1000字范文 > 公共财政建设 Building of Public Finance英语短句 例句大全

公共财政建设 Building of Public Finance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-26 02:42:38


公共财政建设 Building of Public Finance英语短句 例句大全

公共财政建设,Building of Public Finance

1)Building of Public Finance公共财政建设

1.Accelerating theBuilding of Public Finance with Nine Major Tasks;加快公共财政建设的九大任务


1.Analysis on Construction of the Town Public Finance in Post-Agriculture Tax Age;后农业税时代乡镇公共财政建设探析

2.Rule Reform Theory and Public Finance Construction;“规则变革论”及其对我国公共财政建设的启示

3.On System Environment and Model Selection of China s Rural Public Finance Construction;论农村公共财政建设的制度环境与模式选择

4.Quicken Construction of Public Fianace and Promote Development of Economic Society;加快公共财政建设步伐,促进经济社会协调发展

5.Thought of the public finance construction under socialist market economy;社会主义市场经济公共财政建设的基本思路

6.The Four Major Challenges and Countermeasures of China"s Public Finances Building Facing我国公共财政建设面临的四大挑战与对策

7.Choosing the Public Finance Policies of Promoting the Construction of New Countryside;推进新农村建设的公共财政政策选择

8.Study on Construction of Service-Financial Supervision System under the Frame of Public Finance;公共财政框架下服务型财政监督体系建设研究

9.Financial Policy to Promote the Construction of Socialism New Countryside under Public Finance Framework;公共财政框架下推进新农村建设的财政对策

10.On the construction of the fiscal supervision system in the public finance framework of our country;论我国公共财政框架中的财政监督体系建设

11.Research on the Public Financial Policies of Building a New Village and Planning the Cities and Villages;新农村建设和城乡统筹的公共财政政策研究

12.Conceive of Building Country Public Finance to Urge the Construction of Little Towns;建立促进小城镇建设的农村公共财政体制构想

13.Rational Thought on Public Financial Support in New Rural Area Construction;公共财政支持社会主义新农村建设的理性思考

14.Public Finance Security System in the Construction of a New Socialist Countryside;建设社会主义新农村的公共财政体系保障

15.A Study of Public Financial Support to Building New Rural Areas in Ethnic Minority Regions;公共财政支持民族地区新农村建设的对策研究

16.Problems and Solutions on the System Building of Jiangxi s Public Finance;江西公共财政体系建设中的问题与对策

17.On Stimulation of Public Products by Fiscal & Tax Policies in Constructing New Countryside;论新农村建设中公共产品供给的财税政策促动

18.Thinking on Constructing China s Rural Public Finance System;关于我国农村公共财政体制建设问题的思考


set up public finance建立公共财政

3)public finance公共财政

1.Discussion ofpublic finance s countermeasures to promote fair education;试论促进教育公平的公共财政对策

2.The new and high-tech industry s contribution to thepublic finance;我国高新技术产业的公共财政贡献分析

4)Public fiscal公共财政

1.The Effect of Market Level on the Public Fiscal Supervision Mechanism in China ——Rational Thinking on the Fiscal Supervision Mechanism in C hina;市场化程度对我国公共财政监督体制建立与实施的影响——对我国财政监督的一点理性思考

2.This paper analyses the problems of the government fiscal investment to rural health care in Xinjiang,and attempts to give some advice that the government should improve the public fiscal system,and establish a multi-level rural health care and security system in Xinjiang step by step.本文对新疆农村医疗卫生的公共财政投入体制存在问题进行分析,提出政府应完善公共财政体制,逐步建立基本医疗保障基础上的多元化的、多层次的新疆农村医疗卫生保障体系。

5)public financial公共财政

1.In practice,public financial performance audit is still based on traditional account check,report andinternal control of units audited,laying particular stress on compliance audit.目前对风险导向审计模式的理论研究更多地站在注册会计师角度以企业为背景进行的,实务中,公共财政绩效审计也基本上还是停留在传统的以检查账户、报表为主和以被审计单位内部控制制度为基础,偏重的是“合规性”(compliance)审计。

2.This paper sums up the main experience and structure conflict and puts forward apublic financial report policy.文章在全面总结安徽省公共财政结构性调整取得的成功经验与存在的体制性矛盾的基础上,提出了"围绕一条主线,深化三项改革,坚持三个步骤,实现四个转变"的公共财政改革的策略原则。

3.It requires to set up it ispublic financial system for the socialist marketing── economy.社会主义市场经济要求建立公共财政体系,而长期以来我国政府所奉行单一的量入为出思想,已不符合公共财政管理的需要。

6)Theory of Public Finance公共财政论

1.TheTheory of Public Finance is just a more appropriate expression of the State Distribution Theory,which base on the market economy s specially financial phenomena and characters and explain the financial law of the market economy.公共财政论只是国家分配论发展到市场经济条件下的一种基于其特定财政现象和特征的更贴切的表述方式,只能解释市场经济条件下的财政规律。


