1000字范文 > Ⅰ型板式无砟轨道 Ⅰ-type slab ballastless track英语短句 例句大全

Ⅰ型板式无砟轨道 Ⅰ-type slab ballastless track英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-30 08:38:26


Ⅰ型板式无砟轨道 Ⅰ-type slab ballastless track英语短句 例句大全

Ⅰ型板式无砟轨道,Ⅰ-type slab ballastless track

1)Ⅰ-type slab ballastless trackⅠ型板式无砟轨道


1.Construction and Cost of Ⅰ-Type Slab Ballastless Track in Extra-long Tunnels on Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan Passenger-dedicated Railway石太客运专线特长隧道Ⅰ型板式无砟轨道施工与造价

2.Study on the Longitudinal Forces of CRTSⅠ Ballastless Track Slab on Bridge桥上CRTSⅠ型板式无砟轨道纵向力分析

3.Research on the Key Technology for Laying CRTS I Slab Track of 350 km/h Passenger Dedicated Line350km/h客运专线CRTSⅠ型板式无砟轨道施工关键技术

4.Structure Design for Shear Cam of Vibration Damping CRTSⅠ Slab Track on Passenger Dedicated Line客运专线减振型CRTSⅠ型板式无砟轨道凸形挡台设计计算研究

5.Analysis on Bridge Deflection Influence on the Force of CRTSⅠ Slab Ballastless Track Structure on Passenger Dedicated Line客运专线桥梁挠曲变形对CRTSⅠ型板式无砟轨道结构受力影响分析

6.On prefabrication process of CRTS I type ballastless track plate for passenger special line浅谈客运专线CRTS Ⅰ型无砟轨道板预制工艺

7.The fabrication process of CRTSⅠ slab ballastless track board in heavy cold area严寒地区CRTSⅠ板式无砟轨道板制造工艺

8.Research on Rational Track Stiffness of Slab Track on the Subgrade土质路基板式无砟轨道合理刚度研究

9.The construction technology CRTSⅡ double-block unballasted track in Zheng-Xi郑西CRTSⅡ型双块式无砟轨道施工技术

10.Constructional skill of CRTSⅠ two-piece track-free fragmentsCRTSⅠ型双块式无砟轨道施工技术

11.Research on the Durability of Foundation Plate in Continuous-Slab-Track on Bridge桥上纵连板式无砟轨道底座板耐久性研究

12.Finite Element Analysis of Double Block Ballastless Track Concrete Layer under Temperature Load温度作用下双块式无砟轨道道床板有限元分析

13.Study on Damages and the Longitudinal Forces of Element Slab Ballastless Track;单元板式无砟轨道伤损及纵向受力分析

14.Precast technology and cost analysis of the Japanese frame-type unballasted track plate日本框架式无砟轨道板预制工艺及成本分析

15.Analysis of Bogl slab track irregularity of Beijing-Tianjin intercity high speed railway京津城际铁路博格板式无砟轨道不平顺分析

16.Civil Structural Design of CRTSⅡ Ballastless Track Slab Fabrication Yards for Passengers-oriented Railways客运专线CRTSⅡ型无砟轨道板场土建结构设计

17.Construction Techniques for Lateral Chock Block in CRTSⅡ Ballastless Track Bed PlateCRTSⅡ型无砟轨道底座板侧向挡块施工技术

18.Key Construction Technology for CRTSⅠDouble-block Ballastless Track in Tunnel隧道内CRTSⅠ型双块式无砟轨道施工关键技术


CRTS I type ballastless track plateCRTS Ⅰ型无砟轨道板

1.On prefabrication process ofCRTS I type ballastless track plate for passenger special line浅谈客运专线CRTS Ⅰ型无砟轨道板预制工艺

3)CRTS I slab ballastless trackCRTS I型板式无砟轨道

4)CRTSⅠslab ballastless trackCRTSⅠ型板式无砟轨道

1.The paper analyzes additional deflection force born byCRTSⅠslab ballastless track when bridge deflection is aroused by the train load.对列车荷载通过桥梁而梁体发生挠曲变形时,CRTSⅠ型板式无砟轨道结构受到的附加挠曲力进行分析。

5)ballastless track slab无砟轨道板

1.Research purposes:The paper introduces the manufacture technology of the CRTSⅡballastless track slab with the manufacturing, quality control and innovation, etc.研究目的:本文从无砟轨道板生产、制造、质量控制及创新等方面介绍CRTSⅡ型无砟轨道板的制造,从而为同类产品的科研及生产提供借鉴经验。

6)frame-slab track框架板式无砟轨道

1.This paper sets up the calculation model and method of theframe-slab track,predominates the rule of force and deformation offrame-slab track,provides support for theframe-slab track design.研究目的:框架板式无砟轨道是一种新型轨道结构,广珠城际轨道交通采用框架板式无砟轨道,但目前国内尚未建立系统的设计方法。


