1000字范文 > 高师钢琴教育 piano teaching in higher teachers college英语短句 例句大全

高师钢琴教育 piano teaching in higher teachers college英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-06 16:30:24


高师钢琴教育 piano teaching in higher teachers college英语短句 例句大全

高师钢琴教育,piano teaching in higher teachers college

1)piano teaching in higher teachers college高师钢琴教育

1.From Technology To Art——onpiano teaching in higher teachers college;高师钢琴教育由于其特殊的培养目标,要求教师不仅要对学生进行钢琴弹奏技巧的指导和训练,还要致力于学生整体音乐素质的培养及综合能力的提高,注意学生文化和音乐理论知识的积累、创造性思维的锻炼和音乐表现能力的提高。


1.On the Development of Brand Competition and the Music Education Reform in Normal Universities;论品牌竞争力构建与高师钢琴教育教学改革

2.The Research Can Help Develop Normal Piano Education in Universities and Provide Necessary Help for the Development of Students Comprehensive Ability and Quality.;可持续发展教育观下的高师钢琴教学研究

3.On the Collective Teaching of Digital Piano for Normal College Music Educations Students;浅论高师音乐教育专业数码钢琴集体课教学

4.On Subjective Consciousness of Chinese Music in Piano Education at Teachers Colleges;高师钢琴教学中民族音乐教育之主体意识探微

5.The Development Evaluation on Piano Teaching in Higher Normal Education现代高师教育中的发展性钢琴教学评价

6.Emphasizing the Application of Aesthetic Education Psychology in Teaching Basic Piano;在高师“钢琴”教学中应重视美育心理学的应用

7.To Apply the Comprehensive Music Sense Education in the Piano Lesson in Higher Normal College;综合音乐感教育在高师钢琴基础课的运用

8.A functional approach to the piano teaching for themusic majors in teachers universities;高师院校音乐教育专业钢琴实用性功能初探

9.On the Reform of Piano Teaching for Higher Normal Education-elementary Education(Music Major);关于高师钢琴教学改革的思考—针对高师初等教育专业(音乐方向)

10.Applying Digital Piano to the Teaching of Normal Piano Group Lessons;使用数码钢琴开展高师钢琴集体课教学

11.Application of the Chinese piano works in the music teaching of college;中国钢琴作品在高师钢琴教学中的运用

12.On the Reform of Piano Education in the Normal University;高师钢琴教学改革与钢琴集体课问题初探

13.Revolution in the Piano Instruction at Normal Colleges and Universities;高等师范钢琴教学的革命——浅议数码钢琴集体课

14.How to better your improvised piano accompaniment--Useful tips for vocal teachers in teacher training institutes;高师声乐教师如何弹好钢琴即兴伴奏

15.Analysis of the Syllubus and the Piano Teaching Content Extension of Higher Teacher-Training Music Education;浅析高师音乐教育专业钢琴课教学内容与课程体系的拓展

16.With the deepening of the committment of higher education reform, the piano course must be reformed accordingly.随着高等教育改革的不断深化,高师音乐系钢琴课的改革势在必行。

17.A Study on "Basic Course for the Piano";高师《钢琴基础教程》教学应用研究

18.How to Improve the Quality of the Piano Teaching in Normal Colleges;关于提高高师钢琴课教学质量的思考


piano teaching in Shandong higher normal universities山东省高师钢琴教育

3)piano teaching in normal universities高师钢琴教学

1.Therefore,the reasonable construction of piano teaching system is the premise for the realization ofpiano teaching in normal universities.因此 ,高师钢琴教学体系的合理建构是实现高师钢琴教学目标、铸就属于自己辉煌的前提条

2.On the Piano Teaching in Normal Universities by Using the Method of Experiencing;一直以来,我国高师钢琴教学固守传统专业钢琴教学思想与模式,尽管教学研究领域努力尝试总结钢琴教学自身的特点,甚至在20世纪80年代钢琴教学出现改革的探索和实践,但总体上依然故我。

4)Piano teaching高师钢琴教学

1.Based on the constructivism learning theory,the methods of piano teaching is to be studied through analyzing the present situation of piano teaching and some highlights of the application of constructivism to piano teaching shall be obtained.以建构主义学习理论为指导,同时结合我国高师钢琴教学现状,对建构主义理论下的高师钢琴教学方法进行研究,对把建构主义学习理论运用到高师钢琴教学领域具有重要启示。

5)Die Klavierspielerin《钢琴教师》

1.Reinterpretation of Mother-Daughter Relationship inDie Klavierspielerin;《钢琴教师》中科胡特母女关系的别种解读

2.The thesis has chosen representative workDie Klavierspielerin of Elfriede Jelinek being an object of study.本论文选取了耶利内克的代表作《钢琴教师》作为研究对象,试图通过对这样一部以女性虐恋为主题的特殊文本的分析,揭示出女性的情感困惑和生存困境并试图找出造成女性悲剧命运的根本原因。

6)piano teacher钢琴教师

1.Synthetic qualities ofpiano teachers;试论高校钢琴教师应具备的综合素质


