1000字范文 > 歧义消除 disambiguation英语短句 例句大全

歧义消除 disambiguation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-28 17:27:09


歧义消除 disambiguation英语短句 例句大全



1.Relevance theory proposed by Sperber & Wilson provides us with an excellent theoretical framework fordisambiguation.Sperber和Wilson(1986/1995)提出的关联理论为解释歧义消除提供了一个很好的理论框架。


1.An overview of ambiguity and disambiguation in the English language;英语中的歧义以及歧义消除手段概述

2.Research on Cutting Knowledge Points in Intelligent Computer Aided Instruction智能辅助教学系统中知识点切分歧义消除研究

3.elimination of racism and racial discrimination消除种族主义和种族歧视

4.Can you disambiguate this statement?你能给这句话消除歧义吗。

5.It may be possible to disambiguate by using fully qualified names.使用完全限定的名称可能会消除歧义。

6.Eliminate ambiguities or issues detected by the matching process.消除匹配进程检测到的歧义或问题。

7.The double functions of context--the production and disambiguation of ambiguity;语境的双面性——歧义的产生与消除

8.To establish a single grammatical or semantic interpretation for.消除…的歧义建立唯一的语法或语义解释

9.Ambiguity and Approaches to Disambiguation in the Translation of Business Texts;商务文本翻译中出现的歧义及其消除策略

10.A brief research on root of discrepancy and way to dispel it in translation of negative sentences;略探英文否定句汉译时的歧义产生与消除

11.Reasons Caused Ambiguities in Translation and Some Strategies;翻译中出现歧义现象的原因及消除手段

12.They have smoothed away some of their differences.他们已消除了一些分歧。

13.Declaration on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Wome消除对妇女歧视的宣言

mittee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination消除种族歧视委员会

15.Declaration on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women消除对妇女歧视宣言

16.elimination of all forms of racial discriminatio消除一切形式种族歧视

17.Conference on the Eradication of Poverty and Discrimination消除贫穷和歧视会议

mittee of the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women消除对妇女歧视委员会


Ambiguity elimination歧义消除

1.Study on an improved ambiguity elimination algorithm of Chinese text segmentation;一种改进的中文分词歧义消除算法研究


1.This paper,starting from the analysis of the concept of context,putsforward three functions of context in understanding the text,namely,reference assignment,disambiguation and pragmatic enrichment.在分析理解语境这一概念的基础上提出了语境和文本理解的关系,指出语境在文本理解中所起的作用主要有三个方面,即确定指称对象、消除歧义和充实词汇语用意义。

2.The present paper, borrowing ideas from transformational generative grammar and componential analysis, gives a tentative definition of ambiguity, analyzes the various factors causing ambiguity, and proposes ideas concerningdisambiguation.借用转换生成语法理论和语义成分分析理论定义歧义 ,进而分析了语言交际中产生歧义的各种因素 ,并就如何消除歧义提出了作者的观点。

4)disambiguation[dis,?mbiɡju"ei??n]消除歧义 [歧义消除]

5)elimination of ambiguity through cross-translation对译消除歧义

6)ambiguity elimination function歧义消除功能

1.The present paper attempts to explore that in different texts reiteration demonstrates the functions as follows:ambiguity elimination function, topic foregrounding function,emotional function and interpersonal function, etc.在不同的语篇中 ,词项复现具有歧义消除功能、主题突出功能、情感功能、人际功能等


