1000字范文 > 磁阻电机 Reluctance motor英语短句 例句大全

磁阻电机 Reluctance motor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-10 07:41:43


磁阻电机 Reluctance motor英语短句 例句大全

磁阻电机,Reluctance motor

1)Reluctance motor磁阻电机

1.Variable structure robust control for suspending systems of bearingless switched reluctance motor;磁悬浮开关磁阻电机悬浮系统变结构鲁棒控制

2.A magnetic-flux-switching hybrid-excitation reluctance motor is presented.提出了一种磁力线开关型混合励磁磁阻电机方案。

3.This paper gives results and analysis on simulation of a real reluctance motor by using this control method, and gets conclusion that this control method makes reluctance motors have the qualifies that surpass a general DC motor.对某种型号的磁阻电机进行按转子位置定向的矢量控制,并予以仿真与分析,分析结果表明磁阻电机按转子位置定向控制有超过直流电机的优良特点。


1.polyphase solid rotor reluctance machine多相固态转子磁阻电机

2.Magnetic radial force model of bearingless switched reluctance motors无轴承开关磁阻电机径向电磁力模型

3.Study on the Magnetic and Mechanical Properties of High Speed Permanent Machine and High Speed Reluctance Machine;高速永磁与磁阻电机电磁和机械特性对比研究

parative Research on Doubly-Salient Excitation Motor and SRM电励磁双凸极电机与开关磁阻电机的对比研究

5.Research of Magnetic Suspending Switched Reluctance Motor;磁浮开关磁阻电机悬浮控制技术研究

6.Design on a Combined Rotor of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Reluctance Machine组合式永磁同步磁阻电机的转子设计

7.Flux Linkage Characteristic Measurement of Switched Reluctance Machine Based on DSP TMS320F2812基于THS320F2812的开关磁阻电机磁链特性检测


9.Research on the Control of Switched Reluntance Starter/Generator;开关磁阻电机起动/发电控制技术研究

10.Research on Simulation of Switched Reluctance Generator Control System开关磁阻电机发电控制系统仿真研究

11.Switched Reluctance Motor Active Damping Control for Engine Idle Speed Oscillation发动机怠速脉动开关磁阻电机主动阻尼控制

12.PC Control System of Small Power Switch Reluctance Motor;小功率开关磁阻电机的微机控制系统

13.Switched reluctance motor driver system for underground mining conveyor煤矿输送机用开关磁阻电机驱动系统

14.rectilinear screw-thread reluctance motor直线螺纹磁阻电动机

15.variable reluctance stepper motor可变磁阻步进电动机

16.Electromagnetic Design of an Inner Reaction Type HTS Reluctance Motor内反应式超导磁阻电动机的电磁设计

17.Research on Electromagnetic Design and Detent Force of Permanent Magnet Linear Motor永磁直线电机的电磁设计及磁阻力研究

18.Research on minimizing Detent Force of Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor永磁直线同步电机磁阻力最小化研究


switched reluctance motor磁阻电机

1.A brief introduction about the structure and foundamental rotation theory of switch unit inswitched reluctance motor is given.在线性模式的基础上 ,对开关磁阻电机的转矩进行了理论分析和计算 ;由此提出了开关磁阻电机的两种控制方式 :低速斩波控制和高速单脉冲控

2.The state of motion control ofswitched reluctance motor (SRM) is introduced.介绍了开关磁阻电机运动控制的发展动态,提出了一种新型的、经济实用的、具有开关磁阻电机特点的步进直流调速系统,并且描述了不带转子位置检测器的闭环控制方法及其优

3.Dynamic model of aswitched reluctance motor is rather complicated.开关磁阻电机具有十分复杂的动态模型,本文在一定的条件下,建立了开关磁阻电机的状态方程,给出了状态观测器的基本形式。

3)reluctance motor磁阻电动机

1.Speed control for semi-conductor low speedreluctance motor;半导体换流低速磁阻电动机的速度控制

2.And based on the analysis,a new scheme ofreluctance motor-magnetic flux switching hybrid excitationreluctance motor was proposed.磁阻电动机通常具有结构简单、成本低、可靠性高、调速范围宽等优点,因此越来越成为国内外学者研究的热点。

3.The paper presents a variable frequency speed control strategy for self-commutating low speedreluctance motor (SCLRM) using delay-loop current-following PWM, respectively, based on the introduction of the principle and construction of this kind of motor.该文介绍了自激换流低速磁阻电动机的结构及换流原理,提出了该种电机的基于滞环电流跟踪型PWM变频调速的控制方案,在MATLAB下建立了该电机滞环电流控制系统的仿真模型。

4)reluctance motors磁阻电动机

1.Virtual test of magnetization characteristics of switchedreluctance motors;开关磁阻电动机磁性特征的虚拟测试

2.Vernier-typereluctance motors are widely used in industrial auto- mation.游标式磁阻电动机广泛应用于工业自动化领域。

5)switched reluctance motor磁阻电动机

1.One new microcomputer control technique used onswitched reluctance motor driving system is put forward.提出了一种新型开关磁阻电动机驱动系统的微机控制技术。

6)variable reluctance motor变磁阻电机

1.Dual statorvariable reluctance motor(VRM) has high nonlinear characteristics, and results in difficulties when torque control is required.针对直接驱动双定子变磁阻电机存在严重的非线性,转矩控制困难,对负载扰动敏感的控制难点,给出一种此类电机的高性能控制算法。


