

3.The Comparison Study of Parameters Estimation of ARSV Model;随机波动模型参数估计方法比较研究

parisions and Studies of Identification Methods for Multivariable Systems: Ⅰ;多变量系统辨识方法比较研究(Ⅰ)

parative Research on Evaluation of the External Environment of SMEs;中小企业外部环境评价方法比较研究

6.A Comparative Study of English Film Title Translation Methods;英文电影作品片名翻译方法比较研究

parative research of comparison methodology and study of sports legislation;比较法方法论与体育法学的比较研究

8.method of comparative study比较研究法 比较研究法

9.Accounting Research Methods System Comparing between China and Western Countries;会计研究方法体系的中西方比较研究

10.A person who employs the comparative method, as in studying literature.比较文学家运用比较方法的人,如在研究文学中

parative Analysis on the Two Major Perfecting Ways of Legal System in Civil-law System and Anglo-American Law System;两大法系法制完善主要方式比较研究

12.In France, the comparative law has developed hundreds of years.法国是较早开展比较法研究的西方国家之一。

parisons of OOM with Conventional Software Development Method面向对象软件开发方法的比较研究

14.The Comparative Study on the Methodology of Separating the Epithelial Layer in Mice Bronchial Arch;小鼠腮弓胚层分离的方法学比较研究

parison of Four Diagnoses Methods for Classical Swine Fever;猪瘟四种实验室诊断方法的比较研究

16.Studies and Comparisons of the Methods for Structural Damage Identification;工程结构损伤识别方法的研究与比较

17.Study on the China-West Comparative Strategies of Francois Jullien;弗朗索瓦·于连的中西比较方法研究

18.A Comparison on Economic Research Method between Adam Smith and Friedrich List;斯密与李斯特经济学研究方法之比较


methed comparision方法比较研究

3)comparative study of methodology方法论比较研究

4)Research into Comparative Method比较方法研究

5)Methodology of Comparative Study比较研究方法论

6)method of comparison比较法研究

1.How to define the concept of public interests? How to regulate them in the code of civil law? How to avoid earning business interests with name of public interests? This paper interprets public interests with the visual angle of socialization of property, base of right and themethod of comparison and review the counterpart of the draft of civil law and put forward some proposals for legislation.公共利益概念如何界定 ?在民法典中应当如何规定 ?如何避免实践中出现以公共利益为名谋商业利益之实的现象 ?本文以财产权社会化、权利本位、比较法研究方法等视角 ,解读公共利益 ,并且评析民法典草案的相关部分 ,提出若干立法建


